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Conference Session
Promoting Engineering and Technological Literacy
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Heywood, Trinity College-Dublin
Tagged Divisions
Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering
is illustrated by some of the presentations at the 2013 annual conference shown inexhibit 1.Only one of the presentations came from outside the US, in this case, TheUniversity of Buenos Aires. The programme inadvertently highlights one of the dilemmasfacing those who would promote technological literacy namely, that it is all too often taken Application of peer-reviewed journal articles for enhancing technological literacy (Brooks, R.M., Cetin, M., Kavuturu, J and Al-Maghrabi, M-N). Demonstration of electrical principles in the classroom by hydraulic analogues (Graff, R. W and P. R. Leiffer). Waves of engineering: using a mini-wave flume to foster engineering literacy (Lyman-Holt, A. L and L. C Ribichaux). Simulating interest in