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Conference Session
Innovations in Aero Curriculum and Program Level Administration
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sidaard Gunasekaran, University of Dayton
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this model in the compressible flowclass with examples, students’ reflections and feedback. Students found this model to bedifferent and more effective than traditional graduate classes and were able to connect,apply, understand and appreciate the relationship between the complex mathematicalequations and the real-life applications. It was also found that creating a portfolio takes moretime and effort when compared to traditional exam based class and the workload might needto be reduced.I. Introduction Preparing graduate students to be successful in all aspects of their career has remained avelleity for many years in academia. Recent study finds that the perceptions of the students in theircompetence in the workforce does not align with
Conference Session
Innovations in Aero Curriculum and Program Level Administration
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathy Schmidt Jackson, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Mark D. Maughmer, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
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, stimulate intellectual discipline, and increase studentself-confidence and time management skills.2 Homework is notably part of the engineeringcurriculum for it “…unquestionably reflects the nature of engineering practice, wherein problemsare solved in an open setting in marked contrast to time-constrained and closed-book testconditions.”3 There are, however, some drawbacks to homework, the most notable being that it iseasy for students to find solutions on the Internet and copy and share them with classmates.Another drawback to homework may be students’ inability to manage their own learning. Thereis a body of knowledge around self-directed learning that is defined by Knowles4 as “a process inwhich individuals take the initiative, with or without
Conference Session
Innovations in Aero Curriculum and Program Level Administration
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Valasek, Texas A&M University; Debra A Fowler, Texas A&M University; Nate Poling, Texas A&M University
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engineering education from Texas A&M University. Her research areas of focus are faculty perspectives and growth through curriculum design and redesign, interdisciplinary teaching and learning, reflective eportfolios and professional development of graduate students related to teaching.Dr. Nate Poling, Texas A&M University As an educator and faculty developer, Nate is interested in leveraging the power of popular culture and multimedia to help facilitate effective learning. In a teaching career that has ranged from the K12 to the Ph.D. levels, he has always stressed the importance of using relevant material in motivating and engag- ing students in the learning process. At the Center for Teaching Excellence at Texas A
Conference Session
Efficient Authenticity: Modeling, Labs, Real-World Applications in Aerospace
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Muhammad Omar Memon, University of Dayton; Dathan Erdahl Ph.D., University of Dayton Research Institute; Saad Riffat Qureshi, University of Dayton
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material.These methods greatly enlarged the learning platform of the class. Assessment of the lectureassignments was uniquely based on active participation by the students, including the learningprocess, delivery of the assigned content, and students’ ability to keep the audience engaged.Class performance through projects and homework assignments revealed that students enhancedtheir knowledge of aircraft stability and control through flight simulator experience, iterativehomework assignments, and by preparing and presenting assigned lectures. Reflections from thestudents showed that they greatly benefitted from the intuitive theoretical learning through theuse of flight simulator.Introduction In the field of engineering, development of both
Conference Session
Innovations in Aero Curriculum and Program Level Administration
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wallace T. Fowler P.E., University of Texas, Austin
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system to collect AssignmentReview data every fall and spring, but only on about 1/6 of our courses each semester. Wemodified the formal requirements for the Assignment Review to reflect this change. Theseprocedures are in effect for our 2016-2022 ABET cycle. With 1/3 of courses being reviewed each year (1/6 in fall, 1/6 in spring), the matchbetween assignments and targeted SOs are reviewed twice in the ABET accreditation cycle. Forthe Assignment Review assessment, the instructor is required to submit a copy of an assignment(+ solution) that targets each SO associated with his/her course. It is recommended that, ifpossible, one assignment be designed to target multiple student outcomes. This serves todiminish the volume of data collected
Conference Session
Aerospace Hot Topic: Unmanned Aerial Systems
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael C. Hatfield, University of Alaska, Fairbanks; Catherine F. Cahill, Alaska Center for UAS Integration, University of Alaska, Fairbanks; John Monahan, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Upward Bound
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aerospaceinfrastructure. These include the incorporation of multiple new UAS/aerospace academiccourses, implementation of several research projects for undergraduate and graduate students,and creating a new aerospace engineering minor (beginning AY2015-2016). Each of theseefforts has proven popular with students and has brought positive awareness to UAF programs.MotivationAs is broadly reflected in societal trends, UAF is also experiencing a huge increase in demandfor UAS-related courses, training, and activities. UAS are currently in demand within virtuallyall sectors of society – federal, state, and local agencies, industry, small business, andentrepreneurs – all have growing interest in the application of UAS to their missions. Forstudents and our education