- Conference Session
- Engineering Physics & Physics Division Technical Session 3
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- 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Wenli Guo, Queensborough Community College; Vazgen Shekoyan, Queensborough Community College
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Engineering Physics & Physics
Paper ID #8450Facilitation of Student-centered Formative Assessment using Reflective QuizSelf-corrections in a Calculus Physics CourseDr. Wenli Guo, Queensborough Community College Dr. Wenli Guo is a professor of physics and her experiences include spectroscopy, pedagogy, etc.Dr. Vazgen Shekoyan Dr. Vazgen Shekoyan is a professor of physics and his experiences include pedagogy, CubeSat, etc. Page 24.591.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014 Facilitation of Student
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- Engineering Physics & Physics Division Technical Session 3
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- 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Scott Ryan Kirkpatrick, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Maarij M. Syed, Rose-Hulman Institute of Tech; Richard W. Liptak, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
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Engineering Physics & Physics
dissertation at the University of Nebraska Lincoln investigated High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering.Dr. Maarij M Syed, Rose-Hulman Institute of Tech Dr. Maarij Syed has been actively involved in the area of magneto-optics. His background is in the magneto-optics of quantum heterostructures and magnetic bulk materials. During his time here at Rose- Hulman he has focused on building a magneto-optics lab and developing various magneto-optics exper- iments for research and for student projects and classes. Dr. Syed has also used other reflection based techniques (e.g. ellipsometry) in his work, especially in the area of polymer film characterization. On the pedagogical side, Dr. Syed has been involved in evaluating the
- Conference Session
- Engineering Physics & Physics Division Technical Session 1
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- 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Wenli Guo, Queensborough Community College
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Engineering Physics & Physics
Paper ID #8451Take Ownership of Learning Outside Classroom:Dr. Wenli Guo, Queensborough Community College Dr. Wenli Guo is a professor of physics and her experiences include spectroscopy, pedagogy, etc. Page 24.1152.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014 Take Ownership of Learning Outside Classroom: Reflection through Journal Writing in a Conceptual Physics Course
- Conference Session
- Engineering Physics & Physics Division Technical Session 2
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- 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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Timothy J. Garrison, York College of Pennsylvania
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Engineering Physics & Physics
developing a good workethic. If done properly, these courses can teach students the importance of acquiring a conceptualunderstanding rather than rote memorization of how to plug into equations. When successful,these courses teach students how to digest a problem, sort out the relevant concepts, makeassumptions, and reflect critically on their analyses. Conversely, if done poorly, students begintheir engineering education unprepared, either in conceptual/technical knowledge, problemsolving skills, or both.Throughout its long history, physics has been taught in nearly the same manner – via lectures,often supplemented by a laboratory experience. Several decades ago physics educatorsrecognized the need for change; students were not learning the
- Conference Session
- Engineering Physics & Physics Division Technical Session 1
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- 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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Bala Maheswaran, Northeastern University
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Engineering Physics & Physics
2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3Figure 6 reflects the students’ view regarding the important question of this study and surveywhether “the mastering physics helps you to master the engineering physics concepts thecourse”. The majority of the students, about 75% felt that mastering physics helps them to learnengineering physics 2 concepts. Page 24.79.6 6 Figure 6 100 80 60 40 20 0 Yes NoConclusionMastering
- Conference Session
- Engineering Physics & Physics Division Technical Session 1
- Collection
- 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Robert A. Ross, University of Detroit Mercy; E. Prasad Venugopal, University of Detroit Mercy; Gary P. Hillebrand, University of Detroit Mercy; Meghann Norah Murray; Matthew Gonderinger, Wayne State University, University of Detroit Mercy
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Engineering Physics & Physics
results was692 students. We have two reasons for pooling the data across the multiple terms reflected in thisstudy: (1) Student profiles (majors, undergraduate status, etc.) and numbers in each sample haveremained quite similar over the multiple years included in the study; and, (2) Notwithstandingminimal changes to the instruction manual (e.g. formatting and numbering) used in thesecourses, the structure and content of the laboratory experiments have remained intact.In Figure 1 we show the results of the assessment. The graph shows the percentage of ourstudents and those from the published national sample that correctly answered each test question.The graph also separately displays the performance of students in our calculus-based lectureclass