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guest lecturer issue.(3) Design the lightweight and more detailed version for each course module so that itwill take less lecture time and leave some work for student to do after class.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation underAwards DUE-1140567, DUE-1141112, and DUE-1141200. Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors anddo not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. The authors alsothank the anonymous reviewers for their feedback.Reference:1. G. Bieber, L. Architect, and I. Ci. Introduction to service-oriented programming. In Openwings, 2001.http://www.openwings.org.2. P. Brusilovsky. Webex
a comprehensive list of Case Studies, Class Exercises, and Video CaseStudies. Development MethodologyAn iterative development methodology depicted in Focus groups Decide on Active LearningFigure 1 was used to ensure the modules reflected both Contents and Formats (case study, class exercise, or case studyacademic research and industry best practices. The video)content development process began with a meeting of PI & Co-PI refine Contents Listthe focus groups at the author’s institution. The
data. Ideas or phenomena were first identified and flagged to generate alisting of internally consistent, discrete categories (open coding), followed by fractured andreassembled (axial coding) of categories by making connections between categories andsubcategories to reflect emerging themes and patterns. Categories were integrated to formgrounded theory (selective coding), to clarify concepts and to allow for interview interpretations,conclusions and taxonomy development. Frequency distribution of the coded and categorizeddata were obtained using a computerized qualitative analytical tool, Hyperrresearch® version3.5.2. The intent of this intensive qualitative analysis was to identify patterns, make comparisons,and contrast one transcript of