Paper ID #17414Assessing a Scaffolded, Interactive, and Reflective Analysis Framework forDeveloping Ethical Reasoning in Engineering StudentsDr. Lorraine G. Kisselburgh, Purdue University, West Lafayette Lorraine Kisselburgh (Ph.D., Purdue University) examines organizing and communicative practices in sociotechnical contexts, particularly collaboration in engineering design teams, spatial and material in- fluences on organizing, and gendered practices in technological settings. She has backgrounds in com- munication, human performance, and computer science, and over twenty years experience designing and supporting
, successfully accomplish and reflect upon an activityreferred to as a compassion practicum. The compassion practicum sought to begin thedevelopment of a critical consciousness in students. Students’ projects fall into two categories:(1) a service learning type project which must in some way improve the quality of life of othersand involves a minimum of 15 hours of actual service; and (2) a guided, extensive visit of ananimal rescue society farm in which students confront animals typically used in biomedicalresearch projects and reflect on the entire experience.IntroductionBiomedical engineering is the application of engineering principles and techniques to medicine.It combines expertise in engineering with expertise in medicine and human biology to
Paper ID #14502Engineering Education: Moving toward a Contemplative Service ParadigmDr. George D. Catalano, Binghamton University Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Binghamton University Previously member of the faculty at U.S. Military Academy and Louisiana State University. Two time Fullbright Scholar – Italy and Germany. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Ten Steps for Improving Critical and Reflective Thinking Skills in the Engineering Classroom: Moving towards a Contemplative Paradigm AbstractThe present work seeks to develop and implement
studies of theirchoice. Each week, two to three presentations were followed by general discussion. Studentscompleted a short synopsis form that included a summary of the main points and the keytakeaway for each case. At the end of the semester, the students wrote personal reflection paperson what they learned in the course during the semester. Leaving the choice of the cases discussedto the presenters (both guest lecturers and students) resulted in inclusion of cases beyond theclassic examples (e.g. the Challenger, the Ford Pinto, the Hindenburg, the Titanic). Some of theless widely discussed failures presented included the groundwater contamination at CampLejeune, North Carolina, the structural failure of the Skyline Tower in Washington, D.C
failure will have on a broad range of stakeholders.Additionally, whereas many engineering ethics case studies focus on human stakeholders andcorporations, here the focus also includes marine and aquatic life, challenging a narrowlyanthropocentric focus by placing environmental issues as a focal point. In this sense our focuspushes beyond both macro-ethical issues, where students are encouraged to adopt a broadenedsocietal viewpoint to deduce the most ethical courses of action, and micro-ethics, where thefocus is towards the professional obligations of an individual engineer.7,8The case as we designed it challenges students to justify the ethicality of deeper water drilling inlight of this disaster, guided by the reflective specification and
associated pedagogy A detailed list of the modules as well as all lecture notes, exercises, and assignments can 9be found online . The modules consist of 5 separate sections covering: (1) basic professional ethics; (2) the software engineering code of ethics; (3) legal issues and security concerns; (4) local and global impacts; and (5) professional development. The general pattern we use for each module is as follows. 1. Introduce basic ideas, terminology, background 2. Look at and discuss case studies (where appropriate) 3. Reflective exercises (individually and in small groups or pairs) 4. Discussion 5. Application exercises (where students apply ideas) 6. Individual writing assignments (tie
human users of such design.10This approach is reflected in the design process model the program uses and teaches to itsstudents, shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: Program Design Process (EPICS, 2010) We use a communication lens to explore the influence of this design approach onstudents’ engagement in their design work. This project contends that a communication lens isnot only appropriate, but is needed to provide insight into the study of ethics in the engineeringeducation context. Ethics is a subjective and fluid concept, which we argue does not exist inisolation, but rather is communicatively constructed through language and discussion withinproject teams. Just as interdisciplinary identities are negotiated and
of scientific measurements. Anaccurate measurement reflects the true value (possibly within an error range or degree ofconfidence), while a precise measurement is consistent and repeatable.14 It is possible for ameasurement to be highly accurate but not precise (repeatable), or to be very precise but notaccurate (reflecting the true value). Figure 1 depicts the difference between accuracy andprecision in scientific measurement. Figure 1: Accuracy is the proximity of measurement results to the [reference] true value; precision, the repeatability, or reproducibility of the measurement. Figure and caption from Pekaje/Wikipedia.15The initial lesson on accuracy versus precision was developed by Dr. John R. Luchini as part of aguest lecture
from variousethnicities and cultural backgrounds also reflects my very shelteredness in this corner ofcampus. I don’t...there are no international students who take theater. So I don’t engage in thosestudents very often here on campus. So I think we can’t necessarily put that on the studentseither.” He continued, noting that the students did a reasonable amount of research, but that the“biggest barrier for them right now would be for those people to actually test those things.”This theme was strongly reinforced when a cross-cultural group of panelists were invited toattend and critique the students’ final presentations. Panelists remarked several times that theyknew people from the targeted regions on campus, and wondered why none of the
regarding how their work impacted people, society, and/or theenvironment. This may truly reflect a lack of these circumstances, or may indicate that someindividuals are not adept at recognizing such issues. For 34% of the jobs, ethical/moral dilemmaswere encountered infrequently and were not of significant personal concern, compared toethical/moral dilemmas encountered infrequently but of significant personal concern in 16% ofthe cases. Smaller percentages of the jobs were reported to have frequent ethical dilemmas thatwere and were not of significant personal concern; 9% and 8%, respectively. Finally, 2%indicated that the moral/ethical dilemma was the primary reason that they had left their job.These cases might reflect that the individual was in
unfolded. Although theresponses varied, most students did an excellent job on this discussion. The in-class discussionlikely helped the students with their responses to this question. Overall, most students appeared to have devoted thoughtful consideration to the assignment.This was reflected in the strong grades received by the majority of the students: 63% of thestudents received an A (>90%) and 26% of the students received a B (80-90%); there was only asingle student who earned a C (70-80%) and one who received an F (50%). In order to encouragethe students to more fully explore these complex issues, they were instructed on four of the sixquestions that their answers should exceed a full page in length (single-spaced, 12-point font).Thus
that engineering ethics instruction shouldchallenge students to question social structures of power and authority.5 Her courses thusincorporate readings from a wide range of disciplines and call on students to lead classdiscussions and write reflective papers about their learning process. Herkert also calls for newcourse materials to be developed and published, such as case studies related to macroethicsissues.3In answer to these calls for increased instruction in macroethics issues, this paper describes myendeavor to incorporate a case study approach into a macroethics unit in an advanced writingcourse for engineers. In this unit, I use a case study to introduce and discuss the macroethicsimplications of the 2015 Volkswagen diesel scandal, in
their jobs: these aren’t CEOs who are terminated withgolden parachutes, but people, already poor, whose source of income is further being harmed bythe arrival of corporations.Janine also explicitly evaluates the work of informal waste-workers, mentioning multiple timesthat they are doing a good job. This reflects the view taken in the video, but the highlighting andthe repetition of this in the utterance is Janine’s. The evaluation happens through two devices: (i)Janine as the speaker tells the other participants that the informal workers were good (line 5-9),and (ii) Janine acts as the voice of the informal workers, quoting them (line 18-20). This alsoserves as an evaluation of the companies, who emerge in Janine’s utterance as being worse
andconversion or use) of these by any one sector or nation requires a commensurate reduction in useby another.However, project sustainability that is assessed through triple-bottom-line accounting is deficientin one key dimension – the role of technology.If the engineering is poor, irrespective of how much effort is placed to ensure that the other threeparameters are addressed, the proposal will fail. Through “engineering” we address the technicalaspects of a proposal – which in turn are a reflection of the design and the materials used.Further, if the structure has a designed life span, provision should be made to consider whatshould happen to the materials and the site on demolition. In light of this, Buckeridge22introduced the concept of the “4 Es
areimposed on and expected from members of an Engineering society or association. These rulesand regulations, similar to the rules of law, identically apply to all members of the profession. Inother words, compliance with the deontological approach to professional ethics, does not requirefurther reflection on personal or societal value systems. Professional engineering ethics is adeontological approach (Quebec Order of Engineers, Professionalism, Ethics and Deontology).Moreover, on the other side of the engineering ethics, is the engineering social responsibility(ESR) which is an organizational matter. Society is best served by pursuing joint-interests of allthe stakeholders involved in an engineering project or initiative and through an
have an open mind and reflect thoroughly onethical situations in the future before jumping to conclusions. For the point/counterpointassignment in this experiment, the first team chose a case study that was related to the topic ofthe engineering class. The students were asked to write a point/counterpoint essay and discusstheir opinions in class. Upon completion of the point/counterpoint study, the students were askedto complete a survey to gauge how effective this method of ethics teaching was, as well asdetermine reactions to the assignment. In addition to the point/counterpoint assignment, the first team also developed a heuristicsassignment for the same senior-level class. A six step analysis method was adapted from varioussources10-13
expressed in this material are those of theauthors and do not necessarily reflect those of the National Science Foundation.References 1. Schmeckpeper, E. R., & Ater Kranov, A., & Beyerlein, S. W., & Pedrow, P. D., & McCormack, J. P. (2015,June), Using the EPSA Rubric and EPSA Score to Evaluate Student Learning at the Course and Program Level,2015 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA.2. Loendorf, W. (2009, June), The Case Study Approach to Engineering Ethics, 2009 American Society forEngineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Austin, TX.3. Davis, M., & Feinerman, A. (2012, June). Assessing graduate student progress in engineering ethics. Science &Engineering Ethics, Vol 18, Issue 2, pp 351-3674
. Ethical issues have beeninfused into the engineering curriculum, graduation projects, holiday practice, and productionpractice, thereby forming a system of engineering ethics education." The author goes on torecommend that both countries could learn from each other in terms of incorporating ethics inthe engineering curricula.Institutional profileIn Fall 2015, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), had a student population ofapproximately 25,000 undergraduate students and 4,000 graduate students. UNLV isdesignated as a Minority-Serving Institution and an emerging Hispanic-Serving Institution.This diversity is reflected in the graduate students of UNLV's Howard R. Hughes College ofEngineering, see Table 1. The College of Engineering offers M.S
material are thoseof the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.Bibliography1. Brummel, B. J., & Daily, J. S. (2014). Developing engineering ethics through expert witness role plays.Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education Conference 2014.2. Brummel, B. J., Daily, J. S., Stauth, J. T. (2015). Guidelines for constructing expert witness role plays forengineering ethics. Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education Conference 2015.3. LeClair, D. T., & Ferrell, L. (2000). Innovation in experiential business ethics training. Journal of BusinessEthics, 23(3), 313-322.4. Newberry, B. (2004). The dilemma of ethics in engineering education. Science and Engineering