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Conference Session
Engineering and Public Policy II
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mickey R. Wilhelm P.E., University of Louisville
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Engineering and Public Policy
Commerce is worried about whether we’re producing enoughSTEM graduates from our colleges and universities.” American companies are quite Page 23.506.2concerned about impending shortages of workers to fill science, technology, engineering  1 and mathematics jobs in the future. Shortages of workers trained in these fields couldlogically impede the growth of technology, lower competitiveness with otherindustrialized nations, and thereby exacerbate the decline of the U. S. economy.Likely, all engineering educators who are at all interested in policy matters have read thatChina and India are producing from 5 to 10 times
Conference Session
Engineering and Public Policy II
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ida B Ngambeki, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Dennis R. Depew, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Melissa Jane Dark, Purdue University; Rylan C. Chong, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Engineering and Public Policy
provided of some of these approaches.  Talk/seminar: A talk or seminar is a singular, short (usually 45 minutes – 2hours) experience during which a speaker or pair of speakers familiar with a topic provide an overview of the topic and discuss some aspect of that topic. The substance of the talk/seminar is usually a report of the speaker(s) work.  Module: A module is a short treatment of a policy topic, usually occurring within a larger class. Modules usually take place over 1-3 course periods.  Workshop: A workshop is an in-depth treatment of a specific topic, usually occurring outside the regular classroom setting. Workshops usually last 2 hours – 2 days.  Exposure Experience: An exposure
Conference Session
Engineering and Public Policy I
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Alexander Mendoza-Garcia, Purdue University / Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
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Engineering and Public Policy
Engineering Programs, 2011 - 2012. (2011).at 4. Tull, K. & Jones, S. A sophomore-level Engineering and Public Policy course required for B.A. Engineering majors at Lafayette College. 13 (2006).at 5. Myers, T. D. Learning outcomes for an Engineering and Technology Public Policy curriculum. (2008).at 6. Grose, T. K. Public Policy for the Tech-Minded. ASEE Prism 18, 47 – 48 (2009).7. Myers, T. & Stuart, B. Teaching engineering and technology public policy while fulfilling multiple ABET and university requirements. 13 (2010).at 8. Harter, K. & Libros, R. Aset 101: Science, Technology And Public Policy: Increasing Technological Literacy Among Community College Students. (2010).at 9. Sicker
Conference Session
Engineering and Public Policy I
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rylan C. Chong, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Dennis R. Depew, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Ida B Ngambeki, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Melissa Jane Dark, Purdue University
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Engineering and Public Policy
, the issue of distributing electricityaccess to rural communities. The boundaries on this issue can range from access to academicopportunities, improvements and/or creations of newer innovations, to access to economicopportunities and/or improved medical care, where these arguments are made either in thecontext of present day inequalities or put in the context of historical and ongoing inequalitiesfaced by citizens in rural communities. Another challenge stems from the relative value of theitem to individuals. The policy debate that arises is grounded in how much relative value will bederived from the individual(s) receiving the item(s). Sticky questions often arise as to whether aparticular group needs one item more than another (e.g., access
Conference Session
Engineering and Public Policy I
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James J. Pembridge, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., Daytona Beach; Kacey Beddoes, Purdue University
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Engineering and Public Policy
(AAEE) Annual Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 2009.[18] S. Ihsen, et al., "Diversity of Didactical Approaches to Foster Diversity of Engineers," presented at the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI) Annual Conference, Trnava, Slovakia, 2010.[19] B. K. Jesiek and K. Beddoes, "Diversity in Engineering (DinE) Bibliography Report," Engineering Studies, Forthcoming 2013.[20] B. K. Jesiek and K. Beddoes. (2012, Diversity in Engineering (DinE) Bibliography. Available:[21] D. Martinez, et al., "Work In Progress – Recruiting Initiatives for Hispanic, First-Generation Students," presented at the Frontiers in Education (FIE) Annual Conference, Washington, DC