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Conference Session
NEW THIS YEAR! - ASEE Main Plenary II: Best Paper Recognition & Industry Day Session: Corporate Member Council Speaker
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rebecca A. Bates, Minnesota State University, Mankato
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ASEE Board of Directors, Corporate Members Council
group exam than by the individual exam, and it isimportant to provide fast feedback.Before the exam, students must prepare sufficiently to be ready to actively engage during theexam. Without adequate preparation, students may find it too easy to passively rely on the groupconsciousness and may not be capable of identifying gaps in their own knowledge during thediscussion. To encourage individual accountability and active discussion during the exam, thestudents must follow two rules. 1. Each student must write some of the answers. 2. All students must agree on every answer submitted.When there is a “hung jury”, students can be encouraged to record the top two positions with asupporting argument for each. This becomes an answer the group
Conference Session
NEW THIS YEAR! - ASEE Main Plenary II: Best Paper Recognition & Industry Day Session: Corporate Member Council Speaker
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen R. Turns, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
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ASEE Board of Directors, Corporate Members Council
successful peers (e.g., Refs. 22, 23). These differences have beenassociated with performance on classroom assessments24 and problem solving measures.2 Taken together, this body of research suggests that one way in which an instructor couldimprove students’ problem solving is by helping students to develop a well-organized knowledgebase and showing how this knowledge applies to specific problems. In a later section, wediscuss ways to promote high quality knowledge organization amongst students inthermodynamics.Procedural Knowledge In our theoretical framework, procedural knowledge includes both the skills andstrategies a student knows. Automated skills include knowledge such as how to applyalgorithms and construct diagrams. Strategies
Conference Session
NEW THIS YEAR! - ASEE Main Plenary II: Best Paper Recognition & Industry Day Session: Corporate Member Council Speaker
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael J. Prince, Bucknell University
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ASEE Board of Directors, Corporate Members Council
the range of inquiry-based approaches that have been developed for physics education including Physics by Inquiry, PeerInstruction, Real Time Physics, Tools for Scientific thinking and workshop Physics. Prince and Felder(2006, 2007) provide extensive evidence that a variety of inquiry-based instructional methods areeffective for promoting conceptual understanding as well as additional educational outcomes. Theframework adopted for the activities presented in this study drew heavily on the Workshop Physicsmodel, the defining elements of which (Laws et al., 1999) are shown in Table 1. Table 1: Elements of Inquiry-Based Activity Modules (Laws et al 1999) (a) Use peer instruction and collaborative work
Conference Session
NEW THIS YEAR! - ASEE Main Plenary II: Best Paper Recognition & Industry Day Session: Corporate Member Council Speaker
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Betsy Palmer, Montana State University
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ASEE Board of Directors, Corporate Members Council