- Conference Session
- CEED Technical Session: High-Impact Makerspaces, Transitioning from Co-op to School and Service Research
- Collection
- 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Alexandra Longo, American Society for Engineering Education; Brian Yoder, American Society for Engineering Education; Rocio C. Chavela Guerra, American Society for Engineering Education; Rossen Tsanov, American Society for Engineering Education
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Cooperative & Experiential Education
-world issues,and consistent iteration helps both “mitigate design fixation” and “reinforce[s]...adaptive andcreative thinking” (p. 2). University makerspaces serve as a central location for students topractice knowledge learned in the classroom, and hone their design skills.Antonucci-Durgan, et. al (2014), Dukart (2016), and Whitmer (2014) acknowledge academicmakerspaces as spaces where experiential education occurs. Two examples of experientiallearning opportunities are internships and cooperative learning (co-op) programs. Whileinternships and co-op programs are encouraged in engineering education settings, there are fewestablished opportunities of such opportunities at university makerspaces. There is evidence ofseveral university makerspace
- Conference Session
- CEED Technical Session: High-Impact Makerspaces, Transitioning from Co-op to School and Service Research
- Collection
- 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Jennifer Leaf, Eastern Washington University; Arin Seth Preston, Eastern Washington University; Donald C. Richter P.E., Eastern Washington University; Robert E. Gerlick, Eastern Washington University
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Cooperative & Experiential Education
Seth Preston, Eastern Washington University Arin S. Preston is a mechanical engineering student at Eastern Washington University, specializing in robotics and automation. Prior to pursuing his degree, Arin spent 8 years in the United States Marine Corps, where he served as an artillery fire direction controller, a counter-battery RADAR team leader, and a firing member of the USMC rifle team.Dr. Donald C. Richter P.E., Eastern Washington University DONALD C. RICHTER obtained his B. Sc. in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering from The Ohio State University, M.S. and Ph.D. in Engineering from the University of Arkansas. He holds a Professional Engineer certification and worked as an Engineer and Engineering
- Conference Session
- CEED Technical Session: High-Impact Makerspaces, Transitioning from Co-op to School and Service Research
- Collection
- 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Jaqi C. McNeil, University of Louisville; Mary Andrade, University of Louisville, J.B. Speed School of Engineering; Alex Delgado Beebe, University of Louisville, J.B. Speed School School of Engineering
- Tagged Divisions
Cooperative & Experiential Education
., Main, J. B., Fletcher, T. L., & Ohland, M. W. (2014). Academic predictors ofcooperative education participation. Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), IEEE, 1-6.[5] Ramirez, N. M., Main, J. B. & Ohland, M. W. (2015). Academic outcomes of CooperativeEducation Participation. ASEE Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, 1-13.[6] Ramirez, N., Smith, S., Smith, C., Berg, T., Strubel, B., Ohland, M., & Main, J. (2016). FromInterest to Decision: A Comparative Exploration of Student Attitudes and Pathways to Co-opPrograms in the United States and the United Kingdom. IJEE, 32(5), 1867-1878.[7] Martin, G. R. (1997). A case study of student recruitment and educational implications forcolleges considering mandatory co-op. JEE, 32(3), 96-101.[8