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Conference Session
Energy Education Courses, Labs, and Projects
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Teodora Rutar Shuman, Seattle University; Gregory Mason P.E., Seattle University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
American Society for Engineering Education, 2012 Novel Approach to Conducting Labs in an Introduction to Thermodynamics CourseAbstractThis paper describes an easily implementable new approach to thermodynamics laboratoryinstruction that directly addresses ABET Criterion b) an ability to design and conductexperiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. In a traditional lab, students conductpreconfigured experiments based on established procedures. They then gather, analyze andinterpret data, and write reports. However, little is done to train engineering graduates to designexperiments for a specific purpose and without a prescribed procedure. However, engineeringprofessionals are frequently tasked with
Conference Session
K-12 Experiences in Energy Education
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Liping Guo, Northern Illinois University; Mansour Tahernezhadi, Northern Illinois University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
alternative energy. Participants become community leaders promotingalternative energy technology. Each participant will write an inquiry-based lesson plan in solar Page 25.1066.5and wind power technology after attending the ETI institute. Inquiry-based learning incorporatesinterdisciplinary study, critical thinking skills, and structured research considering the students asindividual learning styles to produce a student-centered instructional method. The lesson plansfocus students’ inquiry on questions that are challenging, debatable and difficult to solve, andstructure lessons so that students have opportunities to work with peers and apply
Conference Session
Curriculum and Facility Developments for Innovative Energy Education
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Abul K. M. Azad, Northern Illinois University; Clifford R. Mirman, Northern Illinois University; Avinash Varma Gadiraju; Chester D. Kolodziej, Freedom Field Renewable Energy, Inc.
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
Mechanical Engineering Department at Wilkes Uni- versity. He is currently the Chair of the Department of Technology at NIU. His research areas are CAD, finite-element-analysis, and kinematics, both securing grants and writing publications. Mirman is actively involved in ASEE and SME.Mr. Avinash Varma Gadiraju, Mr. Gadiraju obtained his Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering from the Andhra University in Vishakapatnam, India. He moved to USA, in 2009, in pursuit of his M.Sc. degree with the Northern Illinois University. He has received his M.Sc. degree in Computer Science, in 2011. While at NIU he was working as a Graduate Assistant and developed a number of web applications for Internet accessible
Conference Session
Curriculum and Facility Developments for Innovative Energy Education
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Radian G. Belu, Drexel University; Irina Nicoleta Ciobanescu Husanu, Drexel University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
, andimplementation of an engineering design project, which includes formal report writing, projectdocumentation, group presentations, and project demonstrations. The goal of these courses is todemonstrate the ability to manage a major project involving the design and implementation ofproducts with a mixture of electrical and mechanical elements as a member of a productdevelopment team. In these project-based courses, the students are expected to effectivelymanage their time and team efforts to produce a finished product in three ten-week quarters. Notextbook is required. Progress and formal reports, and oral presentations constitute integralcomponents of this course sequence. Before beginning the projects, student teams are providedadequate training in
Conference Session
Innovative Energy Projects
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert W. Fletcher, Lawrence Technological University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
survey consisted of five sections. These included some general background informationabout the respondent, why the respondent joined the Lawrence Tech Formula HybridTMcompetition team, their experiences while being part of the hybrid team, other comments, andinformation related to if the respondent had left the team. Many of these questions are related tointernal use by the author and advisor of the team for the college of engineering at LawrenceTech, so not every question or its responses are included in this paper. There are, however, someresponses worth noting. At the time of this writing only about 17% of the voluntary responseshad been received (n = 8). But enough responses had been received to be of some use and thedata do shed light on