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Conference Session
Energy Efficiency and Capstone Projects
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Frank Wicks, Union College
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
projects that involve design of piping systems, heat exchangers,thermodynamic cycles, and other thermal fluid system."It is a required course, taken mostly by graduating seniors, but sometimes by juniors. Theprerequisites are two courses in Thermodynamics and a course in Heat Transfer Analysis andDesign. Students have also completed a course in Fluid Mechanics.The subject school is on a trimester system with relatively intense 10 weeks per terms, ratherthan the more typical semester system of 15 weeks per term, that is less intense, and canprovide more opportunity for reflection. Whereas semester courses are typically defined interms of credit hours, the courses at this trimester college are defined by three courses pertrimester for a minimum of
Conference Session
Sustainability and Hands-On Activities
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yogesh Bhandari, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Akshay Vora, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign; Sengavi Thirupathy; Rashi Singh, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Oscar Azofeifa
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
estimations for practical designs. b) Cool Roofing New technologies are now becoming available to finish roofs that can divert incoming solar radiation that heat up the top floors of buildings. Conventional asphalt and tar shingle roofs are being replaced with ‘green roofs’: rooftop gardens that absorb sunlight and moderate rooftop rainwater runoff. However, green rooftops may not be appropriate atop all buildings, particularly those with steep roof slants, or where regular maintenance is problematic. Group B proposed the use of a ‘cool roof’ coating, which is a pigment or coating that reflects sunlight and insulates the top floor of a building from heat that would otherwise be transmitted to the upper
Conference Session
Energy Efficiency and Capstone Projects
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hayrettin Bora Karayaka, Western Carolina University; Trevor Parrish, Western Carolina University; Robert D. Adams, Western Carolina University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
. page to any appendices are included. adequate. is minimal. Summary or Conclusions Conclusions are well thought out, Generally, conclusions are Conclusions are inconsistent with Conclusions are inconsistent with data in report stated very well, and understandable consistent with data in report. data in report and reflect limited and reflect limited knowledge of report content. based on data presented. knowledge of report content.g.2. CPI #1: The student shall be able to present technical information in a logical manner and
Conference Session
Energy Conservation
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nitt Chuenprateep, University of the District of Columbia; Warren Orlando Abrams, University of the District of Columbia; Alicia Marshall, University of the District of Columbia; Sasan Haghani, University of the District of Columbia
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
addition, mechanical engineering experiencehelped to take this project’s concept into completion. Utilizing the mechanical engineeringstudent’s experience with modeling and operations research, the group was able to modify theGridLab-D to model the experiment. As the nation’s only urban land-grant university, the University of the District of Columbia hasa special focus on urban sustainability, which is reflected in its curriculum and research focuses.The experience that these students brought to the framing of this project was integral to itssuccess. Collaboration through the capstone project allowed students to share the lessons they’velearned through their internships or research projects in a concrete manner. One student, who haddone
Conference Session
Energy Efficiency and Capstone Projects
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Irina Nicoleta Ciobanescu Husanu, Drexel University; Richard Chiou, Drexel University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
in renewable energy and sustainability[1],[8],[9].The main objectives of these developments are related to (1) promotion of awareness of theemerging technologies in renewable energy area; (2) making students cognizant of the globalchallenges regarding reducing the carbon footprint in industrial setting, climate change, andother energy related issues, (3) preparing the needed high quality workforce in renewableenergy systems who will develop new systems, devices and technologies for the industry.General Framework of the MinorAs is reflected in the figure above (Figure 1) the minor courses are mostly technical electives forour major while three of the courses from our minor are also core curriculum courses for the ETmajor. The minor can be
Conference Session
Energy Efficiency and Capstone Projects
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David McDonald P.E., Lake Superior State University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
% Faculty Grades of Student Work ….….. 84% Student Comment Faculty Comments The students worked through programming exercises to learn the basics of CANoe for CAN analysis and simulation.Part 2: Discussion Question Given a reasonable amount of time, do you feel comfortable in approaching a vehicle instrumentation or data acquisition problem that involves the use of CAN? Yes Yes, I believe I have a firm grasp of the fundamental concepts of CAN. Kind of difficult with the amount of time the professor was away. Given adequate time and resources (manual, examples, etc.), I feel that I could solve vehicle instrumentation problems using CAN.Summary:This paper reflects a portion of the content of a course that is meant to help
Conference Session
Sustainability and Hands-On Activities
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Abhijit Nagchaudhuri, University of Maryland Eastern Shore; Madhumi Mitra Ph.D, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore; Xavier Shastri Domnique Henry, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
traditional gasoline or as its own alternative fuel in newer technologyvehicles. The Gracilaria grown in the IMTA tank is commonly referred to as a nuisance alga sinceit readily forms pervasive blooms around the Mid-Atlantic region. .Fortunately, from a biofuelsperspective, the seaweed is comprised of quantities of easily fermentable sugars. It is this sugarthat the participants made use of in this lab, by simply macerating the alga and then treating it withbasic baker’s yeast and allowing the medium to culture over a 24- hour period. Thereafter, themedium was filtered of solids and distilled to reveal the small amount of crude ethanol liberatedby the process. In a retrospective discussion, participants were given the opportunity to reflect onthe