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Conference Session
Thermodynamics, Fluids and Heat Transfer I
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dazhi Yang, Boise State University; Krishna Pakala, Boise State University
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Mechanical Engineering
produced a real challenge for the course design. However, thecourse was designed to mitigate these issues, focusing on offering multiple learning opportunities andencouraging peer learning and tutoring.The course provided different learning activities, such as students’ reviewing recorded videos,recitation videos, online discussions, peer learning and peer tutoring, and LA sessions, which helpedstudent not only learn but also build a great learning community. LA sessions had been proven tosupport student success. The learning assistants had an important role in the traditional class. The LAsession in the online class was to mirror the experiences of the traditional class. “Happy Hour”- avirtual office hour hosted by the instructor was a key
Conference Session
Teams, Capstone Courses, and Project Based-Learning
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Molly A. McVey, University of Kansas; Carl W. Luchies, University of Kansas; Adrian Joseph Villicana, University of Kansas
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Mechanical Engineering
learning. This coursetypically has 59-120 sophomore and junior level mechanical engineering students enrolled andhas been taught in a flipped format, using the SCALE-UP model (Beichner, 2008), for severalsemesters. By design, the course relies heavily on peer-to-peer instruction through cooperativelearning, and beginning in the semester of Spring 2016, the instructor aimed to move fromcooperative groups to high performing teams using principles of team-based learning (L. K.Michaelsen, Knight, & Fink, 2002). Three primary research questions were examined: 1) whateffect does the implementation of TBL have on individual student learning, compared to anoffering of the course prior to implementation; 2) what effect does the implementation of
Conference Session
Teams, Capstone Courses, and Project Based-Learning
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David E. Schmidt, University of Pittsburgh; Renee M. Clark, University of Pittsburgh
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Mechanical Engineering
inkey capstone exercises, including a mid-semester, peer-based design review as well as a final symposium.This student engagement and undergraduate networking has far reaching benefits, as the studentsinvolved enrich their own experiences and become resources to pass information and critiques along toone another.Our plan for assessing this program and its students involves following the participating studentsthroughout the sophomore, junior and senior years. Students, at varied stages in the curriculum, alongwith their mentors and industry sponsors, will be interviewed to assess the effectiveness of theintroductory course and the influence of early exposure to the capstone experience on their capstoneprojects. Project performance will also be
Conference Session
Teams, Teaching, Leadership, and Technical Communications in Mechanical Engineering
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Traci M. Nathans-Kelly, Cornell University; Rick Evans, Cornell University
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Mechanical Engineering
Paper ID #17739Creating Communicative Self-Efficacy through Integrating and InnovatingEngineering Communication InstructionDr. Traci M. Nathans-Kelly, Cornell University Traci Nathans-Kelly, Ph.D., currently teaches full-time at Cornell University in the Engineering Commu- nication Program. She instructs within that program and is seated as a co-instructor for Writing Intensive courses as the engineering communication liaison in ME, BEE, CS, and AEP departments. Outside of Cornell, as a member of IEEE’s Professional Communication Society, she serves as a series editor for the Professional Engineering Communication books
Conference Session
Learning and Assessment in ME 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ana Dyreson P.E., University of Wisconsin, Madison; Corinne R. Henak, University of Wisconsin, Madison
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Mechanical Engineering
Wednesday Friday Traditional Reading assignment Lecture Lecture Lecture Blended Online reading Lecture Worksheets, group projects, case studies, or homework time. assignment Held in active learning space working with peers and instructors.To answer the question, Do students benefit from the blended course?, we compared exam scoresfrom the traditional and blended courses. To answer the question, How do students progress onBloom’s taxonomy in the blended course?, we used worksheets that served both as learningactivities and measurements of Bloom’s taxonomy progress. We focused on two concepts thatstudents typically have
Conference Session
Undergraduate Research and a Force and Moment Lab
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michelle Audrey Pang, Sandia National Laboratories; Carolyn Conner Seepersad, University of Texas, Austin; Sheldon Landsberger, University of Texas, Austin, Department of Mechanical Engineering
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Mechanical Engineering
-motivated project management, and teamwork andcommunication (both amongst their peers and with faculty and graduate students). The projectstructure is consistent with research by the National Academy of Engineering, which emphasizescreativity, practical ingenuity, leadership, and management, in addition to strong analytical skillsas some of the primary characteristics required for successful engineers of the future [12]. FIREproject teams require a minimum of two first-year researchers to facilitate teamwork andcollaboration and to provide students with a peer with whom they can collaborate withoutreservations of seniority. These collaborative teams are intended to not only foster the leadershipand management skills emphasized by the NAE but also
Conference Session
Teams, Capstone Courses, and Project Based-Learning
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julian Ly Davis, University of Southern Indiana; Natasha Smith P.E., University of Southern Indiana; Michael McLeod, Accuride Corporation
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Mechanical Engineering
. Students presented their final designs in writing and orally before a panel whichincluded faculty members and Accuride engineers. They were evaluated on final weight, style,presentation, and analysis, with the latter making up the bulk of the score.The project provided several opportunities for students to connect directly with real world designissues in a way that wouldn’t have been possible without the industry partnership. For one, studentsfelt the pressure of competition to achieve the lightest wheel, just as Accuride must keep pace withindustry competitors to maintain or grow their market share. In addition, they were held account-able for weaknesses in their analysis process. For example, the industry panel quickly identifiedsharp corners
Conference Session
Learning and Assessment in ME 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James Canino, Trine University; Brett Batson, Trine University
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Mechanical Engineering
using collaborative quizzes. However, they did findthat collaborative quizzes encouraged students to come to class prepared and students who tookcollaborative quizzes viewed the quizzes more favorably. Enz and Frosch come to a similarconclusion stating “Peer collaboration improves quiz scores, is favorably perceived by studentsand enhances their course satisfaction, but does not improve subsequent performance on midtermand final examinations taken noncollaboratively.”13 However, Roa, Collins, and DiCarlo find“completing the quizzes in groups enhances the understanding of the material.”14 Moreover,Leight et al. hypothesis that collaborative testing might improve students’ obtainment of lower-order learning outcomes (Bloom’s levels 1 and 2), but
Conference Session
Materials, Manufacturing, and Machine Component Design
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Relmane Baptiste, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore; DeOndre L Clark Jr, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore; Payam Matin, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore
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Mechanical Engineering
committee chair through a successful accreditation visit in Fall 2012. Dr. Matin’s research has been mostly in the areas of Computational Mechanics and Experimental Mechanics with applications in Solid Mechanics, Plasticity and Sheet Metal Forming. Dr. Matin has published more than 25 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers. Dr. Matin is the recipient of NSF MRI award as a Co-PI. Dr. Matin worked in Automotive industry for Chrysler Corporation from 2005 to 2007. He Joined UMES in August 2007. He is affiliated with ASME and ASEE professional societies c American Society for Engineering Education, 2017 Designing a Strain Measurement System based on Circle Grid Analysis
Conference Session
Materials, Manufacturing, and Machine Component Design
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Monica Dore; Rodrigo Arturo Ramos, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore; Payam Matin, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore; Monai Stinnett, University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
and Sheet Metal Forming. Dr. Matin has published more than 25 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers. Dr. Matin is the recipient of NSF MRI award as a Co-PI. Dr. Matin worked in Automotive industry for Chrysler Corporation from 2005 to 2007. He Joined UMES in August 2007. He is affiliated with ASME and ASEE professional societiesMonai Stinnett, University of Maryland Eastern Shore Monai Stinnett graduated in December 2014 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in General Engineering Specializing in Mechanical Engineering from University of Maryland Eastern Shore. Monai is currently enrolled at University of Maryland College Park Master Program pursuing in Mechanical Engineering, Energy and Environment. She wants to