AC 2012-4153: EXPLORING CYBERLEARNING THROUGH A NSF LENSMrs. Jeremi S. London, Purdue University, West Lafayette Jeremi London is a graduate student at Purdue University. She is pursuing a M.S. in industrial engineering and a Ph.D. in engineering education. She completed this study as a 2011 Summer Scholar in the Division of Undergraduate Education at the National Science Foundation. Acknowledgements: London offers special thanks to her mentors, Drs. Don Millard, Lee Zia, and Victor Piotrowski, for inspiring this study and for their guidance throughout this experience. She also acknowledges the Quality Education for Minorities (QEM) Network for sponsoring her internship. Finally, she is grateful for Ingram London’s
Graduate Research Assistant in the Engineering & Science Edu- cation Department at Clemson University and is also Public Relations Chair of the Graduate Engineering Education Consortium for Students. Miller received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in industrial engineering from Clemson University in 2007 and 2008, respectively.Dr. Marian S. Kennedy, Clemson University Marian Kennedy, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor in the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Clemson University. Page 25.679.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2012 Graduate Students
AC 2012-4663: DOES NEATNESS COUNT? WHAT THE ORGANIZATIONOF STUDENT WORK SAYS ABOUT UNDERSTANDINGMr. Timothy S. Van Arsdale, University of California, Riverside Timothy Van Arsdale earned his B.S. in engineering from Walla Walla University in 2010. He is currently a Ph.D. student in mechanical wngineering at the University of California, Riverside.Dr. Thomas Stahovich, University of California, Riverside Thomas Stahovich received a B.S. in mechanical engineering from the University of California, Berke- ley, in 1988. He received a M.S. and Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1990 and 1995, respectively. He is currently Chair and professor in the Mechanical Engineering
classes of ontological variables: function,behavior, and structure plus a design description, Figure 110. In this view, the goal of designing isto transform a set of requirements and functions into a set of design descriptions (D). Therequirement (R) of a designed object is defined as constraints that come from outside thedesigner, the function (F) of a designed object is defined as its teleology; the behavior (B) of thatobject is either derived from the structure (Bs) or expected (Be) from the structure, wherestructure (S) represents the components of an object and their relationships. This ontology isused to code the recorded utterances of the design experiment participants (Table 1). 1
University of Florida Distinguished Teaching Scholar, and being named the University of Florida Teacher of the Year for 2003-04. He is a member of the American Society for Engi- neering Education and the American Educational Research Association and is currently Editor-in-Chief of Polymer Reviews.Dr. Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, University of FloridaDr. David J. Therriault, University of FloridaMiss Christine S. Lee, University of FloridaNathan McNeill, University of Florida Nathan McNeill is a Postdoctoral Associate in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Florida, where he is studying the factors that contribute to success in open-ended problem solving. He has a Ph.D. in engineering
the NCIIA. Besterfield-Sacre’s current research focuses on three distinct but highly correlated areas pf innovative design, entrepreneurship, and modeling. She is an Associate Editor for the AEE Journal.Dr. Natasa S. Vidic, University of PittsburghDr. Karen M. Bursic, University of Pittsburgh Karen M. Bursic is an Assistant Professor and the Undergraduate Program Director for industrial en- gineering at the University of Pittsburgh. She received her B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in industrial engineering from the University of Pittsburgh. Prior to joining the department, she worked as a Senior Consultant for Ernst and Young and as an Industrial Engineer for General Motors Corporation. She teaches undergraduate
gap, this study aims to gain adeeper understanding of the faculty‟s experience with LTS. Herein, we present the thoroughdevelopment of the LTS Faculty Survey, designed with content and construct validationprocesses in mind and included quantitative and qualitative items, as well as key findings fromsurveyed LTS faculty experts (N=25). The survey enabled us to measure characteristics of LTScurricular and extracurricular efforts, perceived barriers faced by faculty, motivations forimplementing LTS efforts, attitudes about LTS, etc. all from a faculty perspective. Key findingssuggest that major barriers for LTS implementation are (1) faculty time/workload, (2) problemscoordinating with the community, and (3) the lack of policy on the role of LTS
inEngER, (6) there is low level of connectivity between researchers in this area, (7) Krause, S. is the“most popular” author according to social network analysis, and (8) the field that has done the mostresearch in this area is “Education, Scientific Disciplines”, which indicates that most venues to publishK-12 EngER are educational rather than engineering venues.Keywords— K-12; engineering; education; research; social network analysis Introduction Engineering education (EngE) has strong associations with science, technology and mathematicseducation and it is concerned with the teaching and learning related to engineering practice. Currently,K-12 EngE is emerging as a new discipline, overcoming
, as such, we do not work to account forstudent variation in student responses to the interview in terms of the teacher differences.The interviews were semi-structured: interviewers were given a set of themes on which to focusand sample questions. The expectation was that interviewers would engage in a conversationwith the interviewee in which they worked to elicit student’s thoughts about 5 focal themes. Asa result, we consider the interviews a “negotiated text” 4 (p. 663) that was co-constructed throughthe conversation of the interviewer and interviewee(s). For the purpose of this paper, we focuson 2 thematic categories, including: 1. What is the student’s understanding of the engineering design process? 2. What STEM concepts did the
Total 248 (64%) 138 (36%) 386Figure 2 shows the population breakdown by major. Students could report multiple majors, thusthe total count here is greater than our population total. 70 60 50 Number of Students 40 30 20 10 0 om e Ch cal al r S er
Research We reviewed a total of 13 studies for the second component of our critical analysis.First, we reviewed classic retention studies by Astin 4,29 and Tinto 30, which have been frequentlycited as germinal research linking the construct of social engagement to college student retentionand/or academic success. Nora et al.’s study6 was reviewed as an example of more recentempirical investigations using an extensive national dataset. Next, we analyzed 10 empiricalstudies that examined relationships between peer-oriented social engagement and measures ofcollege student adjustment/persistence (e.g., retention, GPA, other persistence measures) inengineering education. We specified four criteria for the inclusion of a study in our review: a
. 10 The curriculum incubator was developed as a protected space and time for faculty toexplore and adapt approaches to teaching and learning. Because the concept of curriculumincubation is new there is little research or theory to guide development of the incubator oranticipate its effectiveness. Since educational improvement is an institutional commitment withoutcomes demonstrated over a long period of time, it is important to determine whether theconcept of curriculum incubation has merit, the potential to produce innovative instructionaldesigns and long-term educational improvement.Incubation Theory The idea of incubation as a protected environment for nurturing change began in the1950’s with the invention of business
Page 25.475.6 existing systemIn addition to individual quality scores, we calculated an overall innovation score, which was thefifth root of the product of each category score. This method retained the 1-5 scale and rewardedconsistent ideas (e.g. an idea that scored all 3’s is more innovative than an idea that scored two1’s and two 5’s). Once scoring was complete, we calculated the mean (out of five) and standarddeviation in each category and for overall innovativeness.ResultsStudents identified 26 unique solutions to the design problem. Among these, automatic lighting,energy-efficient lighting, and renewable energy devices (including solar panels, piezo-electricflooring, windmills, and river turbines) were the most
% Hispanic or Latino 6% Ethnicity Not Hispanic or Latino 94% American Indian or Alaskan Native 0% Asian 25% Race Black or African American 6% Native Hawaiian of Other Pacific Islander 0% White 69% U. S. Citizen 72% Residence
Career Development model is based on a life-long process where individualsreflect on their changing self concepts as they pass through stages of growth, exploration,establishment, maintenance, and disengagement with each career decision and transition. 6, 7Super used the “growth” and “exploration” stages to develop a children’s model that he believed“contribute[s] to career awareness and decision making”. 8 This model includes stages of Page 25.907.3curiosity, exploration, using occupational information, identifying helpful people, naming likesand dislikes, recognizing locus of control, and understanding one’s self-concept. 8Identifying helpful
everyday experiences.into sub-factors. Second, to come up with multidimensional scales of Engineering-related Beliefsitems, a content validity test was conducted.Systematic Literature ReviewWe selected three representative journals of engineering education: such as Journal ofEngineering Education (JEE), European Journal of Engineering Education (EJEE), andInternational Journal of Engineering Education (IJEE). The search for JEE and IJEE wereperformed in Web of Science (up to January 2012) with the following search terms: "beliefs" or"perception" or "understanding" – AND – "survey" or "test(s)" or "questionnaire" or "scale"–AND – journal name (i.e. “Journal of Engineering Education”, “International Journal ofEngineering Education”). The search for
for relevant statistical constructs, are then presented and discussed. An analysis ofvariations in approach to teaching on the basis of a range of key variables are presented anddiscussed. Finally we provide conclusions and areas for future exploration.BackgroundThe approaches to teaching inventory (ATI) has been developed and refined over the lastdecade. It has its origins in phenomenographic studies of teachers’ attitudes to teachingand learning in the mid 1990’s. A description of the developmental history and statisticalanalysis of the instrument can be found elsewhere2, 3 .Prosser and Trigwell advance the view that there is a fundamental qualitative differencebetween a student-centric and teacher-centric view of the learning process3
incorporating social parameters into thescientific process, and the third is Delve et al.’s service learning model. Page 25.70.3Schwartz’s model describes the cognitive development towards engaging in altruistic behaviorthrough five unique phases11, 12. The first phase is the Attention Phase and describes theindividual’s recognition of needs, perceptions about potential action and recognition of one’sown ability to engage in these actions. The Motivation Phase categorizes the activation of theindividual’s value system through feelings of moral obligation to act or not act. The activationof moral obligations could come from internal personal norms
first phases of the study (conducted during 2011),which addresses research questions one, two and four.1.1 Background of the Premier AwardThe Premier Award competition was instituted with two primary goals: to recognize and rewardthe efforts of faculty (and students) developing courseware and to provide an external measure ofthe quality of the courseware.14 The Premier Award was created as a program within theSynthesis Coalition, one of the NSF engineering education coalitions funded in the 1990’s,which focused on improving engineering education by designing, implementing and assessingapproaches to undergraduate engineering education that emphasized multidisciplinary synthesis,teamwork and communication, hands-on and laboratory experiences
deep learning in students and; an integrative rather than anadditive approach to the inclusion of new content or to meet accreditation requirements. Page 25.1272.16 [First Authors Last Name] Page 16 ReferencesABET. (2009). Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs. Retrieved from UPDATE/Criteria%20and%20PP/E001%2009-10%20EAC%20Criteria%2012- 01-08.pdf.Ahlfeldt, S., Mehta, S., & Sellnow, T. (2005). Measurement and analysis of student engagement in university
Outside EngineeringIntroductionAssessing the state of engineering education within the larger community of educators, theNational Science Foundation has highlighted the need for an understanding of engineering infields outside of engineering and “attention to STEM literacy for the public at large”1. In the1995 NSF report Restructuring Engineering Education: A Focus Change2, one of thesuggestions to address such a need was to offer engineering courses to non-engineering students.Consequently, in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s, engineering departments slowly began to offercourses for students who did not plan to major in engineering. Because few such generaleducation courses were offered in the past, little is known about the long-term student
. We are continuing to develop these resources through collaborations withother disciplinary based education researchers in the STEM fields 23. As these resources becomemore widely available, instructors will be able to select from a large number of questions,administer the question(s) in an online assignment, run the student data through text analysissoftware, and compare results with previously developed models. The resource and timeinvestment spent on analysis becomes minimal for the instructor, allowing him/her to invest thegreater proportion of his/her time in reviewing the analysis to identify areas where students showmisunderstandings and designing interventions to address this in the next class.Constructed response assessments
Computing Surveys, 38(3), 1-24. 5. Totten, R. A., & Branoff, T. J. (2004). Online learning in engineering graphics courses: What are some of the big issues? Paper presented at the 59th Annual Mid-Year Conference of the Engineering Design Graphics Division of the American Society for Engineering Education,, Williamsburg, VA. 6. Sorby, S. A. (1999). Developing 3-D spatial visualization skills. Engineering Design Graphics Journal, 63(2), 21-32. 7. Smith, M. (2009). The correlation between a pre-engineering students's spatial ability and achievement in an electronics fundamentals course. PhD, Utah State Unversity, Logan, UT. 8. Ferguson, E. S. (1992). Engineering and the mind's eye. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 9
of the factors. Several criteria exist to extract the number of factors underlying thedata: the point of inflexion of the curve in the scree plot31 and the number of eigenvalues greaterthan one32. Following Kaiser (1960)’s criteria32, we retained factors with eigenvalues greaterthan one. Thus, seven factors were considered for the possible number of factors of the TESS.Since a putative factor structure of the TESS is identified, the factor loadings of the items foreach factor were gauged to decide which items constitute which factors. Based on Stevens’(2002)33 guideline about the relationship between the sample size and cutoff factor loading, itemswith a factor loading greater than .40 were considered significant for the designated factor
, Boulder Daria Kotys-Schwartz is the Faculty Director for the Mesa State College-University of Colorado Mechan- ical Engineering Partnership program and an instructor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Colorado, Boulder. She received B.S. and M..S degrees in mechanical engineering from the Ohio State University and a Ph.D. in mechanical rngineering from the University of Colorado, Boul- der. Kotys-Schwartz has focused her research in engineering epistemology, engineering student learning, retention, and diversity. She is currently investigating the use of oral discourse method for conceptual development in engineering, the impact of a four-year hands-on design curriculum in engineering, the
such time variant models, colloquiallyreferred to as growth curve models by HLM researchers, Morrell et al.’s research provides anexample of avoiding such a quagmire. 29 By investigating in both a visual and statistical manner,Morrell et al. demonstrate the importance of considering how HLM time measurements areimplemented. Specifically, they compare a growth curve model based on the first age of patients,and then introduce a “follow-up” patient time variable, leading to significantly different results.Their conclusion notes that implementing another time variable allowed them to compare andcontrast a true, longitudinal model with a more cross-sectional one. Whereas Morrell et al.’s work warns us of the folly inherit to considering a
that emerges from these complex interactions it becameapparent that the „object‟ of our research interest was neither “out there” [19, p. 37] to beobserved in a materialistic sense, nor was it is it solely „in the individual‟s head‟. Rather, itextended beyond the individual, in that it was constituted through, and emerged from, the sharedlived experience ["Lebenswelt" in: 20] of groups of individuals [21]. Put another way, this meantthat the reality we were interested in investigating was socially constructed [22-24], by theparticipants and the researcher [1] in the data gathering situation. Illustration: To clarify this point, this illustration considers an example from the above-described study that is concerned with
modelProbabilistic neural networks (PNNs) was first proposed by Specht13 in the early 90’s, to fulfiltheir predominant role as classifiers. By implementing a statistical algorithm called kerneldiscriminant analysis, PNNs are capable of mapping input patterns to any number ofclassifications. The basis of the algorithm divides operations into a multilayered feed forwardneural network with four layers, (1) Input Layer, (2) Pattern Layer, (3) Summation Layer, and(4) Output Layer. Figure 1 shows a typical PNN architecture. In the model, the input layer Page 25.498.3distributes data to “neurons” in the pattern layer, and the neuron of the pattern layer computes
State School Officers). Washington, DC: Council of Chief State School Officers.[4] Sadler, D. R. (1998). Formative assessment: revisiting the territory. Assessment in Education, 5(1), 77–84.[5] Brophy, S. P., Klein, S., Portsmore, M., & Rogers, C. (2008). Advancing engineering education in the P-12classrooms. Journal of Engineering Education 97(3), 369–387.[6] Roselli, R. J., & Brophy, S. P. (2006). Experiences with formative assessment in engineering classrooms.Journal of Engineering Education, 95(4), 325-333.[7] Biesta, G .(2004). Mind the gap! Communication and the educational relation. In Bingham, C., & Sidorkin,A .eds. No Education without relation. New York: Peter Lang.[8]Mazur, E. (1997). Peer Instruction: A user's manual