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Conference Session
Mechanics of Materials
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Barry T. Rosson P.E., Florida Atlantic University
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Paper ID #11215Analysis of Inelastic DeformationsDr. Barry T. Rosson P.E., Florida Atlantic University Dr. Barry Rosson is a Professor of Structural Engineering at Florida Atlantic University. Prior to join- ing FAU, he was a professor at the University of Nebraska for 16 years. His areas of research interest are in nonlinear structural mechanics, numerical methods, structural dynamics and steel structures. He has received numerous campus and college-wide teaching and service awards. At the national level of the American Society of Civil Engineers, he has served as the Chair of the society-wide Committee on Professional
Conference Session
Computer Tutors, Simulation, and Videos
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Edward J. Berger, Purdue University; Edward A. Pan, University of Virginia
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accessing.These individual student differences are important and can seriously impact their learning[18]. Wetherefore observe a gap in the literature that helps to motivate this study: for students in a realclassroom environment, what are the usage patterns of the various instructional supports (videos,peers, textbook, instructor) available to them, and in what ways does the ecosystem shape theseusage patterns? This paper gives a preliminary look at these issues using data collected during arecent academic semester in a Dynamics course.Study population, data, and methodologyStudent population. The subjects in this study were students in the sophomore-level courseDynamics at a large, mid-Atlantic public university during the Spring 2012 semester