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Displaying results 301 - 330 of 795 in total
Conference Session
Developing the Design Skillset
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ibrahim Mohedas, University of Michigan; Shanna R. Daly, University of Michigan; Kathleen H. Sienko, University of Michigan
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
. Page 24.1126.7The second and third themes were the challenges students faced when attempting to collect,synthesize, and apply design ethnography data during front-end design phases. Studentsstruggled to use ethnographic data because they were not sure what they were looking for.Furthermore, the immersive experience naturally led to the collection of large amounts ofinformation from a variety of sources which required students to actively perform extensivesynthesis. Engineering students may be particularly ill-prepared for the concept of qualitativedata collection and analysis; therefore, design ethnography pedagogy must reflect these keyareas.The fourth theme was the challenge students faced in conducting design ethnography duringfront-end
Conference Session
Beyond Students: Issues of Underrepresentation among Parents and Professionals
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Monica Farmer Cox, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Paul Carrick Brunson, Paul Carrick Brunson Agency ; Nikitha Sambamurthy, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Sara E. Branch, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Catherine G.P. Berdanier, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
% Google+ 30% LinkedIn 20% 10% 0% Teaching Research Service Do Not UseFigure 9- Social Use by URM faculty for Teaching, Research, and Service Page 24.1277.10 Overall, results of the study suggest that underrepresented faculty members arenot actively utilizing social media in a professional context. When social media is utilized,various platforms are employed at different rates for teaching, research, and service.These differences may reflect the nature of the platform, the target audience, and thecapabilities of the platform.Potential Barriers to Social
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Denise Thorsen, University of Alaska, Fairbanks; Lori Sowa P.E., University of Alaska, Southeast
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
application of test/simulation/manufacturing tools to design projects; (ii)communications skills via writing lab reports and oral project presentations, including thepresentation of data and design choices; and (iii) team skills via a modified BESTEAMS [Schmidt,et. al 1999] curriculum; all are skills used in subsequent courses.In 2006, we obtained the Circuit Concept Inventory from Helgeland and Rancor [personalcommunication, 2006]. This test was modified to reflect the content of the course and administeredto 15 students as a pre/post-test in 2007. The blue marker in Figure 1 indicates the average gainachieved by those students. Figure 1 was created in the manner of Hake [1998] who comparedlearning gains obtained in introductory physics courses that
Conference Session
Miscellaneous Topics in Energy Education
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jaime Ramos-Salas P.E., University of Texas, Pan American; Jesus Alejandro Valladares, The University of Texas Pan American
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
Page 24.1297.9Reference [12]. The scatter plot shown in Fig. 7 reflects the condition of the local atmosphereduring selected months of 2013. The main characteristic of the graph is the dispersion of data 8 v7into three zones, arbitrary labeled “clear”, “overcast” and cloud/sunny” January is the most extremist of the months as it has clear and overcast skies The days in April are quite variable, and therefore unpredictable. July’s days are mostly clear as well as cloudy/sunny October’s days are quite similar to July’s
Conference Session
Summer and Cohort Programs for Minorities: Student Success
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tonya Lynette Smith-Jackson, NC A&T State University; Brianna Shani Benedict, Industrial & Systems Engineering; Garner Ted Stewart II, Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering; Elaine Smith Vinson, North Carolina A&T State University
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
initiative is to engage the students in peer-centered support structuressuch as ambassador programs. Ambassador programs help students develop professional skills,especially in the areas of communication and interpersonal relations2. Ambassador programs alsofacilitate student engagement. Student engagement is now highly relevant to most universities,given the new Carnegie Classification emphasis on the constructs reflecting student engagementin higher education3. However, activities to engage students are often discussed by non-students.Likewise, the roles and effectiveness of ambassadors are often discussed and evaluated from anexternal perspective, namely that of faculty and administrators. More explorations are needed tocapture a student-centered
Conference Session
Assessment in Construction Education
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rui Liu, The University of Texas at San Antonio; Yilmaz Hatipkarasulu, University of Texas at San Antonio
Tagged Divisions
importance of this trend is reflected in higher education withthe introduction of sustainable practices into construction curricula. There are several differentmethods of delivering sustainability content including stand-alone lecture courses, structureddiscussions in various construction courses, and a broader coverage of concepts across thecurriculum. However, these methods are usually limited to a face-to-face lecture format becauseof the type and depth of the content. Case studies may be presented to demonstrate theapplication of the concepts, but the focus quickly shifts to a lecture format especially whencodes, standards, and rating systems are to be covered. Attracting and maintaining studentinterest becomes a challenge under these
Conference Session
Addressing the NGSS, Part 3 of 3: Supporting High School Science Teachers in Engineering Pedagogy and Engineering-Science Connections
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julia M. Ross, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Jenny Daugherty, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Rodney L Custer, Black Hills State University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
as alignment ofcontent with engineering concepts articulated in science standards, inclusion of well crafted,open-ended design challenges, and designed to enhance student engagement with scienceconcepts. The Teacher Practices themes include sub-components focused on items such asquality of group-based activities, encouragement of students to engage in thoughtful pre-planning, the generation of multiple solutions, and active reflection on engineering designpractices. As was the case with identifying the major categories, the leadership team engaged innumerous conversations and the sub-categories have gone through multiple iterations.Next, we developed descriptions of what implementation would look like across a spectrum ofimplementation
Conference Session
Pedagogy and Learning 1
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Laura Hirshfield, Oregon State University; Jaynie L. Whinnery, Oregon State University; Debra M. Gilbuena, Oregon State University; Milo Koretsky, Oregon State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
canuse feedback to evaluate the current conceptions of their students, address errors, reinforcestrengths, reduce the learners’ cognitive loads, encourage reflection and stimulate considerationof alternative solution paths.3,8,12,13 In other words, feedback allows for comparison between adesired educational outcome and actual student performance.9 The instructor can use feedback tofacilitate learning and performance through interaction, information sharing, guidance,encouragement, and reinforcement.12,14Providing feedback for students has been found to be significantly and positively related to gainsin engineering design skills and professional skills, such as communication, teamwork andcritical thinking.4,15,16 Feedback is powerful because it
Conference Session
Student Beliefs, Motivation and Self Efficacy
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Courtney June Faber, Clemson University; Sarah Jane Grigg, Clemson University; Adam Kirn, Clemson University; Justine M. Chasmar; Lisa Benson, Clemson University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
these higher-level executive functions such as planning, monitoring,evaluating, and revising guide problem solving processes and are vital in monitoring progresstowards goals.31 Students using limited metacognitive processes typically are unable to identifyand correct errors in problem solving attempts. Metacognitive tasks have been shown to becorrelated to successful problem solving attempts.28 There are two distinct components ofmetacognition: knowledge about cognition and regulation of cognition. Knowledge of cognitionrefers to the reflective aspect of metacognition and includes three components: declarativeknowledge (knowledge about self and about strategies), procedural knowledge (knowledge abouthow to use strategies), and conditional
Conference Session
Cooperative & Experiential Education Division Technical Session 1
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rui Pan, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Johannes Strobel, Texas A&M University; Monica E. Cardella, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative & Experiential Education
with workplace competencies is experientialeducation10. They stated that “experiential education can be broadly defined as aphilosophy and methodology in which educators purposefully engage with learners indirect experience and focused reflection in order to increase knowledge, develop skills,and clarify values” 10 (p. 2). Brumm et al. further narrowed down this definition, arguingthat “it is work experience in an engineering setting, outside of the academic classroom,and before graduation” 10 (p. 2) and suggested that “Engineering experiential education Page 24.505.5programs, such as cooperative education and internships, present the best place to
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alice L. Pawley, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Stephen R. Hoffmann, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Monica E. Cardella, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Matthew W. Ohland, Purdue University and Central Queensland University; Ranjani Lakshman Rao, Brian Lamb School of Communication, Purdue University; Abigail R. Jahiel, Illinois Wesleyan University; Thomas P. Seager, Arizona State University; Linda Vanasupa, California Polytechnic State University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
other ISSST sessions, reflecting back to participants whatwe heard and saw but through the lens we were developing on sustainability. To prepare for thesession, the research team spread across three concurrent sessions of ISSST, and took notesbased on the following items: 1. What do people consider “sustainability”? 2. What are things our students should understand, know, be able to do? 3. Do we see evidence of our initial gateway concepts: Time; Scale; Feedback; Energy; Modeling 4. What mentions of contexts are made: values; social; political; technical 5. To what degree are conversations focused on US or globally? 6. Any mentions of corporate, industrial, governmental, educational contexts? 7. What did we miss in
Conference Session
Engineering Student Experiences
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Janet Callahan Ph.D., Boise State University; Patricia Pyke, Boise State University; Susan Shadle Ph.D., Boise State University; R. Eric Landrum, Boise State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
the 2007-2008 academic year, the CTL started a faculty learning community (FLC) program(Cox, 2001).13 The program has involved interdisciplinary communities of 8-10 faculty in ayear‐long process of inquiry to promote faculty development and enhance student learning. Theprogram is designed to stimulate dialogue, reflection, and innovation in teaching, to foster asense of community, and to promote scholarly teaching practice. In the early years of thisprogram, a number of STEM faculty were involved in interdisciplinary dialogue aroundundergraduate research, first year student-success, and active learning in large enrollmentcourses. More recently, with support from the Idaho STEP project, we have supported twoSTEM-specific FLCs. In 2010-2011, an
Conference Session
Student-Centered Information Literacy
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer (Cong Yan) Zhao, McGill University; Tara Mawhinney, McGill University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
considering students’ information related needs (e.g.what kinds of issues students face when conducting research) and do not address informationneeds within the specific context of students’ own research and learning experiences. Eckel’sopinion piece9 entitled “A Reflection on plagiarism, patchwriting, and the engineering master’sthesis” briefly discusses difficulties that international students in engineering have when writingtheir theses and suggests that librarians and graduate programs have a role to play in educatingthese students on how to synthesize information from other sources and cite their sourcescorrectly.Information literacy needs in a research context Among research studies that examine Chinese students in other disciplines
Conference Session
Design, Creativity and Critical Thinking in the Chemical Engineering Curriculum
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathryn F. Trenshaw, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Troy J. Vogel, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
individuals to teams or assess an individual’s fitness for a particular careerpath.5,6,7,8,9,10 These studies often produce conflicting results surrounding the benefits of teamdiversity or homogeneity of personality type,5,8 which limits the possible impact of the researchon engineering pedagogy. While some MBTI types may be statistically more likely to be theleader of a team or pursue a particular career, any type can excel in any position or field giventhe proper self reflection and knowledge of MBTI type. The value of this team training aspect ofMBTI is often overlooked or mentioned as an afterthought.5,10 Further, because of this aspect ofMBTI type, some studies discard the MBTI instrument in favor of other, more prescriptiveinstruments.6,7Rather
Conference Session
Engineering Student Experiences
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Denise Wilson, University of Washington; James J. Pembridge, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., Daytona Beach; Caitlin H. Wasilewski, Seattle Pacific University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
, especially concerning class sizes, access toresources, and community. The most salient are differences in class size as smaller universitiestend to have smaller class sizes as seen in our two study populations. Several studies haveexplored differences in class size and have noted that while grades do not explicitly reflect Page 24.1025.5knowledge gains, there is a negative relationship between grades and class size 40. In K-12  environments it has been shown that smaller classes offer faculty the opportunity to giveattention to individual students leading to increased individualized learning and the greaterfrequency of support for active
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Warren F. Smith, UNSW, Canberra, Australia; Zahed Siddique, University of Oklahoma; Farrokh Mistree, University of Oklahoma
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
Program.Prof. Farrokh Mistree, University of Oklahoma Page 24.1198.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014 THE DEVELOPMENT OF COMPETENCIES IN A DESIGN COURSE FROM A STUDENT PERSPECTIVEAbstract A structured approach using surveys was implemented within the boundaries of anundergraduate design course to track progressively the changing student self-perceptions ofcompetence during a semester long design activity. Using self-evaluation, the students wereasked to reflect and articulate upon their own competency levels while being led through an illstructured system design
Conference Session
Addressing the NGSS, Part 3 of 3: Supporting High School Science Teachers in Engineering Pedagogy and Engineering-Science Connections
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robin L Autenrieth P.E., Texas A&M University; Cheryl A Page, Texas A&M University; Karen L. Butler-Purry, Texas A&M University; Chance W. Lewis, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
- surveyresponses on many of the survey questions contradicted those impressions.The E3 team investigated the use of another survey design to more accurately reflect the changesin the teachers’ self-reported understanding of engineering. Since all experimental designs haveadvantages and disadvantages, program administrators need to review the relevant options anddetermine which survey approach is the best fit for their program. Shadish et al.34 outline severalquasi-experiment designs to consider when a control group is lacking (which was the case for theE3 program evaluation).Pre-post survey designThe one-group pretest-post-test design can be appropriate when attempting to change acharacteristic that is resistant to change35. The pre-post design is a
Conference Session
The Nature of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Session 4
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
William A. Kline, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; William D. Schindel, ICTT System Sciences
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
, innovation regulation, and other aspects. Skilled or not, individual innovators and teams operate within the System of Innovation. An innovator skilled at the highest levels will understand how to play the game effectively within the System of Innovation. A particular System of Innovation need not be based on the Innovation Competencies, but we argue that the more effective ones (even in the natural world) are. The System of Innovation includes the (optional) ability to represent (model) the Innovated System. So, models of System 1 may, but need not, appear inside the models of System 3, and 2. Likewise, we are interested in educating future innovators about the System of Innovation itself, and encouraging their reflection on
Conference Session
Diversity Redefined: Nontraditional Views in Traditional Environments
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kendra Woodberry Brinkley, Virginia Commonwealth University; Falcon Rankins, Virginia Commonwealth University; Stevara Clinton, Virginia Commonwealth University Department of Chemistry; Rosalyn Hobson Hargraves, Virginia Commonwealth University
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
Page 24.5.3students.(15) Our research focuses on this university’s journey to transform the on-campusprogram to a totally virtual experience. Students who participated in both the online program andon-campus programs were interviewed. The 30 minute interviews were recorded and latertranscribed to evaluate if there are any reoccurring themes between the two groups of students.Students who participated in the online summer bridge program are currently freshman studentsenrolled in STEM fields, while those who participated in the on-campus program are upperclassmen and are reflecting on their freshman experience at the university. Researchers alsocompared the students’ academic achievement in their freshman math and chemistry courses.Finally
Conference Session
Student Learning, Problem Solving, & Critical Thinking 3
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Peggy C. Boylan-Ashraf, Stanford University; Steven A. Freeman, Iowa State University; Mack Shelley, Iowa State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Engineering EducationThe different roles assumed by faculty members reflect the type of curriculum used in theengineering classrooms. Some instructors enjoy the authoritarian stance and provide students thetraditional education 38. In the traditional education format students are told what they areexpected to know and concepts are presented deductively 10,16. Other instructors become toolaissez-faire and become a silent member of the classroom or mainly an observer—whereinstruction primarily allows students to grow and learn on their own with little or no extrinsichelp 25.The role of the instructor in the classroom for course development in engineering educationcannot be divorced from the understanding of theories of learning and the effectiveness of
Conference Session
Mentoring Minorities: Effective Programs, Practices, and Perspectives
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert G. Ryan, California State University, Northridge; Nathan Durdella, California State University, Northridge; Teodoro Navarro
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
Engineering Education, 2014 A Case Study of Success: Mentoring and Supporting Under-Represented Transfer Students in a Mechanical Engineering ProgramAbstractCalifornia State University, Northridge (CSUN), like many large urban institutions, has a verydiverse student body. This diversity is not only reflected in ethnic and racial differences, but alsoin the students’ educational backgrounds. Our institution enrolls a large number of transferstudents, mostly from community colleges in California. These students face a number ofchallenges, including the adjustment to a new learning environment, issues related to transfercredits, and the necessity of taking additional courses to complete lower
Conference Session
Laboratory Experiences with Mechanical, Materials and Fluid Systems
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bijan Sepahpour, The College of New Jersey
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
essentially adaptations of the R. R. Moore Industrial FatigueTesting Machines which cost in excess of $150,000. The goal is to produce an affordable and afully functional version of the apparatus that produces dependable results. The time factor forconducting fatigue testing in an educational environment has been incorporated in the designprocess. The process for the design of the apparatus, its subsystems, and the features ofcomponents are discussed. The results of two sets of tests conducted on two different materialsare presented. Summary of an assessment reflecting on the positive educational outcomes due tothe use of the EFTM is shared with the engineering community.I- IntroductionLaboratory experimentation is a critical final link for a
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Claire Yu Yan P.Eng., University of British Columbia; Vladan Prodanovic P.Eng., University of British Columbia, Okanagan; Ray Taheri
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
effectiveness of using simulation tools indesign. Students were required to design a steel truss bridge to carry a two-lane highway across ariver. The software West Point Bridge Designer™ [11] was given to students for generating andevaluating their design ideas. In addition, students were required to perform detailed calculationsand analyses. Discussion and reflection on their learning in a team environment throughout thisproject were emphasized. At the end of the project, students were required to give oralpresentations and submit complete design reports. Figure 3 shows a student presentation. Page 24.506.5 Figure 2: APSC 260 project: hovercraft
Conference Session
FPD 10: Teamwork
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Laura K Alford, University of Michigan; Robin Fowler, University of Michigan; Stephanie Sheffield, University of Michigan
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
to together develop a sharedunderstanding of and solution for an ill-structured problem.4 Teachers are redefined as coacheshelping students work toward a set of possible open-ended solutions, and students take someownership of their own learning through reflection. Typically, students learn about team skills inaddition to the course content. Engeström5 identified three stages characteristic of collaborativelearning. In his view, for learning to be truly collaborative, students must (a) work towards ashared problem definition, (b) cooperate to solve the problem, and (c) then engage in reflectivecommunication, reconceptualizing the process. Similarly, Johnson et al.6 argue that there arefive basic elements critical for cooperative work to be
Conference Session
Improving Introductory Experiences in Chemical Engineering
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gladis Chávez-Torrejón, Universidad de las Americas Puebla; Silvia Husted, Universidad de las Americas Puebla; Nelly Ramirez-Corona, Universidad de las Americas Puebla; Aurelio Lopez-Malo, Universidad de las Americas Puebla; Enrique Palou, Universidad de las Americas Puebla
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
. Page 24.625.6 Figure 2. Introduction to Chemical, Food, and Environmental Engineering Design course structure“Concepts” introduce students to the engineering design process, problem-solving techniques,working in teams, engineering as a profession, and planning for success that students then applyin “Laboratory” on two actual design projects. Students were organized into multidisciplinaryteams of three to four members; the group had a total of thirty-eight students (15 male).The “Concepts” section uses quizzes given in nearly every session to ascertain whether studentshave understood the material in their pre-class reading assignments. In addition, we encouragestudents to write brief reflective journal entries to further solidify and
Conference Session
Teaching Communication I
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ronald S Harichandran, University of New Haven; David J Adams, Technical Communications Consultant; Michael A. Collura, University of New Haven; Nadiye O. Erdil, University of New Haven; W. David Harding, University of New Haven; Jean Nocito-Gobel, University of New Haven; Amy Thompson, University of New Haven
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
required when addressing the reader’s questions/concerns in a technical memocompared with a research paper. The PITCH outcomes (see Table 1) addressed in this course are1a, 2b, 2c and 2d. Feedback from the initial two non-graded PITCH assignments in fall 2013 was used todevelop a general advice table, outlining common mistakes made by students. Examples areprovided to illustrate these mistakes and how to correct them. The usefulness of the advice tableis limited if it does not reflect the mistakes made by the students taking the course. Thus, it isexpected that the table will change and expand with subsequent offerings of the course. Somefaculty voiced concern that students may not read a multipage table. Thus, in addition, a one-page advice
Conference Session
Principles of K-12 Engineering Education and Practice
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Monica E Cardella, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Ming-Chien Hsu, Purdue University, West Lafayette; George D Ricco, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
. However,reflective practice that involves conceptual understanding of the design space and problemsnecessitate the practice of design.Research QuestionsThe focus of this paper is to look at differences across 2nd ,3rd,,and 4th graders’ understanding ofdesign. We ask the following questions: Are there discernible differences in elementary students of different grade levels’ understanding of the engineering design process? If so, what are these differences?If we are able to identify specific differences between different grade levels’ understanding ofdesign, this can help us to imagine an engineering design learning progression where we mightfocus on one aspect of the engineering design process in 2nd grade, a different aspect of
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Suzanne W. Scott, The Petroleum Institute; Jamal Sheikh-Ahmad, The Petroleum Institute; Jaby Mohammed, Petroleum Institute; Samuel N. Cubero Jr., The Petroleum Institute; Khalid Abdalla Alhammadi, The Petroleum Institute
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
students only) Final presentation I/T 5 Final report T 30 Project portfolio T 5Weekly project reviews are shown above to reflect only 10% of the total grade but these reviewsactually highly influenced the teams’ total scores in many ways. During these reviews the teamswere required to demonstrate time, task and personnel management through the use of projectmanagement tools, specifically a Work Breakdown Structure, Gantt chart, and a LinearResponsibility Chart. Project progress had to be demonstrated through a live demonstration of aPercentage Complete Matrix. In addition to the
Conference Session
Classroom Management
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ralph Ocon, Purdue University Calumet
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
Opportunities for Success Employees 3. Take Personal Interest in Each 3. Deal with Employee Performance Employee Problems Immediately 4. Establish a Climate of Open 4. Coach Employees for Peak Communication with Employees PerformanceConsiderationa. As applied to leadership, the Ohio State model describes Consideration as thedimension that reflects a leader’s interpersonal relationship with subordinates.Consideration is characterized by mutual trust, respect for his/her employees, andconsideration of their feelings.b. As applied to teaching, the author describes Consideration as the dimension thatreflects a teacher’s interpersonal relationship with students
Conference Session
Choice and Persistence in Engineering Education and Careers
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Beth A. Myers, University of Colorado Boulder; Jacquelyn F. Sullivan, University of Colorado Boulder
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
: Beginning to Quantify the Pool of Engineering-Eligible Prospective Students through a Survey of Access PracticesMotivationTo educate the number of engineers necessary to meet demand and propel our nation’scompetitiveness, as well as to continuously populate an engineering workforce reflective of therich diversity of our nation, we must engage people from backgrounds historicallyunderrepresented in engineering—especially women and minorities. Compelling drivers forincreasing the number and diversity of engineers have been promoted by the National Academyof Engineering (NAE)1, the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the current U.S. president 2-3 ; however, the representation of women and people from racial minorities