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Conference Session
Changing the Classroom Environment in Mathematics Education
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rebecca Bourn, Tribeca Flashpoint Media Arts Academy; Sarah C. Baxter, University of South Carolina
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way that promotes and encourages reflective and analytical thinking. The idea is toengage students in a context-rich problem, through the use of a driving question, to guide themthrough active learning modules exploring core concepts, and to lead them to a solutionmethodology. The production of a final report serves as a mechanism that allows them to revisetheir original solution based on a synthesis of the knowledge and understanding gained throughthe learning modules.The developmental framework for instructors using EFFECTs begins with the identification ofthe concepts to be studied; in general these are difficult concepts. Next, these concepts areassociated with active learning activities; each concept could be associated with a single
Conference Session
The Use of Games and Unique Textbooks in Mathematics Education
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Erin Shaw, University of Southern California; Jihie Kim, University of Southern California; Zinan Xing, University of Southern California
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game (a platform game). In 2012,the program was piloted at a second school site, as part of a media arts class, and did notincorporate the math exercises. As interest in teaching the program as a media arts courseincreased, we were faced with how to “teach” mathematics in the absence of a credentialed mathteacher. To this end, we have begun to rely less on standards-based math practice and more onassessing computational thinking and mathematical reasoning skills that are reflected in thegame-making activities.AcknowledgementsThis study was supported by a National Science Foundation Creative IT grant (#1002901). Theauthors wish to thank Leadership in Entertainment and Media Arts (LEMA) High School teacherRajeev Talwani, principal Roberta
Conference Session
Changing the Classroom Environment in Mathematics Education
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jenna Tague, Ohio State University; Gregory Richard Baker, Ohio State University
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around the question: Do students’ perceptions of theflipped classroom reflect coherence in the course?Theoretical BackgroundFlipped Classroom: Though implementation of the flipped classroom varies from instructorto instructor, the model moves lecture content to be work done at home as preparation forclass while class time is used for problem solving. Typically, instructors accomplish the“flip” by using instructional technology to deliver lectures or learning modules out-of-classthrough lecture capture videos, online quizzes, educational videos (i.e. TED talks), and otheronline resources. Instructional difficulties may arise from this model: a failure to addressstudent misconceptions, poorly designed activities that require only recall
Conference Session
The Use of Games and Unique Textbooks in Mathematics Education
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David Reeping, Ohio Northern University; Kenneth J. Reid, Ohio Northern University
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problems involving the engineering design process, criticaland creative thinking, and technology applications (such as JMP, Pspice, TI Calculator software,CAS) are planned for inclusion.The textbook offers an authentic opportunity to tie content to the Next Generation ScienceStandards and Common Core standards in Mathematics. Authentic examples provide a realisticcontext in, for example, "Defining and Delimiting Engineering Problems" (NGSS) and "Modelwith mathematics," from the Standards of Mathematical Practice in the Common Core,Mathematics standards 3,4.Reflection on Mathematics Textbooks Before DevelopmentTextbooks have been the common tools for communicating mathematics to students alongsidethe demonstration of practice problems on the board
Conference Session
Approaches to Mathematics Curriculum to Include Projects and Technologies
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeffrey Lloyd Hieb, University of Louisville; Patricia A Ralston, University of Louisville
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adoption of different educational technologies; these included the school wideadoption of tablet PCs, participation in workshops on different educational technologies, andpublished literature on STEM education and educational technologies.Determining the impact of adopted technologies on teaching and learning in the department’sengineering mathematics classes presents many challenges: individual differences in studentsand faculty are hard to control for, course grade may not always reflect an improvement inteaching and learning, qualitative improvements can be difficult to measure, and a host of otherchallenges most educators are familiar with. In literature on the educational technology, resultshave included: cost savings, reductions in DFW rates
Conference Session
The Use of Games and Unique Textbooks in Mathematics Education
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Adrian J. Lee, Central Illinois Technology and Education Research Institute; Sheldon H. Jacobson, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; William A. Cragoe, Sacred Heart-Griffin High School
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choosethat particular combination. Note that these values reflect the expected and actual number ofbrackets picking the seed combination in each round, regardless of which specific No. 1, 2, 3, 4,or 9 seeded team advanced. The probability computed from the geometric distribution model Page 24.930.8shows that an Elite Eight combination of {1,2,2,3,3,4,4,9} seeds is not likely to occur often. Thisis also the case for the smaller set of four seeds {1,4,4,9} appearing in the Final Four.Consequently, the expected number of the 143 school brackets submitted to have chosen thesecombinations is practically zero – exactly what was observed. For the
Conference Session
Approaches to Mathematics Curriculum to Include Projects and Technologies
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gunter Bischof, Joanneum University of Applied Sciences; Annette Casey B.A., University of Applied Sciences FH JOANNEUM, Graz, Austria; Emilia Andreeva-Moschen, Bombardier Transportation Austria GmbH
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supervisors presented the task. In addition, they received detailedinformation on the scope of the project, the timetable and deadlines and the evaluationcriteria.During the semester the students went through the following stages1: 1. Researching the topics 2. Finding the technical and mathematical solutions 3. Acquiring the relevant background knowledge and skills 4. Designing and programming the software 5. Documenting the process from research to development and finally to output 6. Reflecting on project management, team work and the performance of individual team members in the form of a brief written appraisal 7. Handing in software and documentation on a pre-defined dateThe role of the project advisors, as subject experts