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overwhelmingly enjoy this experience and that it effectively displays the direct, positiveimpact engineering can have on people. Future work includes developing the program to servemore engineering students, providing workshops for parents and families of children with specialneeds, and beginning partnerships to extend toy adaptation to other cities and universities.Additionally, we will continue to expand our data collection to evaluate the program morecompletely and its impact on our students and the community.AcknowledgementThis work is currently supported by the Battelle Engineering, Technology, and Human Affairs(BETHA) Endowment. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressedin this material are those of the author(s) and do
, asmeasured by the External Application concept. Surprisingly, the concept of Emotional Gain,including categories such as personal fulfillment, self-confidence, and satisfaction associatedwith mentoring rarely appeared in responses.Introduction Research has explored motivations associated with volunteerism in a broad sense forapproximately 40 years (Esmond & Dunlop 2004). The late-1980’s and early 1990’s showed alarge endorsement of student volunteerism and community service from American colleges anduniversities. The U.S. government encouraged universities to embrace the service-learning linkto enhancement of the educational experience as part of the National Community Service Act of1990. The academic and social benefits of student
design was adopted in this project because of its ability to extendthe breadth and range of inquiry by using different methods, to clarify results from one methodwith the results from the other method(s), and to seek elaboration enhancement, convergence,and corroboration of results of different methods (Greene, Caracelli, & Graham, 1989). Weelaborate on our two-phase design as follows. In the first phase, the research team designed a survey based on existing scales andpractical insights from experienced NFLC facilitators and university administrators. The surveywas conducted with faculty members (n=49, with 29 participated in the NFLC) who were hiredsince 2004 with special attention to faculty who started after 2011 (the initiation of
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campus through initiatives such as the ”S” course designation and showcasing of best practices. Mrs. Ellenburg’s work on campus-level initiatives at UT has included service on the 2015 SACS Qual- ity Enhancement Plan writing team, the 2014 Carnegie Community Engagement writing team, the 2010 UT Community Engagement Task Force writing team, and coordinating author for the 2010 whitepaper ”Student Ownership, and the College Experience.” Last year she received the Chancellor’s Award for Environmental Leadership for her leadership of sustainability-focused service-learning and the SCI. Mrs. Ellenburg serves on the Board of Directors for the Educational Partnerships for Innovation in Communi- ties Network (EPIC-N), the
and community with science learning: Real world problems and school-community partnerships as contextual scaffolds. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 38(8), 878- 98. Retrieved from http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd- TEA.htmlRoth, W., & Lee, S. (2004). Science education as/for participation in the community. Science Education, 88(2), 263–291. doi:10.1002/sce.10113Sheldon, S.B. (2003). Linking school–family–community partnerships in urban elementary schools to student achievement on state tests. The Urban Review 35(2), 149-165. doi:10.1023/A:1023713829693Sheldon, S.B., & Epstein, J.L. (2005). Involvement counts: Family and community partnerships and
Entrepreneurship, 222–239.2 Dzombak, R., and Mehta, K. (2014). Scholarly Advances in Humanitarian Engineering and SocialEntrepreneurship: A Typology of Research Publications. International Journal for Service Learning inEngineering, Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship, 98–116.3 Passino, K. M. (2009). Educating the Humanitarian Engineer. Science and Engineering Ethics, 15(4), 577–600.4 Hill, S., and Miles, E. (2012). What do Students understand by the term ‘Humanitarian Engineering’?Innovation, Practice and Research in Engineering Education, September 2012.5 UC Engineering (n.d.) Diploma in Global Humanitarian Engineering,http://www.engf.canterbury.ac.nz/humanitarian/ last accessed January 1, 20166 Bielefeldt, A., Paterson, K., and Swan, C
or satisfiedwith the STEM modules delivered by the CET. The participants expressed the need tobreakdown the 3D modeling modules into smaller sub modules and start with simple models.Since this is a work in progress paper, and the authors are limited to four pages, the readers areencouraged to contact the authors for detailed survey instruments, assessment results, andparticipant comments. Figure 3. Overall satisfaction with different modules for Students (S), Teachers (T), and those who did not identify themselves (NI).Conclusions and Next StepsAMIA participants were exposed to a large number of concepts in mechanics, electronics,controls, programming, 3D modeling, 3D printing, and computer aided machining. The
knowledgeinto new frameworks.Flexibility in topic, discussion, structure and partners is key to providing a meaningful classroomexperience for students, while also teaching engineers to remain nimble, contextual and criticalin thought as they evaluate solutions to a design problem.Incorporation of multiple professional and peer viewpoints, in the form of professional advisorsand alumni mentors, gives students diverse perspectives as well as comfortable resources toconsult outside of the classroom, and demonstrates that many approaches can exist in tackling adesign challenge.Bibliography 1. Atman, C. J.; Adams, R. S.; Cardella, M. E.; Turns, J.; Mosborg, S.; Saleem, J. Engineering Design Processes: A Comparison of Students and Expert