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- Software Engineering Outreach: Industry, K-12
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- 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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W Eric Wong, University of Texas, Dallas
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Software Engineering Constituent Committee
students must beequipped to deal with these uncertaintiesGorka, Miller, and Howe4 presented the lessons learned from an industry sponsored capstone projectsuch as maintaining industry confidentiality, encouraging active participation from sponsors, and usingcompany‟s back-stories to motivate students. They also suggested that students might think of thingsoverlooked by faculty mentors and industry sponsors. In addition, they emphasized that faculty andstudents must be prepared to deal with unexpected incidents and make appropriate adjustments to ensure Page 23.742.3the success of the projects.Deviating from the common practice of reporting
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- Software Engineering Outreach: Industry, K-12
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- 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Massood Towhidnejad, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., Daytona Beach; Thomas B Hilburn, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., Daytona Beach; Richard E Fairley, Software and Systems Engineering Associates (S2EA)
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Software Engineering Constituent Committee
GSwE2009 Core Body of Knowledge (CBOK).• An architectural framework that supports a flexible curriculum implementation by allowing each university to fashion a program guided by its own specialties and culture. GSwE2009 Curriculum ArchitectureThe student outcomes guided and controlled the development of both the structure and content ofthe GSwE2009 curriculum. The structure of the GSwE2009 curriculum is represented in thearchitectural model depicted in Figure 1. It identifies, via the CBOK, the minimal material thatall programs should include and makes provisions for each institution to develop its owndistinctive program(s). The curriculum architecture is compatible with existing master‘sprograms, for which course and curriculum data are
- Conference Session
- Software Engineering Outreach: Industry, K-12
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- 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Clare McInerney, Lero - the Irish Software Engineering Research Centre; Mike Hinchey, Lero-the Irish Software Engineering Reseaach Centre
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Software Engineering Constituent Committee
y recomm mend the Cybercamp to o yourfriends?” The resultts indicate that t 45% said “Yes” annd 18% saidd “Absolutelly” when assked if thewould reecommend the t camp too their friendds. We conssider this too be very poositive. Figure 2. Would you recom mp to your friends? mmend thee Cybercam We also asked the students s whether they would w attendd a follow-uup camp nexxt summer. The resultssare show wn in Figuree 3. Fiigure 3. Woould you atttend a folloow-up cam mp next sum
- Conference Session
- Software Engineering Pedagogical Approaches
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- 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Joanna F. DeFranco, Pennsylvania State University; Colin J. Neill, Pennsylvania State University
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Software Engineering Constituent Committee
, S. S., & Stanne, M. E. (1999). Effects of small-group learning on undergraduates in science, mathematics, engineering and technology: A meta-analysis. Review of Educational Research, 69(1), 21–51. 5. Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc., “Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs”, www.abet.org, ABET, 2012. 6. DeFranco, J.F. Collaborative Problem Solving and Program Development Model, Ph.D. Dissertation, New Jersey Institute of Technology, 2002 7. Jonassen, D., Marra, R., “Concept Mapping and Other Formalisms as Mindtools for representing knowledge”, Association for Learning Technology Journal, Volume 2, Number 1, 1994
- Conference Session
- Software Engineering Pedagogical Approaches
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- 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Jon A Preston, Southern Polytechnic State University; Sushil Acharya, Robert Morris University
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Software Engineering Constituent Committee
engineering students. Additionally, he has spoken at two recent NSF-sponsored workshops on gaming in engineering and computer science education and how to vertically integrate student teams in games for learning projects.Dr. Sushil Acharya, Robert Morris University Sushil Acharya, D.Eng., Associate Professor of Software Engineering joined Robert Morris University in spring of 2005 after serving 15 years in the Software Industry. With US Airways Acharya was re- sponsible for creating a Data Warehouse conceptual design and using advance Data Mining Tools for performance improvement. With i2 Technologies he worked on i2’s Data Mining product ”Knowledge Discover Framework” and at CEERD (Thailand) he was the product manager of
- Conference Session
- Software Engineering Outreach: Industry, K-12
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- 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Sushil Acharya, Robert Morris University
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Software Engineering Constituent Committee
Paper ID #6809Challenges and Benefits of Programming Competitions as Outreach to HighSchool StudentsDr. Sushil Acharya, Robert Morris University Sushil Acharya, D.Eng., Associate Professor of Software Engineering joined Robert Morris University in spring of 2005 after serving 15 years in the Software Industry. With US Airways Acharya was re- sponsible for creating a Data Warehouse conceptual design and using advance Data Mining Tools for performance improvement. With i2 Technologies he worked on i2’s Data Mining product ”Knowledge Discover Framework” and at CEERD (Thailand) he was the product manager of three energy
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- Software Engineering Pedagogical Approaches
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- 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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Feras A. Batarseh, University of Central Florida
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Software Engineering Constituent Committee
., "Fundamentals of the New Artificial Intelligence: Neural, Evolutionary, Fuzzy and More (Texts in Computer Science)", Second Edition, February 4, ISBN-10: 184628838X, 2008[3] Book: Haupt, R., and Haupt, S. "Practical Genetic Algorithms", Second Edition, Wiley-InterScience, A John Wiley & Sons, INC., Publication, 2004[4] Book: Shah, M., "Fundementals of Computer Vision", Published at the University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, 1992[5] Sommerville, I. “Software Engineering” 8th edition, Chapter 4, published by Addison Wesley, 2007[6] The Merriam Webster Dictionary, Merriam Webster Incorporated 2009, http://www.merriam- webster.com/.[7] Gonzalez, A.J. and Dankel, D. " The Engineering of Knowledge-Based Systems, Theory and Practice
- Conference Session
- Software Engineering Pedagogical Approaches
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- 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
John C. Georgas, Northern Arizona University
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Software Engineering Constituent Committee