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good complement to the instructor’slectures for engaging students in the class.At the end of the semester, we assessed teaching and learning effectiveness through aquestionnaire handed out in class, which included three questions directly related to the groupproject: 1. Do you agree that the group project is a good way to learn the fundamental concepts of materials science? a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree 2. Which of the following has been the best source(s) for you to learn the course materials? a. textbook b. Lectures c. Homework d. Group project e. Quizzes and midterm exam 3. Which of following has been the most useful in helping with self
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recognition of the material(s) tested and, thus,they can examine the validity of theoretical concepts as well as uncertainties resulted from alaboratory process. Students working with the team members were finally required to write apaper on the laboratory exercise after the completion of the lab experiment. We have reported theresults and findings in the development of POGIL based-materials and manufacturing curriculumin the ASEE conferences, the Materials Symposia, and other professional meetings.21-26 2) Results of the Student Survey in POGIL-based Materials Laboratory Course This new laboratory module in 3D printing, as a term project, emphasizes the needs togive students proper preparation in additive manufacturing (AM), so that
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