- Conference Session
- Student-Centered Information Literacy
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- 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Kerrie A Douglas, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Ruth E. H. Wertz, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Michael Fosmire, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Senay Purzer, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Engineering Libraries
University, West Lafayette Michael Fosmire is Professor of Library Science and Head, Physical Sciences, Engineering, and Technol- ogy Division of the Purdue University Libraries.Dr. Senay Purzer, Purdue University, West Lafayette S¸enay Purzer an Assistant Professor in the School of Engineering Education at Purdue University. In 2011, she received a NSF CAREER award, which examines how engineering students approach innovation. She is also a NAE/CASEE New Faculty Fellow. Purzer conducts research on aspects of design education such as innovation and information literacy.Prof. Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue University, West Lafayette
- Conference Session
- Engineering Libraries Division Poster Session
- Collection
- 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Jeffery L. Loo, University of California, Berkeley; Lisa T. Ngo, University of California, Berkeley; Cody K. Hennesy, University of California, Berkeley; Brian D. Quigley, University of California, Berkeley; Jean McKenzie, University of California, Berkeley
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Engineering Libraries
environment, which recognizes the different contexts and needs of learners 6. Management and administration to coordinate policy, needs assessment, resource allocation, evaluation, and other subsystemsPredictors of online learning satisfactionIn addition to understanding the key relationships between technology, learning environments,and policies outlined by Moore and Kearsley, we also found a need to review studies thatexplored the factors behind positive learning experiences. Song et al.’s survey of graduatestudents identified course design, learner motivation, time management, and comfort with onlinetechnologies as key contributors to a successful online learning environment.2 The study alsoidentified motivation for online learning because
- Conference Session
- Engineering Libraries Division Poster Session
- Collection
- 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Adeel Khalid, Southern Polytechnic State University ; Mir M. Atiqullah, Kennesaw State University; Rajnish Singh, Southern Polytechnic State University; Beth Stutzmann, Southern Polytechnic State University
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Engineering Libraries
of book and how it is acquired.Figure 6 shows the distribution of acquisition channels for printed textbooks and Figure 7 showsthat distribution for ebooks. Figure 6: How printed books were acquired Page 24.1183.11 Figure 7: How ebooks were acquired.The survey showed that while 72% of printed books were purchased and most of the rest (20%)were rented, the acquisition of ebooks was much more evenly distributed between methods. Itwas pointed out above that none of the Arts & Science students responding to the survey rentedtheir textbook. This is consistent with only six percent of A&S
- Conference Session
- Measuring Impact: Libraries, Librarians, Instruction, and Institutions
- Collection
- 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
William H. Mischo, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Ivan Favila, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Dana Michelle Tempel, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Elisandro Cabada, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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Engineering Libraries
- Conference Session
- Student-Centered Information Literacy
- Collection
- 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Marian G. Armour-Gemmen, West Virginia University; Robin A.M. Hensel, West Virginia University; Mary L. Strife, West Virginia University
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Engineering Libraries
classificationsystem.The data indicate that the current information fluency instruction in Engineering 101 is effective.Students have demonstrated a level of mastery in information fluency skills which will benefitthem not only during college but throughout their professional career. The librarians willcontinue to partner with the freshman engineering instructors to make sure that the informationfluency portions of the course integrate well with the syllabus while giving them data to continueto assess what the students are learning. Page 24.1185.10Bibliography1. Bracke, M. S., & Critz, L. J. (2001). Re-envisioning instruction for the electronic environment of
- Conference Session
- Student-Centered Information Literacy
- Collection
- 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Jennifer (Cong Yan) Zhao, McGill University; Tara Mawhinney, McGill University
- Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries