traditional,descriptive ones. Furthermore, as new technologies continue to progress rapidly and coursecontent and laboratory instrumentation continue to evolve in order to keep pace, laboratorymanuals will also have to be revised frequently in order to stay relevant and effective. A laboratory manual revision process was developed in this study in order to supportthese new types of laboratory classes. It is a four-step process, which includes: 1) CollectingAudience Responses, 2) Scaffolding the Class Project, 3) Project Report Writing Requirementand 4) Peer-Review and Reflection. This development was carried out based upon the technicalwriting framework, as it is believed that technical writing can promote critical thinking andactive learning
ofdynamic fields without some form of scaffolding to aid them, while others prefer to learnkinesthetically by doing hands-on practical examples. A lab was designed to enable students tovisualize a mathematical vector field in real-time as well as post-processing (replay the event) foranalysis and reflection. The combination of hands-on (kinesthetic), documentation (read/write),collaborative (auditory discussion), and visual results in a single lab is intended to benefitstudents with different learning styles. This serves to reinforce student understanding of themathematics of vector fields in electromagnetics.The EM Fields course is 4 credit hours and generally held in an electrical and computerengineering teaching lab. Students are grouped into
analyzed.Previous WorkAccording to one of the well documented and widely accepted learning theories, Kolb1 in hisexperiential learning cycle theory claims that people learn best if they follow a cycle consistingof four steps (axes): experiencing (concrete experience), watching (reflective observation),thinking/modeling (abstract conceptualization), and applying/doing (active experimentation).This learning theory has been implemented in various engineering education programs such ascivil2-4, mechanical4, chemical2,3,5, industrial6, aeronautical4, and manufacturing2,3,7 engineering.While there was only a single student team that built and programmed the humanoid robotsmany other engineering and non-engineering students benefited from the workout challenge
in becomingprofessionally competent writers; such an approach often prompts for writing in draft stages andresponds to or intervenes with each draft as required, demonstrating to students that writingshould take place over time, in part to gain better control over the process (Fulwiler, 1987b;Bean, 2011).As a second example of the alignment of our approach with that of others, the teaching of higher-level writing skills, including synthesis and argumentation, in one upper-level biomedicalengineering course was done using an interactive coaching approach. One of the main lessonslearned was that writing must be assigned with sufficient time for students to receive feedback,reflect, and revise (Yalvac et al., 2007). Thus, feedback must be well
system response to step inputs Reflect problems and situations students may N – realistic to apply PI control to a encounter in real life chemical process24,25, but entire lab does not revolve around a real life situation Be enjoyable, interactive, and promote active Y – hands on visual lab exercises and learning control design in simulation both provide interactive experiences Appeal to different types of learning styles Y – visual, kinesthetic, and read/write
consideration (required) as well as commentary onwhether the obtained results resemble the expected results (to establish whether the studentsunderstand what they are looking for). Further commentary would explain what factorsinfluenced the results to be non-ideal (which would indicate understanding of both the systemunder study and the data collection system at issue in the lab). Grading reflects mastery of theexperimental system—the more the student explains, the better the mark.As the students master the details of project set-up, we shift to more formal reporting, with shortreports that ask for project motivation, goals and methods as well as results, and we support thisby providing examples and by providing lectures on the structure of and
3-5 demonstrate exemplar student-produced schematics and photographs for (A) fast-acting valves, (B) muzzle velocity sensor circuits and hardware supports, and (C) velocity-corroborating backstops. We attribute the diversity in valve and backstop designs to ourintentional avoidance of prescribed designs, though some groups did follow through withprovided lecture material, as evidenced in the Supah-style9 valve implementation shown inFigure 3.Despite three sensor options provided for the muzzle velocity measurement circuits, groupsunanimously (14 groups of 14 total groups) chose infrared break-beam sensors as the definingelements of their myDAQ or Arduino Uno circuits, even despite prior use of the alternativelyoffered infrared reflectance
carwas only able to see one wall of the hallway, it did not always steer correctly back to the centerof the hallway, as it would detect both lane boundary lines on the same wall as shown in Figure 5below. Other times, the car would stop before reaching the end of the hallway due to notdetecting any lane boundary lines. Figure 5. Example of detecting both lane boundary lines on the same wall.Issues that need to be solved include (1) failure to detect lane boundaries due to the gradientbetween the baseboard and its reflection on the floor being below the detection threshold; (2)incorrect steering actions when only one lane boundary is detected; and (3) S pattern or zig-zagsteering actions when the PlayStation Eye camera is off-center or
design/safety factors 8. Describe mechanisms of brittle and ductile fracture 9. Define creep and conditions under which it occurs and calculate steady-state creep rate2 Mechanical System Design and Construction2.1 Testing Machine StructureThe structure for the material testing machine was built exclusively with materials availablefrom a local steel supplier. Plain carbon steel with a material thickness as close as possible to1/8 in was used, which allowed for high strength and easy weldability. This meant choosing ei-ther a 1/8 in (0.125 in) or 11 ga (0.120 in) thickness. The list of materials used to build the steelstructure and cost is shown in Table 1. Prices shown reflect those advertised by online This was done
flight.Results and Analysis Made by the StudentsThe work objective of the vibration team for this project was to assemble the inner spool of the 3Dprinted jet engine on the GUNT Hamburg machine, balance it, and then study its vibrations fordifferent faulty bearings through envelope analysis. The team had 6 weeks to conduct theexperiment, collect the data and analyze them, after they complete the setup of the jet engine. Thefaulty bearings were taken from the GUNT machine which has five different faulty bearings (B,C, D, E and F while bearing A has no faults). The difference between the bearings is the locationand severity of the faults, which is reflected in the envelope analysis plots for each bearing. TheGUNT software generated the plots for the
communicate their role as co-learners, or stifle both. It suggests that today’sstudents are interested in small group workspaces, access to tutors and faculty, table space thatsupports a variety of learning tools (books, laptops, projects), integrated lab facilities, ITintegrated into learning spaces, availability of labs/equipment, accessible facilities, sharedcommunication spaces, and workgroup facilitation. Moreover, research on learning theorysuggests that supportive spaces should reflect flexibility, comfort, sensory stimulation,technology support and decenteredness.4 There are numerous initiatives which have restructuredclassroom spaces to support active learning. Some programs have also used a studio design toteach courses with some lab