. Kathleen Toohey, Rose-Hulman Institute of TechnologyDr. Michael S. DeVasher, Rose-Hulman Institute of TechnologyRebecca Booth DeVasher Ph.D., Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Rebecca Booth DeVasher is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Bio- chemistry at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. She has been teaching chemistry and working with undergraduate researchers in the field of green chemistry since the 2004-05 academic year. She earned her Ph.D. from the University of Alabama, where she specialized in environmentally friendly methods for synthetic organic chemistry.Dr. Mark H. Minster, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
-browser window -which contributes to making the remote lab experience feel more real and scalable to multipleusers at the same time. Although multiple users can view the link at the same time, only one cancontrol the instruments remotely (for example to change the sampling time). In Fig. 7, the userhas been granted control after requesting it from the server hence the message “Control granted.” Fig. 7. LEWAS tabbed interface accessed in client’s Web browser showing weather parameters in an indoor test. Functional Operation of LEWASFig. 8 shows the operational diagram of LEWAS lab. As depicted in this figure, first, eachenvironmental parameter is converted to a digital representation of 0’s and 1’s through dataacquisition that takes
forengineering overall of 12.7%.15 The URM student applicants were primarily Hispanic (36 of 46URM applicants in 2006-2011). The increase in applicants from non PhD-granting universitiesis presumed to be due to recruiting targeted to the ASEE list serve (which was not done in the2000-2004 grant cycle).Table 1. Demographics of Applicants to the CU Environmental Engineering REU Site % non % non % # Average % % %Years PhD host CEE/E/S students GPA female URM Fr/ So / Jr / Sr
, Environmental Engineering Body of Knowledge Task Force, Annapolis, MD.2. ASCE (2004), Civil engineering body of knowledge for the 21st century, Body of Knowledge Committee of the Committee on Academic Prerequisites for Professional Practice, Reston, VA.3. NSPE (2007), Code of Ethics for Engineers, Alexandria, VA, Publication 1112, http://www.nspe.org/resources/pdfs/Ethics/CodeofEthics/Code-2007-July.pdf (accessed Jan. 3, 2012).4. Azapagic, A., Perdan, S., and Shallcross, D. (2005), How much do engineering students know about sustainable development? The findings of an international survey and possible implications for the engineering curriculum, European Journal of Engineering Education 30(1), 1-19.5. Kagawa, F
. International Journal of Engineering Education, 2003. 19(5): p. 657-662.9. Gijbels, D., et al., Effects of problem-based learning: A meta-analysis from the angle of assessment. Review of Educational Research, 2005. 75(1): p. 27-61.10. Kolari, S., E.L. Viskari, and C. Savander-Ranne, Improving student learning in an environmental engineering program with a research study project. International Journal of Engineering Education, 2005. 21(4): p. 702-711.11. Schmidt, H.G., J.I. Rotgans, and E.H.J. Yew, The process of problem-based learning: what works and why. Medical Education, 2011. 45(8): p. 792-806.12. Hmelo, C.E., G.S. Gotterer, and J.D. Bransford, A theory-driven approach to assessing the cognitive effects
their surroundings, or we will never be able to resolve our pressing societal needs.”16References1. Allenby, B. R.; Allen, D. T.; Davidso, C. I. (2007) Teaching Sustainable Engineering, J. Ind. Ecol., 11 (1).2. Huntzinger, D. N.; Hutchins, M. J.; Gierke, J. S.; Sutherlan, J. W. (2007) Enabling Sustainable Thinking in Undergraduate Engineering Education, Int. J. Engng Ed., 23 (2), 218-230. Page 25.1467.143. Perdan, S.; Azapagic, A.; Clift, R. (2000) Teaching Sustainable Development to Engineering Students, Int. J. Sustain. High. Educ., 1 (3), 267-279.4. Rowan University’s Official Website (2011) College of Engineering
in EVEN and another major; these students were counted fully as EVEN majors. Datafrom 2005 and 2008 has been omitted since the course had a different instructor.In addition to student major, the sub-disciplinary focus of the students is an additional variable.EVEN majors select among six sub-disciplines (W = water resources and treatment, En =energy, Ec = ecology, R = remediation, A = air, C = chemical processing; S = special optioncreated by student via petition). They generally would prefer to have a project that engages theirstrength and interest area. CVEN majors specialize in water resources and treatment whileCHEN majors specialize in chemical processing. The distribution of these sub-disciplinesamong the EVEN majors in the course
Science Foundation under Grant Nos.DUE-0716599, DUE-0717556, and DUE-0717428. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Science Foundation.Bibliography1. Allen, D., B. Allenby, M. Bridges, J. Crittenden, C. Davidson, C. Hendrickson, et al. 2009. BenchmarkingSustainable Engineering Education: Final Report. University of Texas at Austin, Carnegie Mellon University,Arizona State University.2. Murphy, C. F., D. Allen, B. Allenby, J. Crittenden, C. I. Davidson, C. Hendrickson, et al. 2009. Sustainability inEngineering Education and Research at U.S. Universities. Environ. Sci. Technol., 43 (15), 5558–5564.3. Bielefeldt, A. R
in effective engineeringdesign learned more than a decade ago that the give-and-take process that characterizes afunctioning, well-motivated team is a key element to a project’s success.In the Center for Engineering Design and Entrepreneurship (CEDE), the capstone design coursesequence is supported in an organized setting where students interact with the sponsor (industrialor public entity) and the academic faculty. Project teams of three to five students each address aunique project, with guidance of an advisor and sponsor liaison. For a project team the students,advisor(s) and liaisons may come from different academic disciplines. Students are assigned toprojects based on their stated interests which are expressed in a project
class room or laboratory.For an engineer in industry, a project is a sequence of tasks required to reach an objective.Typically, the objective is to design a device or process that has value to a customer (user). Theproject begins by defining a performance problem associated with an application and ends with adesign solution. The problem drives the learning required to complete the project. Managing theproject requires the engineer to demonstrate effective teamwork, clear communication and theability to balance the social, economic and environmental impacts of the project. Project-basedlearning (PBL) is based on the practice of solving problems. The concept of problem-basedlearning was first developed in the medical field in the mid-1950’s. It
. Page 25.202.1514 Baillie, C. (2011) ‘Threshold capabilities: an emerging methodology to locate curricula threshold’, in proceedings of the Research in Engineering Education Symposium, 4-7 October, Madrid.15 Male, S. and Baillie, C. (2011) ‘Engineering Threshold Concepts’, SEFI Annual Conference, European Society for Engineering Education, Lisbon.16 Smith, M., Hargroves, K., and Desha, C. (2010) Cents and Sustainability: Securing Our Common Future by Decoupling Economic Growth from Environmental Pressures, Earthscan, London.17 Von Weizsäcker, E., Hargroves, K., Smith, M., Desha, C., and Stasinopoulos, P. (2009) Factor Five: Transforming the Global Economy through 80% Improvements in Resource Productivity, Earthscan
”. Retrieved December 2011 from https://www.sarc.miami.edu/ReinventionCenter/Public/assets/files/contentAnalysis.pdf4. Lopatto, D. (2003), “The essential features of undergraduate research “Council of undergraduate research quarterly, 139-1425. Hunter, A.B., Laursen, S. L. and Seymour, E. (2007), “Becoming a scientist: the role of undergraduate research in students' cognitive, personal, and professional development”. Science Education, 91, 36–74.6. Aghayere, A. (2005), “Strategies for embedding scholarship in the educational experiences of engineering technology undergraduate students”. Proceedings of the 2005 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Session 11487. Boyer