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Conference Session
Construction 1: Special Topics in Construction Education: BIM, Simulation, Sustainability, and Safety
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Pranshoo Solanki P.E., Illinois State University
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evaluated through the course evaluation and surveyquestionnaire. The specific survey questions are as follows:Q-1 Green Concrete project helped you in understanding sustainability concepts.Q-2 Hands-on-activities through Green Concrete project increased student participation andimproved student learning in this course.Q-3 In the future, this course should continue Green Concrete project.Q-4 Green Concrete project presentation and report improved your learning in this course.Q-5 I am able to accurately define what is meant by sustainable design practice in constructionprojects.Q-6 The lessons in this course provided me with an awareness of sustainable design practices.Q-7 I tried to relate material covered in lecture(s) to group project assignment.Q
Conference Session
Construction 2: Teaching Using Projects, Case Studies, and Service Learning
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert B. Austin, Bowling Green State University
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Purdue, Civil EngineeringEducation Issues, pp 97-105.Dutson, A, Todd, R Magleby, S., and Sorenson, C. (1997) A Review of Literature on TeachingEngineering Design Through Project-Oriented Capstone Courses, Journal of EngineeringEducation, 86(1), pp 17-28.Griffin, P., Griffin, S. and Llewellyn, D. (2004) The Impact of Group Size and Project Durationon Capstone Design, Journal of Engineering Education, 93(3), pp 185–193.Hackbert, P.H. (2004) Building Entrepreneurial Teamwork Competencies In CollaborativeLearning Via Peer Assessments, Journal of College Teaching & Learning, 1(12), pp 40-52.Hanna, A. and Sullivan, K. (2005) Bridging the Gap between Academics and Practice: A CapstoneDesign Experience, ASCE Journal of Professional Issues in
Conference Session
Construction 1: Special Topics in Construction Education: BIM, Simulation, Sustainability, and Safety
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Saeed Rokooei, University of Nebraska, Lincoln at Omaha; James D. Goedert Ph.D., P.E., University of Nebraska, Durham; Asregedew Kassa Woldesenbet, University of Nebraska, Lincoln at Omaha
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Project Management. Journal of Engineering Education, 289-299.Education, D. o. (2014). Learning Technology Effectiveness. Office of Education Technology- U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved from content/uploads/2014/11/Learning-Technology-Effectiveness-Brief.pdfEducation, U. D. (2014). Learning Technology Effectiveness. Office of Education Technology - Learning Technology Effectiveness. Retrieved from content/uploads/2014/11/Learning-Technology-Effectiveness-Brief.pdfGoedert, J., & Rokooei, S. (2016). Project-Based Construction Engineering Education in a Virtual Environment. International Journal of Construction Education and Research, 12(3), 208-223
Conference Session
Construction 2: Teaching Using Projects, Case Studies, and Service Learning
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Denise Diana Gravitt, Western Illinois University
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was to see if adding a debate format to case study usage, an inductivelearning technique, could motivate students to research topics (read the text book and articles) inaddition to increasing student engagement and learning. Inductive teaching techniques may alsobe called learner-centered or student-centered since they require students take more responsibilityfor their own learning compared to traditional lecture based or deductive teaching methods, can bemore interactive and have been found to promote student engagement.1Debate has been researched as a pedagogical method used to improve critical thinking skills andoral communication skills since the 1990’s.3,4 Learner-centered education programs such asnursing and pharmacy, marketing
Conference Session
Construction 4: Construction Education Curriculum and Assessment
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mark Shaurette, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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 literature review and what  3  Support table & Map for topic  must it contain?  Support & Map  Topic Devel. &  Readings. Fine tune literature map,  What possible research structure(s) & ethical issues  4  identify research discipline or genre  should be consider for your thesis topic?  Ethics  Philosophy &  K & R Ch. 1 & 7, Bring journal article  How do research philosophy, scientific theory &  5  with methodology you might use  methodology impact research outcome?  Methodologies
Conference Session
Construction 3: Beyond the Academy: Leveraging Partnerships, Internships, and Outreach
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kamalesh Panthi, East Carolina University; Donna A. Hollar, East Carolina University; George C. Wang P.E., East Carolina University
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and the outcomes of suchopportunities help prepare the future professionals of the construction industry.References1 Wandahl, S. & Ussing, L. F. (2016). Facilitating Industrial Placement in the Construction Engineering Curriculum.Construction Research Congress.2 Weber, S.L. (1998). Field Internships for Construction Studies: A Survey. ASC Proceedings of the 34th AnnualConference Central Connecticut State University- New Britain, Connecticut, April 15 - 18, 1998.3 Chapin, T., Roudenbush, W., & Krone, S. (2003). Cooperative education in the Associated Schools ofConstruction. Journal of Construction Education, 56-68.4 Rondinelli, D.F., Allen, S. Y. and Hauck, A. J. (2000). Impact of Structured Internship Programs on StudentPerformance in
Conference Session
Construction 3: Beyond the Academy: Leveraging Partnerships, Internships, and Outreach
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrea Nana Ofori-Boadu, North Carolina A&T State University ; Musibau Adeola Shofoluwe, North Carolina A&T State University; Rico Kelley Jr., North Carolina A&T State University ; Evelyn R. Sowells, North Carolina A&T State University; Robert B. Pyle, North Carolina A&T State University
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University. Special acknowledgment is given to Dr. Amanda Goodson, Founder ofAmanda Goodson Global. She served as the Professional Development Consultant anddeveloped and implemented the curriculum for this PDW.Bibliography 1. Emmer, M. J. and Brunhoeffer, G. C. F. Knowledge and attributes of forecasting index: Self-assessment for graduating Construction Management students. In: Proceedings of the 2015 Associated Schools of Construction Annual International Conference. 2015. Accessed March 15, 2017. 2. Multon, K. D., Brown, S. D., and Lent, R. W. Relation of self-efficacy beliefs to academic outcomes: A meta-analytic investigation. Journal of Counseling
Conference Session
Construction 4: Construction Education Curriculum and Assessment
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ifte Choudhury, Texas A&M University
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hypothesis that there is a statistically significantdifference in academic performance of students attending a minimester and regular semester.Minimester students perform better than those enrolled in a regular semester. Obviously, theminimester students grasped the concepts and materials faster than their counterparts, and coulduse them well during the exams.However, the results of the study must be taken with some caution. It was done for only one coursein a semester and, therefore, the findings cannot be generalized. The study will hopefully generateenough interest to do further research on predicting performance of students in other courses.Bibliography1. Anastasi, J. S. (2007). Full-semester and abbreviated summer courses: An evaluation of
Conference Session
Construction 2: Teaching Using Projects, Case Studies, and Service Learning
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Alan Bugg P.E., Auburn University; Wesley Collins, Auburn University; Scott William Kramer, Auburn University
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curriculum. Proceedings of the Associated Schools of Construction 45th AnnualConference. Gainesville, Florida.Batie, D. (2007). “West end project – a “hard hats” service learning class.” Proceedings of theAssociated Schools of Construction 43rd Annual Conference. Flagstaff, Arizona.Bringle, R.G, Hatcher, J., & Jones, S. (2011). “International service learning conceptualframeworks and research.” Stylus Publishing LLC. p 19.Burr, K. (2001). “Progressive service-learning: four examples in construction education.”Journal of Construction Education. 6 (1), pp. 6-19.Chieffo, Lisa, and Lesa Griffiths. "Large-scale assessment of student attitudes after a short-termstudy abroad program." Frontiers: The interdisciplinary journal of study abroad 10 (2004
Conference Session
Construction 2: Teaching Using Projects, Case Studies, and Service Learning
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Justin Earl Weidman, Brigham Young University ; Clifton B. Farnsworth, Brigham Young University
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Construction, 20(1), 76-87.Jaafari, A., Manivong, K. K., & Chaaya, M. (2001). VIRCON: Interactive system for teaching construction management. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 127(1), 66-75.Lee, J. H., McCullouch, B., & Chang, L. (2008). Macro-level and micro-level frameworks of experiential learning theory (ELT) in construction engineering education. Journal of Practical Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 134(2). 158-164.McCabe, B., Ching, K. S., & Rodrigues, S. (2000). STRATEGY: a construction simulation environment. In Construction Congress VI: Building Together for a Better Tomorrow in an Increasingly Complex World (pp. 115-120). ASCE.Mukherjee, A. And Rojas, E
Conference Session
Construction 1: Special Topics in Construction Education: BIM, Simulation, Sustainability, and Safety
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jamie R. Metzinger, Purdue University; Jessica Anderson Cabral, Purdue University; Bradley Louis Benhart, Purdue University; Patti Morgan, Purdue University; Scott Douglas Santon, Purdue University
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Cleaner Production, 108, 916–923., A., Shane, J. S., Strong, K. C., & Passe, U. (2011). Using integrated student teams to advance education in sustainable design and construction. International Journal of Construction Education and Research, 7(1), 22–40., K., Molderez, I., & Van Liedekerke, L. (2015). Sustainability reporting in higher education: A comprehensive review of the recent literature and paths for further research. Journal of Cleaner Production, 106, 127–143., H. E., & Tomkinson, C. B. (2012). Creating sustainable development change agents through
Conference Session
Construction 4: Construction Education Curriculum and Assessment
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Luciana de Cresce El Debs, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Mark Shaurette, Purdue Polytechnic Institute; Denise McAllister Wilder NCIDQ, Purdue Polytechnic Institute
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Paper ID #19385Undergraduate Opportunities for Construction Students’ MultidisciplinaryAEC Collaboration and AwarenessDr. Luciana de Cresce El Debs, Purdue University, West Lafayette Luciana Debs, is an Assistant Professor of Construction Management in the School Construction Manage- ment Technology at Purdue University. She received her PhD from Purdue University Main Campus. Her previous degrees include a MS from the Technical Research Institute of Sao Paulo (IPT-SP), and BArch from the University of S˜ao Paulo (USP), in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Prior to her current position she worked in design coordination in construction
Conference Session
Construction 1: Special Topics in Construction Education: BIM, Simulation, Sustainability, and Safety
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yilei Huang, South Dakota State University
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advanced BIM applications.Five course objectives were developed to match the CM curriculum needs in BIM contents andalign with the six levels of cognitive learning process in Bloom’s Taxonomy. In each coursemodule, specific course topics were introduced and associated with a course objective. Courseassessment methods and criteria were detailed for each course objective, and course evaluationplan was briefly explained for future research. This paper will serve as a case study of anadvanced level BIM course in CM programs.References1. Zolfagharian, S., Gheisari, M., Irizarry, J., and Meadati, P. (2013). Exploring the Impact of Various Interactive Displays on Student Learning in Construction Courses. Proceedings of the 120 th ASEE Annual
Conference Session
Construction 1: Special Topics in Construction Education: BIM, Simulation, Sustainability, and Safety
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eddie Rivera Olivencia, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez; Carla Lopez Del Puerto, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez; Jose L. Perdomo, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez; Antonio A. Gonzalez-Quevedo P.E., University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
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.”Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2012). Puerto Rico Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI).Clevenger, C., López del Puerto, C., and Glick, S. (2015). “Interactive BIM-enabled Safety Training Piloted Construction Education AND.” Advances in Engineering Education, 1–14.Excavations, 29 C.F.R. (1926). Subpart P, 366–403.Hallowell, M., and Gambatese, J. (2009). “Construction Safety Risk Mitigation.” J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 135(12), 1316–1323.OSHA. (1970). The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. AJN, American Journal of Nursing.OSHA. (2014). Fact Sheet: Trenching and Excavation Safety. U.S. Department of Labor.OSHA. (2015). Trenching and Excavation Safety.Rivera Olivencia, E., and Lopez del Puerto, C. (2016). “An Exploratory Study
Conference Session
Construction 4: Construction Education Curriculum and Assessment
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rachel D. Mosier, Oklahoma State University; Heather N. Yates, Oklahoma State University; John Robert Reck, Oklahoma State University
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place students into courses. TheAssessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces (ALEKS) is an assessment tool created byMcGraw-Hill with a mathematics placement module. Similarly, CollegeBoard’s ScholasticAptitude Tests (SAT) and ACT Inc.’s ACT Assessment college entrance exams are used as abasis for admissions into higher education. Since 2012, data has been collected for Engineeringand Technology programs to determine if these exams used for admissions and placementactually serve as a predictor for success. This study compares the ALEKS and ACT scorespredict success in a comparison to grades achieved in Engineering and Technology classes.Similar studies compared the high school grade point average (GPA) with the ACT as predictorsof college