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Conference Session
Measuring Impact: Libraries, Librarians, Instruction, and Institutions
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David Matthew Markowitz, Cornell University; Jill H. Powell, Cornell University; Jeffrey T. Hancock, Cornell University
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Engineering Libraries
Page 24.1259.2Abstract In 2010, librarian Jeffrey Beall started a list of journals that allegedly use predatorypractices to recruit manuscripts for publication. Coined “Beall’s List,”1 this working cataloguehighlights over two hundred open-access journals that may feign editorial processes, peer-review, or other procedures of a reputable publisher. Given the recent attention to scientificmisconduct2-8, an important question is whether there are methods to detect predatory publishersfrom authentic ones. In this study, we apply an automated language analysis technique from the social sciencesto examine how predatory and authentic journals differ in their writing style in the About Us andAim/Scope sections of their websites
Conference Session
Student-Centered Information Literacy
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer (Cong Yan) Zhao, McGill University; Tara Mawhinney, McGill University
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Engineering Libraries
theundergraduate level at McGill and elsewhere. Within our context at McGill University,providing support for undergraduate research is an increasingly important role for the library.Purpose of this study The first step in better serving this user group is to understand their challenges. Thisstudy investigates challenges related to information literacy that Chinese undergraduateengineering students face in comparison with their native English speaking peers in completing aresearch paper. Next, we hope to apply this knowledge to create increasingly relevantinformation literacy skills training for Chinese students and international students ingeneral. The current paper reports on preliminary findings from initial face-to-face interviewsand an online
Conference Session
Measuring Impact: Libraries, Librarians, Instruction, and Institutions
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
William H. Mischo, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Ivan Favila, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Dana Michelle Tempel, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Elisandro Cabada, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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Engineering Libraries
-Champaign, has established, withinthe Library, the CARE (Center for Academic Resources in Engineering) program. CARE isdesigned to enhance the student academic experience in a variety of ways and to better integratethe Grainger Engineering Library into the day-to-day lives of engineering students. Theoverarching goal is to provide enhanced student academic services, increase engineering studentretention rates, provide peer mentoring and focused instructional assistance, provide increasedcontact with teaching assistants (TA), give students advanced collaborative resources andfacilities, and better integrate the Grainger Engineering Library services with student needs. TheGrainger Library has repurposed 3,966 feet of classroom and group study space
Conference Session
Student-Centered Information Literacy
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Marian G. Armour-Gemmen, West Virginia University; Robin A.M. Hensel, West Virginia University; Mary L. Strife, West Virginia University
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Engineering Libraries
employed different media,PBL was used in each session. Felder and Brent7 (2003) discuss the lifelong learning componentof the ABET standards as well as the importance of PBL. Detlor8 (2012) writes that PBL oractive learning type methods, “challenge students to actively engage with information andresources to solve problems and create knowledge.” Both Dochy9 (2003) and Prince10 (2004)stress the importance of PBL or Active Learning in engineering education. Prince and Felder11(2007) provide an overview of different aspects of inductive teaching and learning. AlthoughPrince and Felder (2007) argue that PBL does not a have a “statistically significant effect onacademic achievement as measured by exams,” this current analysis found a