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Displaying all 13 results
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Education and K-12
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Pablo Biswas, Texas A&M International University; Runchang Lin, Texas A&M International University; Ramesh Hanumanthgari, Texas A&M International University; Sri Bala Vojjala
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
Web toenhance students' learning has been recognized, and to this end a pilot web-based system hasbeen developed as an online interactive resource for the teaching and learning of anundergraduate module on Communications within the Department of Electrical Engineering andElectronics. Rüschoff and Ritter[28] discussed the current state of the art with regard to the use ofnew technologies in the classrooms. Lu and Bol[20] found that peer review has becomecommonplace in composition courses and is increasingly employed in the context oftelecommunication technology. The results of their research from both semesters showed thatstudents participating in anonymous e-peer review performed better on the writing performance taskand provided more
Conference Session
Student Development and Assessment in IE Programs
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Terri M. Lynch-Caris, Kettering University; Jonathan Weaver, University of Detroit Mercy; Darrell K. Kleinke, University of Detroit Mercy
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
the importance of developing their professional identity by integrating classroomresources and experiences with work/life applications. In addition, learning is enhanced throughthe preparation of a professional presentation. Critical thinking is encouraged through theassessment of peer presentations. The authors believe that students need to be strong not just atsolving well defined technical problems, but should be able to identify problems worth solving,be able to generate a wide array of possible alternatives to a given design problem, andunderstand the commercialization considerations associated with a given design alternative.The prototype Biomimicry Innovation Tool (BIT) described herein is an attempt to integratethese other aspects
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Education and K-12
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Reid Bailey, University of Virginia; Joanne Bechta Dugan, University of Virginia; Alexandra Coso Strong, Georgia Institute of Technology; Matthew E. McFarland, University of Virginia
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
-LEPpeers on real world projects. Finally, a performance activity will be used to directly observe ifand how LEP students approach systems integration problems differently from their peers.IntroductionEngineering majors at East Central State University are similar to those at other schoolsthroughout the nation – students choose to major in one area and they follow a curriculum that islargely specified but has a few electives of various types sprinkled throughout. The primarycommonalities to all majors are a set of math, physics, chemistry, writing, and technology andsociety courses. With this structure, it is not surprising to learn that students in different majorsdevelop different sets of rigorous technical skills and that these skills do not
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Curriculum and Programs
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Adeel Khalid, Southern Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
student and their peers (independence). The emphasis in writing is on the process or development of the piece, whereby the student controls the various versions, not the instructor. 4. Use the tools – In languages the best way to learn is to continue to use it. Several tools are taught in systems engineering classes. The best way to learn and retain them is to use them. Again, the instructor is there pointing the way, and the student has to gather up the courage to go places theretofore unknown. They learn how to think about the engineering tools not from memorized rules, but through their use.ArtsThere are many activities that are used with art appreciation/visual art classes to engage studentsin active and
Conference Session
Instructional Design
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Naveen Seth, New Community College at CUNY; Donald P. O'Keefe, Farmingdale State College
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
a real-world frameworkfor classroom concepts and building students’ research and writing skills, such practicesreinforce business related professional skills such as communication (as recommended by theIACBE4, 2011).A few semesters back, one of the authors used these ideas in one section as a projectmanagement assignment and gave more artificially constructed, abstract assignments to studentsin another section. The degree of student engagement and quality of assignments were markedlyhigher in the section where students were able to tie what they were learning in class to what washappening in the world outside. In other respects, the class requirements were identical—otherassignments, exams etc.—and students fared equally well on those
Conference Session
Capstone Design Projects and Courses
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tim L. Brower, University of Colorado, Boulder
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
water tower apparatus must be easily drainable 7 Power input must be typical 110 V 8 Device must be fully automatedEach team was allocated a role and a set of responsibilities, viz: 1) Integrating Contractor Team a. Acts as the Project Manager for the project b. Acts as budget officer c. Assures an adequate amount of energy available and characterizes flow d. Determines timeline, tracks progress e. Assembles integration specifications from each team f. Writes final report 2) Sensor Design Team a. Responsible for sensor, pump, & shut-off system specification and design b. Computer interface and readout, coding and formatting c
Conference Session
Improving IE Course Content
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yosef S. Allam, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach; Scott Sink, Ohio State University; Joseph M. Cerrato, Ohio State University; John A. Merrill, Ohio State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering
lab activity favorable and were happy to be actively doing and problemsolving with peers. Students cited the open-ended and collaborative nature of the in-lab problemsolving session where the mock organizations convened to discuss how they could improveproduction and cut costs. Some students wrote that this was their favorite lab. Other studentsremarked on enjoying getting insight on the workings of both the product and the productionprocess. Page 25.66.10Student outcomes, as gauged from submitted student technical reports, were generallyencouraging, with most students completing the writing assignment competently, and studentswho mastered the
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Education and K-12
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eva Andrijcic, University of Virginia
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
to the newspaper articles on the nuclear crisis16-18, and they either confirmedtheir initial suggestions on how to improve the risk communication process addressed in thearticles, or they refined them with more sophisticated ideas learned from the summary sheets.Lesson 6 was a summary session in which students presented their group projects to an audienceof peers and teachers. Students were broken into groups of four and required to present an Page 25.675.5original project of their choosing that integrated some of the concepts and models that they
learned in class. While students were given the liberty to choose a problem of their liking
Conference Session
Pedagogical Advancements in Engineering Management
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mysore Narayanan, Miami University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
of ASME, SIAM, ASEE, and AGU. He is actively involved in CELT activities and regularly participates and presents at the Lilly Conference. He has been the recipient of several Faculty Learning Community awards. He is also very active in assessment activities and has presented more than thirty five papers at various assessment institutes. His posters in the areas of assessment, Bloom’s Taxonomy, and Socratic Inquisition have received widespread acclaim from several scholars in the area of cogni- tive science and educational methodologies. He has received the Assessment of Critical Thinking Award twice and is currently working towards incorporating writing assignments that enhance students’ critical thinking
Conference Session
Engineering Management Applications
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gene Dixon, East Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering
projects, teams and teamwork and reflective writing, this university will teachleadership identity development along with the knowledge, skills and abilities required of thenext generation of engineering leaders.IntroductionKouzes and Posner1 suggest that leadership is “everyone’s business”. East Carolina University(ECU) has committed to distinguishing itself by taking a unified institutional approach topreparing leaders. The ECU has identified itself as “The Leadership University” in its strategicposition and its marketing. As part of this position, the university seeks to define studentlearning outcomes related to leadership development in a way that is straightforward andadaptive while allowing academic units the flexibility to identify and
Conference Session
Student Development and Assessment in IE Programs
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yaseen Mahmud, Morgan State University; Masud Salimian, Morgan State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
extend them to realworld problems. Since assessment of student development in three of the above four categoriesis not an easy task, the majority of schools[6] that offer OR courses have their main focus on theimplementation of the third item (developing operational skills).Based on that, students learn how to perform the simplex method, its iterations, write the dualproblem, and perform sensitivity analysis with or without the use of software. An instructorspends many hours trying to teach the procedural steps which are tedious, repetitive, and requirecareful attention to the details, but it is easy to learn.The concepts, on the other hand, require a higher learning mechanism and instructorstraditionally find insufficient time for such
Conference Session
Instructional Design
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
K.J. Rogers, University of Texas, Arlington; Melanie L. Sattler, University of Texas, Arlington; Andrea M. Graham, University of Texas, Arlington; Stephen P. Mattingly, University of Texas, Arlington
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
AC 2012-4103: ”LIFE CYCLE SUSTAINABILITY ECONOMICS” MOD-ULEDr. K.J. Rogers, University of Texas, ArlingtonDr. Melanie L. Sattler, University of Texas, Arlington Melanie Sattler serves as an Associate Professor at the University of Texas, Arlington, where she teaches courses and conducts research related to air quality and sustainable energy. Her research has been spon- sored by the National Science Foundation, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Luminant Power, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. She has published more than 60 peer- reviewed papers and conference proceedings. In 2010, she received UT Arlington’s Lockheed Martin Excellence in Engineering Education Award. She is a registered
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Education and K-12
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Charles S. Wasson, Wasson Strategics, LLC
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
this context, this paper provides personal observations common across many organizationsbased on the author’s work in SE, project management, organizational development, and teamdevelopment.STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMDespite the formulation and development of Systems Engineering capability assessment andcompetency models, certifications, education and training courses, et al, system developmentprojects continue to exhibit technical performance issues concerning the engineering of systems.Contributing to this overall problem are several contributory performance effecters: 1. Misperceptions that writing specifications, developing designs, performing integration