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- Training and Support for NEEs
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- 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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Chirag Variawa, University of Toronto; Sherif N Kinawy, University of Toronto; D. Grant Allen, University of Toronto; Chris Damaren, University of Toronto; Susan McCahan, University of Toronto; Bryan Karney
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New Engineering Educators
Page 23.1003.5used to draw connections between engineering and other areas of higher education.4 Felder andBrent’s work in this area discusses the program at North Carolina State University with ratingsand critique for each of the areas of teaching they focus on.5 Velasquez describes a similarprogram but in the context of online learning at Purdue University.6METHODOLOGYThe PPIT program is divided into a number of components that allow its participants to engagein learning and reflection activities about learning theories and instructional practices. Theprogram includes a series of 12 seminars in addition to a course on teaching that runs alongsidethe seminars for one term. This section outlines this course structure as well as other elements
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John Marshall, University of Southern Maine
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New Engineering Educators
cells) becomes.Research also suggests that learning is enhanced by involving students in lessons. This has agreater chance of occurring by providing a non-threatening environment which allows them timeto ask questions, seek solutions, reflect, share thinking about a theme or topic, and respond toother's viewpoints.In short, as teachers, we strive to accomplish learning by doing. Action helps to grow the brain.The real value of subject matter can be heightened for students through activities that combinethe classroom instructional context with real-world application. That is, learning can beenhanced even more when academic content is connected to the real world.Emotions influence learning and memory. Negative emotions impeded learning
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- 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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Beverly Kristenson Jaeger, Northeastern University; Kerri Liss, Northeastern University; Bea van den Heuvel; Ellen Wilson, Northeastern University
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understand the QM role from the Quality Manager’sperspective and thereby further refine the position. The questions asked were aimed at Page 23.1248.8understanding the degree to which QMs become a “skilled other” in this peer-scaffoldingprogram. Being a Quality Manager is an invitation to be a part of an intricate learning process. Our surveyand analysis of this process depicts the Quality Manager position as one containing four broadstages. These stages include Stage 1) Sign-up and Selection, Stage 2) Orientation andPreparation, Stage 3) Lab/class Time, and Stage 4) After-class Time and Reflection. Thefollowing section is a
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- 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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Sean Moseley, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
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study and referenceScreencasts can be used to provide guided analysis practice. In analysis-heavy classes (where theapplication of a few governing principles or equations to many situations make up the bulk of thecontent), screencasts showing the instructor working all the way through problems can be auseful resource for students who need extra guidance. There are many different ways ofpresenting this guided analysis.Some students spend all their time in class furiously taking notes as accurately as possible. Theymay not have time to reflect on what they’re writing or to absorb the concepts. The inherenttime-disadvantage of lecture can be overcome by a screencast because of its repeatability.Posting a screencast of an example problem discussed
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Kimberly Grau Talley P.E., Texas State University - San Marcos
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guest speaker to return prior to the first due date in order to assist the students in producing qualityFigure 1: Still from an Animated Powerpoint Video videos.Lessons LearnedA few of the lessons learned that the author would like to share with other considering the use ofstudent projects to generate video content to flip their course: Page 23.869.4 • Graduate students are not necessarily great at writing pre- post- quiz questions. The questions that they generated tended to be: too easy, confusing, or reflected the poor English skills of my international student
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- Training and Support for NEEs
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- 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Canan Bilen-Green, North Dakota State University; Roger A. Green, North Dakota State University; Christi McGeorge, North Dakota State University; Elizabeth J. Birmingham, North Dakota State University; Ann Burnett, North Dakota State University
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New Engineering Educators
positions, women in tenured ranks place NDSUamong the lowest in the nation. Such low representation of women faculty in science andespecially engineering reflect challenges in the areas of climate, recruitment, retention,advancement, and leadership. The ADVANCE FORWARD project, funded by the National Science FoundationADVANCE Institutional Transformation program in 2008, seeks to develop and implement acomprehensive research-driven strategy to increase participation of women in all science andengineering faculty and academic administrative positions. Specifically, ADVANCEFORWARD strives to improve the climate across campus, enhance faculty recruitment efforts,increase faculty retention and advancement, and open leadership opportunities. The
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- Best Methods for NEEs
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- 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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James C. Squire, Virginia Military Institute; Turk McCleskey, Virginia Military Institute; Elizabeth White Baker, Wake Forest University; Anthony Evan English, Western New England University
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New Engineering Educators
written in a serial chain format, where the output of one stage is used asthe input of another. The intermediate data is called “derived data”, and this approach iscommon when the derived data is important in its own right, when there are several possibledifferent analyses that must be applied to the derived data, or when it is useful to access it fordebugging and verification purposes. In these circumstances, it is tempting to save the deriveddata for later processing by other programs. This is dangerous since changes to the original datafile will not be reflected in the saved derived data, complicating re-versioning of both theoriginal data and the program used to create the derived data. Instead, it is preferable to call thefirst processing
- Conference Session
- Training and Support for NEEs
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- 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Vishwas Narayan Bedekar, University of Arkansas; John DUPE Lee, University of Arkansas; Douglas E. Spearot, University of Arkansas
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was useful for self-reflection and to gauge progressive improvement during thesemester. In addition to lecturing over the four week section of the class Mr. Lee was alsoresponsible for designing the exam to test the students’ knowledge of key concepts.Lastly, Prof. Spearot set a terrific example of how to interact with students. For students, it isessential that their professor be available for consultation during the semester. In addition to thestandard office hours, Prof. Spearot was available via email, with prompt response. Additionally,a number of drill and tutor times were provided to the students. Mr. Lee interacted with thestudents during the weekly drill session and was involved in discussions about make-up tests andlate homework
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- Tricks of the Trade II
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- 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Adrian Ieta, State University of New York at Oswego; Rachid Manseur, Oswego State University College; Thomas E. Doyle, McMaster University
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undergraduates are thrilled by the projects and their freedom to innovate and perform research. They usually perform outstanding work, presented at local and international conferences. Their attitude is also reflected in their evaluations of teachers. We are hopeful that our experience will provide useful ideas, particularly to new faculty. 1. INTRODUCTIONUndergraduate students go through a steep learning curve during their studies. They are likely toreach high theoretical knowledge and may expect everything to be clearly spelled out forinvestigation. A recent IBM study1 based on face-to-face conversations with more than 1,500chief executive officers worldwide concludes that creativity is the most important factor forfuture