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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 180 in total
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 2B: Strategies for Writing and Communication Courses
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Patricia R Backer, San Jose State University
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First-Year Programs
students at SJSU. IntroductionIn Fall 2011, SJSU received a U.S. Department of Education grant, AANAPISI, to improve thewriting skills of Asian-American students at SJSU. This grant has several focus areas, one ofwhich is the improvement of writing and writing instruction in General Education (GE) classes.A significant percent of SJSU’s incoming freshmen are remedial in English or mathematics. PerCSU policy, students must clear their remedial status within one year or they are disenrolled fromthe CSU. A look into retention rates shows that there is a higher attrition among remedial studentsthan their non-remedial peers. Also, the time to graduation is typically lengthened up to two yearsfor students who need remedial classes.Many of these remedial
Conference Session
CAD Within Engineering Design Graphics
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dongdong Zhang, Prairie View A&M University; Xiaobo Peng, Prairie View A&M University; Bugrahan Yalvac, Texas A&M University; Deniz Eseryel, North Carolina State University; Uzair Nadeem, Prairie View A&M University; Atiq Islam, Prairie View A&M University; T Fulya Eyupoglu, North Carolina State University; Tianyun Yuan, Prairie View A&M University
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Engineering Design Graphics
, J., 2007, “Promoting advanced writing skills in an upper-level engineering class,” Journal of Engineering Education, 96(2), pp. 117-128.17. Ayar, M., and Yalvac, B., 2010, “A sociological standpoint to authentic scientific practices and its role in school science teaching,” Ahi Evran Uni. Kirsehir Journal of Education (KEFAD), 11(4), pp.113-127.18. Zhang, D., Peng, X., Yalvac, B., Eseryel, Deniz, Nadeem, U., Islam, Atiq and Arceneaux, D., 2015, “Exploring the Impact of Peer-Generated Screencast Tutorials on Computer-Aided Design Education,” 122nd ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle, WA, June 14-17, 2015.19. Arnold, J., Sias, J. and Zhang, J., 2002, “Bringing the library to the students: Using technology to
Conference Session
Writing and Communication II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah Liggett, Louisiana State University; Boz Bowles, Louisiana State University; Annemarie Galeucia, Louisiana State University; Warren R Hull Sr. P.E., Louisiana State University
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
Arts in Creative Writing from Virginia Common- wealth University.Annemarie Galeucia, Louisiana State University Annemarie Galeucia, M.A., works for Communication across the Curriculum (CxC) at Louisiana State University (LSU). She is a Ph.D. candidate in LSU’s cultural geography and anthropology program, and has over 10 years of qualitative research and teaching development experience. Prior to her work at CxC, Annemarie was a research associate for CU-Boulder’s Center for Media, Religion and Culture, where she developed qualitative research materials and coordinated data analysis for human subject research.Mr. Warren R Hull Sr. P.E., Louisiana State University Warren R. Hull, Sr. is Director of the Chevron Center
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dave Kim, Washington State University, Vancouver; Praveen Kumar Sekhar, Washington State University, Vancouver
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
Situation/Inspiration of thewriting assignments between FYC (English 101) and the introductory engineering laboratorycourse (Mech 309). English 101 Mech 309Students Freshmen JuniorsGenre of writing Research paper Lab reportassignmentsAudience College student peers (general Engineers and engineering college academic audience) student peers (general audience in the engineering field)Purpose To introduce students to To introduce students to academic writing
Conference Session
Works in Progress: Classroom Practice
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ada Hurst, University of Waterloo; Oscar G. Nespoli, University of Waterloo
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Educational Research and Methods
report on thehelpfulness of feedback from both the course instructor and student peers, the results were notconclusive17,18. More generally, while there are many studies comparing peer and instructorfeedback in other domains such as English writing, rigorous characterization and comparison ofpeer and expert feedback in engineering design is limited.Taking a grounded theory methodological approach19, the wider aim of this research is toanalyze actual feedback provided by students and course instructors in design review meetingsthat utilize peer review and to expose the characteristics of each, with the ultimate intent ofevaluating and comparing their benefits and suitability. The focus of this paper is on the first stepof this process, which is
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session - Retention Programs for Diverse Students
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer L. Groh, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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ASEE Diversity Committee, Diversity
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Minorities in Engineering, Women in Engineering
Paper ID #15120Gender in the Workplace: Peer Coaching to Empower Women in the Class-room and as ProfessionalsDr. Jennifer L. Groh, Purdue University, West Lafayette Dr. Groh joined the Purdue Women in Engineering Program (WIEP) in 2009. She received a B.S. in microbiology from Purdue University, and a Ph.D. in microbiology from the University of Oklahoma. Prior to joining WIEP, she was the Graduate Programs Coordinator in the Purdue Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering. As Associate Director of WIEP, Dr. Groh administers the undergraduate Mentee & Mentor Program and the Graduate Mentoring Program, teaches two Women in
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 2B: Strategies for Writing and Communication Courses
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Penny Kinnear, University of Toronto; Micah Stickel P.Eng., University of Toronto; Brian M. Frank, Queen's University; James A. Kaupp, Queen's University
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First-Year Programs
Paper ID #16755Early English Language Assessment to Improve First-Year Student SuccessDr. Penny Kinnear, University of Toronto Penny Kinnear currently works with the Engineering Communication Program at the University of Toronto where she focuses on the development and delivery of Professional Language support for a highly student body. She has a background in applied linguistics, second language and bilingual education and writing education. She is co-author of the book, ”Sociocultural Theory in Second Language Education: An in- troduction through narratives.” Her current research projects include a longitudinal study on
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 5A: Work-In-Progress: 5 Minute Postcard Session I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Ross Tapia, New Mexico State University; Elizabeth Ann Howard, New Mexico State University; Rolfe Sassenfeld, New Mexico State University
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First-Year Programs
mathematicsco-requisite course to college algebra, in order to reach more students. We have alsoimplemented a mandatory peer mentor led workshop for all students. Peer mentors provide thestudents with an upper classman peer who can provide support inside and outside of theclassroom. In our paper we will continue to discuss specifics regarding the ENGR 100 course,peer mentoring, intervention strategies, and FYE components.Literature ReviewAccording to Kuh (2008)1 freshman year experience programs are highly influential inimproving student success and create positive impact on their pathway to a degree. Keycomponents of successful FYE programs are utilizing learning communities. In addition Kuh(2008) recommends writing intensive curriculums that focus on
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jaclyn Marie Esqueda, University of Wisconsin - Platteville; Christina Curras, University of Wisconsin - Platteville
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
disciplines with special efforts toward womenand underrepresented student populations.The initiatives developed through the grant include a retention center learning space; careerexploration industry partnerships; undergraduate research and travel; peer advising; peermentoring; and pre-college outreach.Implementation & AssessmentRetention Center Learning SpaceAs part of the grant initiatives, a study and resource space was created within the College ofEMS. A classroom in one of the two engineering academic buildings was identified andapproved by university administrators for the center’s location. An interactive forum was held inthe spring of 2013 in the classroom that would be the future location of the center in order togather input from
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 5B: Work-In-Progress: 5 Minute Postcard Session II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robin Fowler, University of Michigan
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First-Year Programs
teamsatisfaction and student assessments of team contributions. In first year team-based studentdesign courses, instructors use student self- and peer-assessment information to gauge teamfunctioning and even to affect student project scores. However, students’ identity characteristics,such as their gender and race, may impact the scores they receive from others as well as thescores they assign. The poster will also describe the creation of and results from a learning-analytics style investigation of the researcher’s own student team assessment data, and the posterpresentation will allow others to query the data set with their own questions. The final data setincludes assessment information from 620 first-year engineering students working in 132 teamsof 4
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chip W Ferguson, Western Carolina University; Paul M Yanik, Western Carolina University; Yanjun Yan, Western Carolina University; Sudhir Kaul, Western Carolina University
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
scheduled based on results from scholar surveys and journaling responses, whichincluded: WCU’s Career Services; Writing and Learning Commons, Math Tutoring Center,Library Research Liaison, and the Honor’s College. Additionally, peer-to-peer workgroups wereestablished to discuss and journal the anxiety themes within each groups’ activities.Year-one activities also included the development of peer-to-peer and faculty-scholar mentorshipgroups. These student lead groups sought to build foundational support for each scholar byestablishing learning communities with shared goals. The formation of these groups were bothorganic, with students self-selecting group membership, or highly structured by the programdirectors. Structured group membership was based
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tanya Kunberger P.E., Florida Gulf Coast University; Laura Frost, Florida Gulf Coast University; Jackie Greene, Florida Gulf Coast University
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
more of the teaching practices introducedand 3) developing a scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) project based on experiences intheir revised course. The summer academy includes multiple evidence-based teaching practices(such as POGIL, Mental-Model-Building, and Project Based Learning), an introduction to SoTLand IRB processes, and time for reflection and cross-disciplinary discussion of potentialapplications of each practice into participant courses. Discussion on the progress of participantSoTL projects and classroom peer observations both within and outside participant programs arethe key components of the academic year FLC.May 2014 and academic year 2014-2015 witnessed the first offering of the SPARCT Program,which engaged 16 STEM
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jana Lunt, Southern Utah University; John S. MacLean, Southern Utah University
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
for undergraduates. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 The S-STEM Scholarship: An Integrated Approach to Helping Talented Students in NeedAbstractThe S-STEM Scholarship Program at Southern Utah University provides financial, faculty, peer,and professional support to first-generation college students, minority students, and students whocome from low-income families. The program was initiated in response to the identification of ahigh percentage of SUU students with these disadvantages and to the realization that supportingthese students could increase retention at SUU in the STEM disciplines. In addition, the programseeks to help provide skilled scientists
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 5B: Work-In-Progress: 5 Minute Postcard Session II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Wayne Freeman P.E., Northwestern University; Ken Gentry, Northwestern University; Jenna Elyse Goldberg
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First-Year Programs
 are advisers and peers. With this in mind, McCormick decided  to hire four advisers that also taught classes in the First­Year sequence. This decision was key in developing a Advising­as­Teaching Model. The advisers teach sections of Design, Thinking and Communications I and II, the Cornerstone Design classes, departmental service classes, or Engineering Problem Solving classes. The goal is to get the advisers in front of the students in either First­Year, Basic Engineering, or Departmental Core Classes. While it would have been easier to hire professional advisers, but the administration thought the advisers would have more credibility if students interacted with them as professors
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Greg L. Saylor, University of Cincinnati; Anant R. Kukreti, University of Cincinnati
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
2(16Students) 5 6 Figure 1: Implementation Timeline for the FSSP and S-STEM Programs2.2. Freshman SSTEM Scholars Program (FSSP) StructureGoals of FSSPThe main goals of the program are: enhanced retention of URM students, the development ofstrong URM candidates for admission into the S-STEM program, and to build interest in studentsfor the pursuit of graduate study. Enhanced retention of URM students is critical as 2014 datafrom the National Center for Education statistics 15 describes African American and Hispanicstudents as 23.6% and 12.7% less likely, respectively, to finish college after 5 years as comparedto their white peers. Retention is encouraged
Conference Session
Works in Progress: Curricula and Pathways
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Marcia Pool, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Rohit Bhargava, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; P. Scott Carney, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Dipanjan Pan, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Andrew Michael Smith, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
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Educational Research and Methods
, which are presented withoutconnecting the use of concepts to real-world problems. Currently, less than half of the threemillion students entering higher education to pursue a STEM field persist to earn a STEMdegree3. The drop-out rate from STEM is even more prominent in minorities and women4;however, participating in undergraduate research and developing a strong peer network has beenshown to increase persistence5,6,7,8,9. While we seek to engage students in research experiences toencourage persistence, in the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign’s (UIUC)Bioengineering Department attrition is not a major problem, but by engaging students in focusedresearch experiences we seek to increase persistence in scientific research after graduation
Conference Session
Trends in Accreditation and Assessment
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rebecca A. Bates, Minnesota State University, Mankato; Cheryl Allendoerfer, University of Washington; Ronald R. Ulseth, Itasca Community College; Bart M. Johnson, Itasca Community College
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
students to show theyunderstand were first developed by National Academic Advisory Board member Denny Davisand then revised with feedback from other board members, faculty, the TCE Industry AdvisoryBoard and students. Figure 2 is the poster shown on Twin Cities Engineering walls andpresented to all students during incoming student orientation. It is also used as the cover pagefor student portfolios, so is revisited through each of their four semesters as they gather portfolioevidence for each outcome.In gathering portfolio evidence, students go beyond the straightforward administrative task ofgathering copies of work they have done and write a brief statement that reinforces theirlearning. The statement should assert in what way this particular
Conference Session
Chemical Engineering Courses in Emergent Areas
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Taryn Melkus Bayles, University of Pittsburgh
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Chemical Engineering
majors and career fields. The factors that havebeen studied fall into three broad categories: individual attributes(17-20), environmentalconditions(7,21-28), and learning pedagogy(19,23,25,29-31). The academic and career experience forwomen in STEM has been characterized by isolation, a lack of mentors, and a shortage of rolemodels(26). Faculty and peer interactions have substantial influence on the satisfaction andretention of students(2,3,32). Specific faculty influences include the frequency of interaction withfaculty, the quality of teaching by faculty and TAs, and the availability of female faculty and TArole models. Peer interactions affect the classroom climate and influence women’s confidenceand sense of belonging(29). Peer interactions
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Arash Esmaili Zaghi P.E., University of Connecticut; Mark Tehranipoor, University of Florida; Caitlin Nichole O'Brien, University of Connecticut
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
Engineering Students with ADHDAbstractStudents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) tend to experience thetraditional education system differently than their peers. The engineering education system hasyet to realize unique potential of these students and identify ways in which to handle thesedifferences in order to keep them engaged and successful. Published literature suggests thatindividuals with ADHD have the potential of strong divergent thinking skills and unparalleledrisk-taking. However, this group of students is significantly underrepresented in engineeringprograms; some work suggests that only 3% of college students with ADHD choose to studyengineering. The current design of engineering education largely fails to provoke the
Conference Session
Graduate Programs, Development, and Research Fellowships
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Laleh Behjat P.Eng., University of Calgary; Milana Trifkovic, University of Calgary; Robyn Paul, University of Calgary; Karen Andrea Canon-Rubio, University of Calgary; Stephanie Hladik, University of Calgary
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Graduate Studies
program.The assessments are centered on the explicit objectives and criteria created for each unit, and onthe synthesis of these units. Formative assessment include abstract writing and reviewing, a 3-Minute Thesis (3MT) style presentation, an impact study, and a graduate student conference withoral presentations and posters. The assignments are not given numerical grades, but the studentsare provided with written feedback from instructors, Teaching Assistants and their peers. Oralpresentations (3MT and student conference) are judged by faculty members, and theentrepreneurship tournament finalists are judged by entrepreneurs from industry and academia.4. OutcomesTo date, the total participation across departments is over 350 graduate students. The
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 6
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sahithya Reddivari, University of Michigan; Elizabeth Frances Cloos Dreyer, University of Michigan; Sara P Rimer, University of Michigan; Aline Cotel, University of Michigan
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 programs in order to build a community on campus where female students can feel safe and nurtured by their peers, e.g. University of Wisconsin­Madison, University of Michigan   [2,3].  Success was measured by better grades and an overall higher satisfaction with the University.  Currently the situation in Liberia is such that there is no critical mass of female students to create such programs and achieve a sense of community [4]. Organizations like SWE have the potential to provide a critical mass of fellow women engineers for female students, and subsequently increase persistence of women in engineering [5,6].    Moreover, global competence is making its way into engineering education as a necessary skill for today’s engineers [7
Conference Session
Graduate Student Needs and Experiences, Exploring Graduate Funding and Undergraduate Research Experiences
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert N. Coffey Jr., University of Michigan; Katy Luchini-Colbry, Michigan State University
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Graduate Studies
individual responses suggests that the task ofdrafting academic and personal statements for (potential) graduate school applications was themost burdensome assignment. In comparison, many students indicated that they found theassignment to create an academically-focused resume (appropriate for a graduate schoolapplication) helpful, in part because that assignment included a peer-review component wherestudents got immediate feedback during small group interactions.Some of these concerns have been addressed as the EnSURE program evolved over time: forinstance, writing assignments were refined to better align with students’ research activities, andmore instruction was provided on the value of interdisciplinary interactions—as well as
Conference Session
CEED Paper Session 1: Using Co-Op and Internships to Improve Diversity, Retention, Learning, and Assessment
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Scott R. Hamilton, Northeastern University; Jack Fitzmaurice, Northeastern University; Paul John Wolff III, Northeastern University
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Cooperative & Experiential Education
lessons and submitting two ungradedassignments that included a one-page career goal paper and a one-page resume. The class wastaught in a large classroom space to sections of 75-90 students and was presented in a traditionallecture style format. This course was designed to introduce graduate engineering students to theUniversity’s Cooperative Education Program and focused on developing skills in managingworkplace expectations and requirements, resume construction, interviewing, and professionalethics. Employer panels were sometimes used to explore employment opportunities within thefields of engineering. Peer-based discussion panels allowed students to share stories about howthey found their job and their experience as an employee. The stated
Conference Session
Dissecting the Nuances that Hinder Broad Participation in Engineering
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joi-lynn Mondisa, University of Michigan
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Minorities in Engineering
informationgathered about each participant to create a backdrop and contextual setting to complement theinterview data, 2) performing a narrative analysis method of the interview data and open codingthe emergent themes, and 3) constructing narrative stories that present themes and results. Anoverview of the study’s data analysis and management plan and the results of each step aresummarized in Table 3. The following paragraphs detail the steps in the data analysis process.Table 3. Summary of Data Analysis and Management Plan Data Analysis Step Action Result 1. Create a contextual  Write backdrop summaries for each  One backdrop summary backdrop summary
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 3
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alexandra Chronopoulou, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Kelly J. Cross, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Douglas M. King, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Ehsan Salimi, University of Southern California
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Industrial Engineering
(e.g.independence, expectation, variance), identify and analyze discrete and continuous randomvariables, and formulate and conduct statistical analyses of observed data.One key innovation that we implemented is the introduction of real-world data-driven casestudies. We wish to expose our students to engineering problems that will help them relate thematerial taught in class with their own major. The primary enabling technology is statisticalprogramming with Python. The case studies are introduced as group assignments and aremotivated in class or discussion sessions. Students select their own groups and in the end of eachcase study, they do a peer-evaluation in order to assess the degree of in-group collaboration. Inthis way, students build valuable
Conference Session
Developing Quality Experiences that Retain Diverse Engineering Talent
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel Christe, Drexel University (Eng. & Eng. Tech.); Brian J Wisner, Drexel University; Jay J. Bhatt, Drexel University (Eng. & Eng. Tech.); Antonios Kontsos, Drexel University
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Minorities in Engineering
. A final survey and individualizedassessments were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the program and progress of theindividual students, respectively. Students demonstrated familiarity with basic research methodsand universally reported increased interest in STEM education and careers, with several continuingto work in their labs beyond the program’s formal duration.Keywords — Research-based Learning, Community Colleges, Minority ParticipationIntroductionDespite efforts, underrepresented minority (URM) and female students are disproportionatelyrepresented in STEM disciplines based on their fraction in United States demographics. Femalesand URMs face unique challenges in STEM compared with their white male peers, which need tobe
Conference Session
Innovations in Curriculum and Course Development
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Arif Sirinterlikci, Robert Morris University
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substituted by a professional portfolio including reports and drawings that weresubmitted to the company - 25% of the final grade), final Power Point Presentation (PPT to bemade to the peers from the same section of ENGR 490x - 10% of the final grade), journal andlog (25% of the final grade). Supervisor feedback (35% of the final grade) is critical. Eachstudent is required to have a supervisor, direct or indirect supervisor, who is aware of student’sperformance. Supervisors are determined by the companies at which students are employed. Forthe internal research projects, supervisors are determined by the students as they choose theirproject and the owner of it. The supervisor is approached (most likely through phone contact ande-mail) for both
Conference Session
Faculty Unite! Effective Ways for Educators to Collaborate Successfully
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gouranga Banik, Oklahoma State University
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New Engineering Educators
specific problem, such as writing a paper for ajournal with a high rejection rate, approaching a tight proposal deadline, dealing with anunproductive graduate student or a rebellious undergraduate class, find out which colleaguesare likely to be helpful and seek them out.Working without clear goals and plans and accepting too many commitments that don’thelp achieve long-term goals. Faculty need to make commitments wisely and develop cleargoals and specific milestones for reaching them. Periodic feedback from the department headand peers can also be helpful.Others SuggestionsFind one or more research mentors and one or more teaching mentors, and work closely withthem until you become successful. Most faculties have professors who excel at research
Conference Session
Issues in Academic Integrity and the Value of Portfolios, Case Studies, and Supportive Programs
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Catherine T. Amelink, Virginia Tech; Benjamin David Lutz, Virginia Tech; Marvin K. Karugarama, Virginia Tech; John J. Lesko, Virginia Tech
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Graduate Studies
and non-uniform across graduate students. The result ispotentially leaving many newcomers with gaps in their knowledge regarding the processes of graduateschool. A panel of peers who can make explicit some of the implicit knowledge can help students moreconfidently navigate their environment.The literature on successful transition programs indicates that students should know what services andresources are available to them 5, 15. During these sessions, participants had the opportunity to meetwith personnel from different support departments on campus, including the university librarian who isdesignated to work with the College of Engineering, representatives from the Writing Center, and stafffrom the Graduate School who oversee diversity
Conference Session
Student Success III: Affect and Attitudes
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Paul M. Yanik, Western Carolina University; Yanjun Yan, Western Carolina University; Sudhir Kaul, Western Carolina University; Chip W. Ferguson, Western Carolina University
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Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
debt and finding a job. As a cohort, the studentsparticipated in periodic vertically-integrated discussion groups with faculty mentors and theirpeers at multiple levels of seniority, and were introduced to university resources designed toaddress specific student needs. Results of a follow-on survey suggested that peer-to-peerdiscussions can be useful in alleviating anxiety on particular topics. It was also observed that theinteractions facilitated by these group discussions are helpful in developing a sense ofcommunity and shared enthusiasm among the cohort.Keywords: Engineering student anxiety, Remediation1. IntroductionSources of anxiety among engineering and engineering technology students may stem from bothacademic and non-academic demands