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Displaying all 9 results
2014 ERC
Grace Wang
, academe and government  To leverage NSF funds with industry to support graduate students performing industrially relevant research Industry University Cooperative Research Centers (I/UCRC) Industry members Value Pooled Member $’s • New knowledge for precompetitive Cooperatively needs shared by defined research NSF Research industry members portfolio ProjectsSeed funding
2014 ERC
Mica Endsley
Headquarters U.S. Air Force Air Force Global Horizons Dr. Mica Endsley USAF Chief Scientist 19 March 2014 Distribution A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Public Release Case No 2013-0609I n t e g rDistribution i t y A.-Approved S eforrpublic v irelease; c edistribution - Eisxunlimited
2014 ERC
Alma Wickenden
facilitate educational partnerships and accelerate technology transferUNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED ARL S&T Campaigns Human Sciences Steering and oversight of the systematic study to increase fundamental knowledge and understanding in physical, engineering, environmental
2014 ERC
George Hazelrigg
CMMI Overview George A. Hazelrigg Acting Division Director forCivil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation Mary Toney Acting Deputy Division DirectorContext: NSF Strategic Plan, 2014-2018• Transform the Frontiers of S&E -- promotes the progress of science, creates opportunities for transformational advances.• Stimulate Innovation – emphasizes broader impacts to advance national health, prosperity, welfare, and to secure the national defense.• Excel as a Federal Science Agency --emphasizes the importance of NSF as an exemplar of an agency that expects to attain excellence in all operational aspects.
2014 ERC
Kei Koizumi
’14-’15 estimate budget Change ($ mil.) ($ mil.) (%) DOD “S&T” (6.1–6.3) 12,009 11,515 -4.1% DHS R&D 1,032 876 -15.1% DOD DARPA 2,779 2,915 +4.9%•  The Budget invests in defense-related S&T across a diverse portfolio, including advanced manufacturing, energy, cybersecurity, robotics, a safe and secure nuclear arsenal, explosives detection, and biodefense.•  The Budget sustains support for Department of Homeland Security (DHS) S&T programs and provides funds to complete construction of the National Bio
2014 ERC
Mary Galvin
Mathematical Chemistry Sciences (CHE) (DMS) Jacquelyn Gervay-Haque Michael Vogelius FY11: $287 M DMR Budget S&T Ctrs Education 13.3Nano Ctrs 6.7 4.9 Nano S&T Ctrs, 4 Education Ctrs, 4.9 and Centers Workforce, 57
2014 ERC
Linda Horton
2015 Budget g Highlights: g g  New computational materials research will develop codes for design of functional materials.  Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRCs) continue at the FY 2014 level.  Two Energy Innovation Hubs continue:  Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis (JCAP) will be in its fifth project year.  Joint Center for Energy Storage Research (JCESR) will be in its third year.  National Synchrotron Light Source-II (NSLS-II) transitions to operations; NSLS ceases operations.  Li Linac C h Coherent t Light Li ht Source-II S II (LCLS-II) (LCLS II
2014 ERC
Pramod Khargonekar
challenges and lead to EFRI breakthrough technologies – FY 2014 topics: Two-Dimensional Atomic-layer Research and Engineering (2-DARE) and Resilient Interdependent Infrastructure Processes and Systems (RIPS) – FY 2015 topics: Two-Dimensional Atomic-layer Research and Engineering (2-DARE) and other(s) in development 15ENG will maintain support for integrative ResearchCenters• Engineering Research Centers (ERCs) $64 M for – 17 active centers, competition underway ERCs• Science and Technology Centers (STCs) – CBET will continue supporting the Center on Emergent Behaviors of Integrated
2014 ERC
Jerry Lee
*  Averaging 1.5 FDA approvals per year†  2007: 19 NMEs [lowest since 1983]  1000’s of samples  2008: 21 NMEs [29% new-in-class]  Balancing complexity of biology against  2009: 24 NMEs [17% new-in-class] heterogeneity of patients Maybe…but can it be more efficient?*Paul et. al, Nature Rev. Drug Discovery, March 2010; † Leigh Anderson, Clin Chem, 2010National Institutes of Health (NIH):27 Institutes and CentersNHGRI NIA NIDA