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Conference Session
Accreditation, Program Evaluation, and Education Resource's Impact in Latin America
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Zenaida Otero Gephardt, Rowan University; Maria M. Larrondo-Petrie, Florida Atlantic University; Mariana Archibold, CONEAUPA
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) Par Amigo InitiativeEngineering programs throughout the world have accepted the challenge of educating the globalengineer. The required standards in technical, communication and social skills for globalengineers must be integrated into the cultural context of engineering programs in differentcountries. Internationally recognized accreditation is an important way for programs to not onlyguarantee quality, and contribute to regional capacity building and economic development, butalso to develop the continuous improvement and assessment tools that strengthen engineeringprograms. These tools are essential in the development of engineering programs that can educatethe global engineer of the future. The Par Amigo (Peer Mentor) Initiative developed
Conference Session
INT. Engineering Education: Developments, Innovations, Partnerships, and Implementations
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Saeed D. Foroudastan, Middle Tennessee State University; Courtney Thompson, Middle Tennessee State University
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. Page 23.574.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013 Experimental Vehicles Program Creates Lasting Partnerships with National and International IndustriesAbstractThe Experimental Vehicles Program (EVP) was created in 2004 as an umbrella program for fivedifferent undergraduate experimental vehicle design teams. These projects consist of the SolarVehicle, Moonbuggy, Baja SAE, Formula SAE, and Solar Boat. The goal of the EVP is to fosterundergraduate student development through the construction of experimental vehicles with theguidance of faculty mentors as well as partnerships with both national and international industryleaders.Students work in peer-led teams to annually
Conference Session
Introducing New Methodologies and the Incoming Students to Engineering Programs
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Salahuddin Qazi, State University of New York, Institute of Tech.; Adeel Khalid, Southern Polytechnic State University (ENG); Qaiser H Malik, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) Pakistan University
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learning is not only knowledgeacquisition or participation in a social community but also about knowledge creation as in thecase of project based learning. Similarly the new developments in electronic media are leading toenormous challenges for teachers in regards to the role digital devices can and should play in thelearning process. For some educators, the view is that technology should only be utilized as atool to help facilitate student understanding and mastery of the current curriculum. Whereas forother educators, technology is as fundamental to learning as reading and writing and thereforemust become an integral segment of the school curriculum. The paper also discusses new trendsand teaching methodologies to help improve the state of
Conference Session
Introducing New Methodologies and the Incoming Students to Engineering Programs
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Flora S Tsai, Singapore University of Technology and Design; Kyle H Wong, Singapore American School
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'better' than their peers, and hence Khan Academyserves a supplemental purpose to learning as well. Khan Academy videos are notrecommended for people experienced with the subject at hand, as Khan gives thebasics only. However, if students wish to refresh their skills, Khan Academy is agreat place to go to, due to its exercises and videos. Khan Academy is a greatplace to learn, as Khan rewards you for learning more. A small improvementwould be the 'review' system- after a student has completed a set of exercises,after a while, Khan Academy marks the exercise as needing review. Students haveto go through the entire set of exercises again to get rid of the review marker.Another MOOC which is rapidly gaining traction in their course offerings
Conference Session
International Division Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Efra Altamirano; lourdes gazca, American University in Puebla, Mexico; Aurelio Lopez-Malo, Universidad de las Americas Puebla; Enrique Palou, Universidad de las Americas Puebla
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Society for Engineering Education, 2013 Direct and Indirect Assessment of Universidad de las Américas Puebla’s Food Engineering Program OutcomesAbstractThe Food Engineering program from Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP) is approvedby the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) and accredited by the Consejo de Acreditación de laEnseñanza de la Ingeniería (CACEI), which is the peer-accrediting agency of the USAccreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) in Mexico. Graduates ofUDLAP’s Food Engineering program (FE) shall attain thirteen outcomes; eleven of them aresimilar to ABET Criterion 3 (a-k) program outcomes1; as well as specific IFT core competenciesregarding major areas: food chemistry and
Conference Session
Accreditation, Program Evaluation, and Education Resource's Impact in Latin America
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Erick Jones, University of Texas, Arlington; Vettrivel Gnaneswaran, University of Wisconsin-Platteville; Beatriz Murrieta, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Campus Queretaro
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automatic data capture, real world prototypes, and analysis” is led by thePI, Dr. Erick C. Jones who has performed innovative research and received over $3.5 milliondollars in funding from multiple agencies including NASA EPSCOR, Department ofTransportation, and numerous industrial companies. This research has led to 1 industryhandbook, 2 textbooks on RFID, and over 60 published manuscripts. With respect toundergraduate students, over 10 students have been funded for research projects of whom 6continued to graduate school and received a masters or better; 4 students published conferenceand/or peer reviewed papers. Currently, 6 undergraduates work in the RAID labs.4.2.2. Mexican host institution (ITESM)Tecnológico de Monterrey was founded in 1943
Conference Session
Global Competency and What Makes a Successful Engineer
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kari Wold, University of Virginia; Stephanie Moore Ph.D., University of Virginia
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Paper ID #6464The Impact of Role-Playing Simulations on Global Competency in an OnlineTransnational Engineering CourseMs. Kari Wold, University of Virginia Kari Wold is a doctorate student at the University of Virginia focusing on instructional technology in engineering education. She has published in and has presented on engineering education, international education, writing for English language learners, blended learning, and online learning. Wold’s primary interests focus on global education and methods of online instruction. She has degrees in journalism and economics from the University of Minnesota as well as a