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Conference Session
Thermodynamics, Fluids and Heat Transfer I
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Soumik Banerjee, Washington State University
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Mechanical Engineering
of nanomaterials relevant to energy conversion and storage devices. Dr. Banerjee’s teaching interests lie in the fields of thermo- dynamics and heat transfer. He has received several prestigious awards including the 3M Non-tenured Faculty Award in 2013, the Pratt Fellowship at Virginia Tech and the Best Poster Award at Dean’s Forum on Energy Security and Sustainability at Virginia Tech. He has published over 30 peer-reviewed articles and presented nearly 30 times at national and international meetings, organized symposia at conferences and serves as a frequent reviewer and referee in his field. Page
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Division Poster Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
J. Alex Birdwell, Northwestern University; Michael Peshkin, Northwestern University
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Mechanical Engineering
 equations,  drawn  on  chalkboards  or  whiteboards.  In  capturing  lectures  on  video  however,  these  traditional  props  become  liabilities:  the  presenter  must  turn  away  from  the  audience  to  write  or  draw  on  the  board,  and  the  presenter’s  body  often  obscures  the  material.        We  developed  the  Lightboard  to  create  visually  compelling  videotaped  lectures,  to  avoid  the  liabilities  of  chalkboards,  and  furthermore  to  be  able  to  produce  upload-­‐ready  video  segments  with  no  post-­‐production.    The  Lightboard  is  a  glass  board,  carrying  light  internally  from  LED  strips  along  its  edges.  A  video  camera  captures  the  presenter  and  his/her  writing  by  viewing  through  the
Conference Session
Engineering Laboratory Experiences
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael J. Schertzer, Rochester Institute of Technology (COE); Patricia Iglesias, Rochester Institute of Technology (COE); Kate N. Leipold, Rochester Institute of Technology (COE); John D. Wellin, Rochester Institute of Technology (COE)
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
, some of her articles have been published in important journals of her field of expertise and her article entitled ”1-N- alkyl-3 methykimidazolium ionic liquids as neat lubricant additives in steel-aluminum contacts” has been named one of the TOP TEN CITED articles published in the area in the last five years (2010). Dr. Iglesias has extensive experience working on tribology and has published 14 peer-reviewed articles and more than 20 conference proceedings in the area.Ms. Kate N. Leipold, Rochester Institute of Technology (COE) Ms. Kate Leipold has a M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Rochester Institute of Technology. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Rochester Institute of
Conference Session
Thermodynamics, Fluids and Heat Transfer I
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Devshikha Bose, Boise State University; Krishna Pakala, Boise State University
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Mechanical Engineering
lower percentage (64%) of students found it comfortable touse the mobile device and application to document use of correct units during the solutionprocess. Participants were expected to use a stylus to write the solution process on the digitalwhiteboard made available through the Explain Everything application. This study did not askfollow up questions to the participants on why they found documentation of units particularlydifficult.Creation of graphs and the labeling of axis and curves were also areas of difficulty, since only58% of the participants expressed that they were comfortable in doing it. It appears thatcreating/importing a graph or labeling its component parts from within the Explain Everythingapplication, was not an easy task for
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Capstone Design
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jared David Berezin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Jane Kokernak, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
Paper ID #11881Communication Among Undergraduate Engineers on a Self-Directed TeamDuring a Product Decision MeetingMr. Jared David Berezin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Jared Berezin is a Lecturer in the Writing, Rhetoric, and Professional Communication (WRAP) team within the Comparative Media Studies/Writing Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Jared teaches in a range of communication-intensive courses at MIT, including Product Engineering Pro- cesses, Computer Systems Engineering, Managerial Psychology, and Science Writing for the Public. He has also been a science writer for Dana-Farber Cancer
Conference Session
New Teaching Pedagogies: Methods and Assessments
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James V. Canino, Trine University
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Mechanical Engineering
,students discuss their answers to the question with a peer. Finally, after the discussion, all of thestudents answer the question again. Often the students in the classroom converge on the correctresponse after discussing the question with their peers.18 The Think-Pair-Share pedagogy wasselected for comparison since implementing it in a class is fairly easy and did not require asignificant redesign of the instructor's notes. Additionally, implementing the Think-Pair-Sharemethod in thermodynamics was made even easier by the development of the AIChE ConceptWarehouse,19 which has hundreds of concept questions that instructors can use for free.The driving motivation for this study is the comment from Bishop and Verleger that states, "Wesuggest that in
Conference Session
New Teaching Pedagogies: Methods and Assessments
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Mott, California Polytechnic State University; Steffen Peuker, California Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
because it follows aprescribed sequence of individual work and group work, and includes immediate feedback aswell as peer evaluation. TBL is similar to other flipped classroom approaches in the sense thatstudents have to prepare, e.g. by reading a chapter of a textbook, before coming to class to beprepared for in-class discussions and activities. The uniqueness of TBL is that in class studentswork in permanent teams throughout the quarter, activities follow a prescribed process–first areading assignment (or studying material from other sources), then an in-class quiz, and finallyproblems solved interactively in class that require students to apply facts and concepts from thepre-reading.The framework of assuring that students come prepared to
Conference Session
Manufacturing and Machine Component Design
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
George Youssef, California State University, Northridge; J. Michael Kabo, California State University, Northridge
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
an intensive writing and presentation experience with criticalfeedback engages students in a continuous reflection on the elements of the complete designprocess throughout the entire semester. It was found that this approach produces students whoare better prepared for their senior design projects and engineering practice. Students noted anincrease in their understanding of machine design concepts as an integration of all their priorpreparatory training. The effectiveness of the revised course structure was evaluated through asurvey of previous and current students.Introduction and backgroundPrior to 2011, one of the common concerns of the Mechanical Engineering department’s seniorstudents was the inability to “engineer” or practice “design
Conference Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeremiah J. Neubert, University of North Dakota; Joel Kevin Ness, University of North Dakota
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Mechanical Engineering
with on a weekly basis. Groups that contained students from underrepresented groupswere paired with a similar supervisor when possible. This decision was based on research withpeer mentoring programs which indicated that such peers became role models to the students andaided in persistence9,12.Prior to meeting with the students, supervisors attended a training session. The training sessionbegan with an explanation of the program. During this explanation the instructor emphasizedthat the supervisions were intended to be a positive learning experience for the students.Mistakes should be used to help teach students and should not be penalized. In addition, thetraining session also provided the supervisors with information on common learning
Conference Session
Design Throughout the Mechanical Engineering Curriculum
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Aaron Lalley P.E., South Dakota School of Mines and Technology; Mark David Bedillion, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology; Michael Langerman, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology; Umesh A. Korde, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
under which Page 26.564.3equilibrium is valid; definitions of normal and shear stresses and failure criteria for yielding;hydrostatic pressure, buoyancy, and the Reynolds number; and energy conservation via the firstlaw and the second law’s implications for efficiency. In addition to this focus on fundamentals,students are required to develop communication skills via memo writing on various topics.A secondary aim of the course is to development basic SolidWorks proficiency, which providesthe link between the two freshman courses. Students are provided with custom tutorials to learnthe basics of 3-D modeling and drawing generation; these
Conference Session
Perspectives on Degree Completion and Graduate School Application
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Randall D. Manteufel, University of Texas, San Antonio; Amir Karimi, University of Texas, San Antonio
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
actively seek classes and instructors in which to easily earn “A” gradesand the advent of internet resources is making the search easier for students13,14.At the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, beginning in the Fall 2014, the transcript willinclude (1) the student’s grade, (2) the median grade of classmates, (3) and the number of studentin the class15,16. The additional information on the transcript shows the student’s performancerelative to their peers. The proposed contextual grading is expected to place the “spotlight” oncourses with high grade distributions. Transcripts typically have the semester and cumulativeGrade Point Average (GPA). It will now show the student’s Schedule Point Average (SPA)which is the average grade for the
Conference Session
Design Throughout the Mechanical Engineering Curriculum
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Zahed Siddique, University of Oklahoma; Farrokh Mistree, University of Oklahoman; Lucas Balmer, University of Oklahoma; Warren F. Smith, UNSW, Canberra, Australia
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
Paper ID #11341Development of Student Competencies Overtime in an Authentic ImmersiveDesign ExperienceProf. Zahed Siddique, University of Oklahoma Zahed Siddique is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering of University of Oklahoma. His research interest include product family design, advanced material and engineering education. He is interested in motivation of engineering students, peer-to-peer learning, flat learning environments, technology assisted engineering education and experiential learning. He is the coordinator of the industry sponsored capstone from at his
Conference Session
Dynamic Systems and Control
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chan Ham, Kennesaw State University ; Mohsin Mohammad Taufiq, Southern Polytechnic State University
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Mechanical Engineering
outcomes. 1. System Concept Review (SCR) & System Requirements Review (SRR) 10% Presentation, may be held together 2. Preliminary Design Review (PDR) Presentation & Written Report 10% 3. Critical Design Review (CDR) Presentation & Written Report / Final 20% Presentation and Written Report 4. Completion and Demo of a Prototype 30% 5. Logbook, Weekly Progress Report, and other Presentations/Exams. 20% 6. Performance Evaluation by Peer 10%The five students were graded on their teamwork based on the first four criteria. As a group theyreceived full percentage, if not extra points, in each of the outcomes. On criteria 5 and 6, theywere graded individually on
Conference Session
New Teaching Pedagogies: Methods and Assessments
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Luz Adriana Amaya-Bower, Central State Connecticut University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
second part. This structure did not allow for an effective way ofcomparing the tools between Excel and Matlab. Currently, the class is taught by topics. Inaddition, the assignments were modified to follow the new structure. Problems are taken fromeach book and then combined so students can follow the same methodology as in the class. Thenext change was to modify the method of homework collection. Initially, homework wascollected via email and the student received feedback in writing. It was observed that in manycases that the student neither reviewed their errors nor the provided feedback. Now theassignments are revised by the instructor in each student’s computer which allows immediatefeedback. The final change was to modify the classroom
Conference Session
Dynamic Systems and Control
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Estelle M. Eke, California State University, Sacramento
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
ofmore kits. One solution might be for students to buy the NXT microprocessor, known as thebrick, and for the department to supply the other LEGO pieces. Another suggestion was that theNXT be more fully integrated into the course by starting simple projects in the third week whensystem parameters are discussed in the lectures; plans are underway to do this beginning in thespring semester 2015. Table 6 shows the table of contents for technical writing that is distributedto the students and used as the project grading rubric.ConclusionsThe LEGO NXT project has been effective in helping students to better understand and apply theprinciples of automatic controls. Observing students (i) engage in group discussions as theyattempt to convince others of
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Capstone Design
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan E. Walden, University of Oklahoma; Cindy E. Foor, University of Oklahoma; Rui Pan, University of Oklahoma; Randa L. Shehab, University of Oklahoma; Deborah A. Trytten, University of Oklahoma
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Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
competitions. We found differences between the teams in recruiting,team structure and organization, student leadership, faculty advisors, expectations forcommitment, integration into academic structure (capstone), and focus on competition success.In spite of the differences in team organization and goals, both teams missed opportunities forstudents to acquire and practice important professional skills. Neither team providedopportunities for formal learning about leadership and management, nor experience andmentorship for working with a diverse group of peers (e.g. diversity from race, gender, socio-economic status, or major discipline). The most egregious missed opportunity within these teamswas, and is for many teams, the vast number of students who