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Conference Session
Novel Pedagogical Techniques II: Potpourri
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Miriam R. Wattenbarger, University of Pennsylvania
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Chemical Engineering
from classmates in a collegial atmosphere. The reviewers gain agreater understanding of the specific details and clarity required in a proposal. The reviewersoften identify problems in a proposal that are also present in the proposal written by thereviewers themselves. The ability of the reviewers to see their own mistakes critically and edittheir own proposal is greatly improved.The students have 3-4 weeks to finish writing their proposal after the peer review. Each groupgives a 10 minute oral presentation followed by 5 minutes of questions during the last week ofclass. Every group member is required to speak during the presentation and be prepared toanswer questions. The students and instructors ask questions after each presentation.In
Conference Session
Early ChemE Education
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jamie Gomez, University of New Mexico; Vanessa Svihla, University of New Mexico; Abhaya K. Datye, University of New Mexico
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Chemical Engineering
research university in the American Southwest. Students worked in pairs onhomework assignments to support peer learning. We replaced one question from each of the sixhomework assignments with design challenge deliverables. Students worked in subteams on oneof the three algal production phases (i.e., growth, harvest, extraction). They also developedindividual accountability through jigsaw sessions in which they explained their subteam’s workto students from other production phases. They built whole-class consensus through “parley”sessions that involved decision matrices.We describe the design challenge and our study, in which we investigated how a designchallenge threaded through a sophomore course might provide students with a picture ofauthentic
Conference Session
Professional Skills Development
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Abigail Jane Kulhanek; Cheryl A Bodnar, Rowan University
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Chemical Engineering
piece of information onthe bottom of the card as shown in Figure 1.They then had to use solely oralcommunication – no drawing or writing – toexplain the symbols on their card and gatherfeedback on what their card was meant torepresent. This meant that they had to listenclosely to their peers to ensure that they weregetting the description of a symbol theyneeded. They also had to be careful in how Figure 1. Sample ROYGBIV game cardthey described their symbol so that it wouldnot be misinterpreted. To get the necessary information to solve their code, students needed tospeak to a lot of different students in the class, not just their peer group as each student was onlyprovided with the one piece of information at the bottom of their card
Conference Session
Professional Skills Development
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ashlee Nicole Ford Versypt, Oklahoma State University
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Chemical Engineering
, we discuss the adoption of a rubric for non-technical skillsassessment called the self-evaluation rubric6 in an undergraduate junior-level chemical reactionengineering course at a large, public state university through a series of essays called the self-reflection assignments. The assignments are designed to promote self-awareness of studentsthrough evaluation of their current non-technical skill levels and goal setting for futuredevelopment followed by instructor feedback and periodic updates on progress foraccountability.Reflection through writing has been used as a learning and assessment tool for setting goals,defining strategies to reach the goals, and detailing progress toward goals7. Some have usedreflection as a way to have students
Conference Session
Novel Pedagogical Techniques II: Potpourri
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Pascal, University of Connecticut; Tiffany Lauren Pascal, New Mexico State University-Carlsbad
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
writing abilitiesand their poor reading comprehension while watching them rapidly absorb and comment oncontent from a handful of online articles on their mobile devices. On the one hand, studentsstruggle to comprehend college-level texts, yet, on the other hand, they can quickly consumeinformation through videos, memes, list articles, and numerous other resources around the globe.Cary Gillenwater [2] asserts that the overemphasis on the importance of print literacy inhibitsrecent generations of students from connecting to not only the content of a course but to theinstructor as well.effects of visual illiteracy Many educators have discovered that the perceived epidemic of “illiteracy” isn’t due to alack of textbooks and traditional printed
Conference Session
Early ChemE Education
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bill B Elmore, Mississippi State University
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Chemical Engineering
learning occurs.Such an approach involves students much more intimately in the process of learning than intraditional lecture methods through active engagement with peers, mentors and the instructor.2Project-based learning may be described as:  Involving more substantial projects (in comparison to problem-based learning) over an extended period of time  Engaging students in a process of discovery with distinct phases of research, design, development and testing activities  Requiring student self-assessment and the acquisition and/or use of a variety of skills over the project lifetime.The flipped classroom has been described as any number of classroom environments wherebythe traditional presentation
Conference Session
Labs and Experiments
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Janie Brennan, Washington University in St. Louis; Shawn E Nordell, Washington University in St. Louis ; Erin D Solomon, Washington University in St. Louis
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
system (i.e., whereeveryone receives the same grade). For more details on the division of tasks as defined by thegrading rubrics, see Appendix A.Emphasis on Communication SkillsPreviously, students were required to complete short prelab assignments for each lab activitycontaining basic conceptual questions on the unit operation in question. Following the labactivity, students filled in a worksheet with the relevant data. For the demonstration-styleactivities, the students were given previously obtained data and required to write a reportanalyzing the data and the unit operation. All assessments were graded by graduate student TAs,but feedback was generally neither timely nor detailed. Writing skills were not assessed in anyformal or consistent
Conference Session
Novel Pedagogical Techniques II: Potpourri
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rebecca Jo Pinkelman, Technische Universität Darmstadt; David J. Dixon, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology; Manfred J Hampe, Technische Universität Darmstadt
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Chemical Engineering
tends to focus more on knowledge acquisition9. It has been shown thatproject-oriented courses increase retention rates10-12, intellectual development13, and increase notonly students’ technical and design knowledge, but also their technical writing and researchskills14. In addition, project-oriented courses expose students to the broader context of engineeringdesign, and students learn best when experiencing the entirety of the content area through real-lifeexamples and working with and learning from their peers6, 15-17.Project-oriented learning and capstone design courses allow for the concurrent teaching of designthrough application and teamwork skills, which are needed for future professional success3,4,18,19.This teaches students the
Conference Session
Work-in-Progress Oral Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Louis Reis, Louisiana Tech University; Katie A. Evans, Louisiana Tech University; Dexter Cahoy, Louisiana Tech University
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Chemical Engineering
education. She has published 20 peer-reviewed publications in these areas, and her research has been funded by the NSF, AFRL, and LA-BOR. She also serves as an Associate Editor for the American Control Conference and the Conference on Decision and Control, two premier conferences in the controls community. She is a member of the IEEE, SIAM, and ASEE.Prof. Dexter Cahoy, Louisiana Tech University Dexter Cahoy is an Associate Professor in the College of Engineering and Science at Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA. He received his MS in Statistics from University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, and his PhD in Statistics from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. As a professor at Louisiana Tech, he taught