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Conference Session
Engineering Management: Project Management and Partnerships
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wayne Paul Pferdehirt, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Jeffrey S. Russell, University of Wisconsin, Madison; John S Nelson PE, University of Wisconsin, Madison Department of Civil & Environmental Enginieering
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Engineering Management
, relevant, immediatelyapplicable to their work, and substantiated by experiences of their own or credible peers 13,14,15,16.As the authors have taught this course over the past eight years, a shared, consistent goal andcommitment to our students has been to make the course “authentically real,” speaking directlyto the experiences and learning goals of these project-experienced professionals. Following is abrief description of a few key ways in which our teaching of effective, real project managementhas evolved.An Emphasis on Living Order“Living order” is a concept that the authors have found helpful in exploring the definition ofproject success and how to best strategize to achieve success. Alex Laufer has writtenextensively about living order and