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- 2012 ERC
- Authors
Matt Hourihan
Engineering Investments Advanced Manufacturing +41% ($68 million) CEMMSS doubling to $110 million CIF 21: doubling to $11 million CAREER (Young Investigator Support): +4.8% to $53 million, 125 awards Clean Energy Technology: +5% to $128 million NNI: +4.8% to $174 million; NITRD: $4.3 million SBIR/STTR: +8% to $165 million SEES, S+T Centers, ERCs essentially flatU.S. R&D INVESTMENTU.S. R&D INVESTMENTU.S. R&D INVESTMENTNASA Investments Science: Planetary Science: No more ExoMars, but alternate study underway James Webb ST continues growth (+21%, $628 million) Exploration: Orion MPCV on track for FY14 but System Dev down (-7.9%, $2.8 bil) Commercial crew transport system funding doubled ($830 mil
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- 2012 ERC
- Authors
Kam Ng
Prototypes) 1-2 years Acquisition Enablers (FNCs, etc) ≈45% Quick Reaction & Other S&T ≈12% ≈30% ≈8% Time Frame NARROW NEAR MID LONG Dr. Kam Ngkam.ng1@navy.mil 703.696.0812
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- 2012 ERC
- Authors
Theresa Maldonado
that promote the entry and retention of veterans and other non-traditional students in engineering programs 8OneNSF: Expeditions in Education (E- (E-2) willintegrate STEM education R&D to improvelearning for the 21st century. Research-intensive activity Three focus areas: ◦ Transforming UG STEM Learning through S&E ◦ Learning and Understanding Sustainability and Cyberlearning ◦ Data and Observations of STEM Education Timeline: 5-year initiative ◦ FY12: Draft guiding principles. Evaluation planning. ◦ FY13: Issue Dear Colleague Letter. Investment framework. Outcome: Transform the NSF education portfolio into a coordinated and strategic set of
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- 2012 ERC
- Authors
Thomas L Doligalski
, engineers early in their independentTexas Tech Univ. research careers • Each recipient receives $200K per year for five years 100 thermite A log combustion wave speed (m/s
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- 2012 ERC
- Authors
Reginald Brothers
Foundational Mission Assurance DoD S&T Thrusts Foundations of TrustEmerging Technologies Symposium02/21/2012 Page-13 DoD internal/external engagement Services and Agencies Industry and Academia • DoD Priority Steering • Key Elements of PSC S&T Committees Roadmap shapes: – Membership
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- 2012 ERC
- Authors
Van Stephen Blackwood
PortfolioGoals for AFOSR to strengthen the Air Force basic researchprogram as defined in AF S&T Strategic Plan: • Provide scientific leadership for the AF basic research enterprise • Attract the Nation’s/World’s best S&Es to contribute to and lead AF/DoD research • Ensure the coherence and balance of the AF basic research portfolio • Foster connections between AFRL researchers and the National/International basic research community • Maximize the discovery potential of the defense research business environment Focus on the Future AF with the ultimate goal to make Today’s AF and Tomorrow’s AF Obsolete! 7 Shaping the
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- 2012 ERC
- Authors
William Heetderks
D ata: Assoc of Universi ty Technol ogy Manag er s (AUTM ) S urvey 2004 NIH supports institutions & people (Extramural Research) > 4,000 institutions > 300,000 scientists & research personnel ~ 85% of the NIH budget NIH Grant StatisticsFiscal Year 2010• 88,000 applications received (all mechanisms)• 240 Review Officers organized 1,600 meetings with 18,000 reviewers• Over 62,000 research grants reviewed … improving health by leading the development and accelerating the application of biomedical
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- 2012 ERC
- Authors
John P Holdren
DOD basic research 2,111 2,116 +0.2% (“6.1”) DOD applied 4,737 4,477 -5.5% research (“6.2”) DHS R&D 577 729 +26.3% DOE Weapons 4,281 4,691 +9.6% Activities • The Budget invests in defense-related S&T across a diverse portfolio, including advanced manufacturing, energy efficiency, cybersecurity, robotics, clean energy, a safe and secure nuclear arsenal, explosives detection, and biodefense. • The Budget provides $2.8 billion for DARPA’s breakthrough research. Advanced Manufacturing in the 2013 Budget Creating New American Jobs in Manufacturing• The