contribution of this paper is to summarize research on self-assessment overtime, including where it has and has not proved successful, as well as to survey severalapproaches and software applications for incorporating self-assessment into a course.Keywords: self-assessment, peer assessment, evaluation rubric1. IntroductionSelf-assessment is a powerful mechanism for enhancing learning. It encourages studentsto reflect on how their own work meets the goals set for learning concepts and skills. Itpromotes metacognition about what is being learned, and effective practices for learning.It encourages students to think about how a particular assignment or course fits into thecontext of their education. It imparts reflective skills that will be useful on the
project was the Arduino workshops, whichshowed a quick increase in technical skills by the participants, as only 3 out of 30 participantshad prior knowledge of the technology. Building and testing their own Arduino projects alsogave interns experience with hands on maker skills.By collecting written reflections from interns throughout the summer, BCe2 identified progressin key goals of increased positive perceptions of South Bend through shifts in student perception,especially from students who are native South Bend residents. A significant example was anincreased sense of ownership and personal connection to the people that were impacted by theirwork, with a notable shift from referring to “those people” in “the neighborhood” to “ourneighborhood
settingclear community engagement and learning goals with students as well as incorporating criticalreflection into the projects to generate and deepen learning [6]. With community-engagedscholarship, it is imperative for project goals to balance the needs of the community partnerswhile providing meaningful experiences for students. Additionally, the students must engage incritical reflection that includes articulating linkages between course concepts and communityengagement, addressing power and privilege, analyzing one’s role as a justice minded citizen,and examining new perspectives and changed views. A very valuable resource in formalizingthis type of engagement and reflection is the Community Engaged Learning PartnershipAgreement form provided by
, anddid not allow students a chance to feel they were working on something “real”.The 2016 implementation modified the course in several ways. The list of topics covered wasaltered to reflect those topics most directly relevant to the evaporator. Most notably, transientconduction, analogous mass transfer, and computational methods were dropped, and boiling wasadded. Other topics were expanded (convection) or de-emphasized compared to the 2015 course.Initially, it was anticipated that the format of the course would move away from lecture and moretowards directed analysis of the evaporator. However the course ended up enrolling a singlestudent*, who expressed a strong preference for lecture-style class meetings. Out of respect forthis preference
significantly different graduationrates, both within and outside engineering.In a parallel and unpublished effort, our institution contracted with an academic analytics firm(EAB, a subdivision of The Advisory Board Company, Washington, DC) to undertake alongitudinal analysis of student success at our institution, with a focus on how examining gradesin courses reflect graduation rates by university, college, or major. The results from the EABeffort allowed individual degree programs to evaluate the linkages between course grades andstudent graduation rates. Furthermore, it allowed establishment of success thresholds in keyclasses based upon a desired graduation rate.The motivation for the work reported herein was to combine our risk-prediction efforts
a multi-institution study that queried students about the primary factor that influenced theirdecision to leave engineering, 8% of student respondents indicated that they found the curriculumtoo narrow; one female student reflected, “The curriculum was extremely narrow…there was littleto no room for any humanities…or any other type of class. I feel that this is a major failing of theengineering program.”9The same question about the potential impact of curricular choice applies to computing, which—like engineering—suffers from gender diversity that is not representative of the population at large,nor the over 50% of bachelor’s degrees earned by women in the U.S. each year.10 In 2014, just 14%of computer science and 12% of computer
town, as supported by the use of thesimulation environment, is to engage students in ways that mirror how scientists or engineersapproach and solve problems and are also to have qualities that lead to extended inquiry. Ideallythe students have some familiarity with the challenge, but need to research more or try outpossibilities to better comprehend the problem, identify potential solutions, and then generateand execute a plan to solve it. Within a traffic simulation where each student controls one lightin a simulated city, students may start off using hit-or-miss or highly localized strategies forcontrolling traffic ((Wilensky & Stroup, 2000, Stroup & Wilensky 2014).As they extend their inquiry and reflect on the overall outcomes for
analyzed.Previous WorkAccording to one of the well documented and widely accepted learning theories, Kolb1 in hisexperiential learning cycle theory claims that people learn best if they follow a cycle consistingof four steps (axes): experiencing (concrete experience), watching (reflective observation),thinking/modeling (abstract conceptualization), and applying/doing (active experimentation).This learning theory has been implemented in various engineering education programs such ascivil2-4, mechanical4, chemical2,3,5, industrial6, aeronautical4, and manufacturing2,3,7 engineering.While there was only a single student team that built and programmed the humanoid robotsmany other engineering and non-engineering students benefited from the workout challenge
intheir fields of study.IntroductionHomework is essential to undergraduate student development. Out-of-class learning activitiesreinforce topics presented in lecture and serve to expand student comprehension. Thedevelopment of educational techniques to improve upon the efficacy of homework is an activeresearch area [1-4]. While educators agree upon the positive impact of homework, the form-factor and delivery method continues to be a topic of discussion [5-7]. Additionally, studentattitudes towards homework are also changing to reflect access to digital online modalities.While students often prefer an online presentation of homework, a recent study has shown thatperforming homework online does not significantly impact final grade performance as
therefore be readand interpreted as reflecting how student subjects typically understand ethics, morality, andrelated concepts rather than how these terms are more formally or technically defined.Rule/norm-based. The first major theme in the findings is comprised of those statementscharacterizing ethical or moral character as involving adherence to rules or norms in general.Approximately two-thirds of the interviewees made comments falling in this broad category,with the most common and most general type concerned with knowing and/or doing what is“right” or “best.” Representative examples of this type of statement include “to understandcomparatively what is truly right,” “doing the right thing”, and “making the right decision.” Asubset of this
to reflect on the design decision. AlthoughSam claimed to have a good orientation of the panels, Ms. KM problematized the claim. She didso while making sure that Sam remained motivated. She provided positive feedback (“Yeah yournumbers came way down. You’re moving in the right direction…”). At the same time, she alsomade sure that Sam knew that she would come back and check on the progress (“I’ll come backand check in a little bit”). In the process, she conveyed that the design process was not completeyet and there was room for further improvement thereby encouraging Sam to perform moreiterations. Ms. KM also ensured that her students had the authority and felt ownership of their work(Engle & Conant, 2002). For instance- KM
that we were onlymoderately successful in constructing a meaningful and purposeful design experience. While theK12 instructor has been using a project framework such as this for many years, this was the firstattempt at guiding students through a process aligned more closely with an engineering designproject and with the purpose of designing something meaningful and useful.With the next iteration of this project, we are attempting to enhance the project with two additionsto the framework for the K12 students: 1. Students will now reflect on their project weekly, in the form of a written blog posts. The goal is to encourage the students to have better focus in their planning and prototyping by providing time to think 6 . It is
suggested by Black [8, p.28], “engineering schools need tohave a clear mission focus that reflects the needs of their industrial customers and their placeamong all engineering schools.” Having a better understanding of student SRL activities willhelp engineering educators to design and implement teaching interventions that promote studentmetacognitive awareness. i) Phase 1: Quantitative Study – Breadth View (Completed) The objectives of this phase were to: (1) validate the SRL survey instrument; and (2)study self-regulation in a large-scale administration. During Phase 1, the researcher gathered datafrom 307 seniors from several engineering colleges to validate an adapted SRL surveyinstrument called Engineering Design Metacognitive
outcome in their challenge or original ideas.In the context of the curriculum development, the ACTlab facilitated for the NSF-RET teacherparticipants was used to provide the teachers with the opportunity to critically reflect on theirideas of what is and what could be done in their classrooms and in the curriculum they were todevelop. As part of this process, the teachers were asked to identify their perspectives on avariety of topics such as: My classroom is structured or fluid; Silence in my class is good or notgood; The most effective and valuable learning happens in or out of the classroom. Additionally,as part of this process the teachers participated in a challenge sharing exercise. In this exercisethe teachers identified three challenges
in becomingprofessionally competent writers; such an approach often prompts for writing in draft stages andresponds to or intervenes with each draft as required, demonstrating to students that writingshould take place over time, in part to gain better control over the process (Fulwiler, 1987b;Bean, 2011).As a second example of the alignment of our approach with that of others, the teaching of higher-level writing skills, including synthesis and argumentation, in one upper-level biomedicalengineering course was done using an interactive coaching approach. One of the main lessonslearned was that writing must be assigned with sufficient time for students to receive feedback,reflect, and revise (Yalvac et al., 2007). Thus, feedback must be well
. Computational thinking in out-of-school environmentsFamilies can play an important role in children’s learning experiences, because children spendmost of their time in out-of-school environments (Stevens & Bransford, 2007). Theseenvironments include everyday settings like family activities or in designed spaces like museumsand science centers. Children are engaged in different activities with their families that mayprovide them a wealth of learning opportunities. Through these learning opportunities, childrendeeply engage in learning while interacting with family members (and others), build on theirprior knowledge and interest, develop stronger thinking, and finally reflect on their learningexperiences through sensemaking conversations with their
-disciplinaryengineering services, the challenges to a COE-wide capstone experience reside in coordinationacross curriculum design. To address these two goals, the faculty team identified a flexiblemanagement approach to align the existing curriculum needs for each department’s capstonecourse. In addition to curriculum awareness, student needs were addressed by involving facultymentors from each discipline.Brief Literature ReviewImplementation of the pilot project at University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK) reflects findingsfrom previous research on COE-wide capstone programs. Capstone experiences are one of themost comprehensive opportunities to assess student learning in an undergraduate engineeringcurriculum. Skills across all major assessment criteria for
teaching survey did include this information. For the 27civil engineering courses described, the most common methods used to teach ethical/societalissues were: case studies (n=24), lectures (n=21), in-class discussions (n=21), examples ofprofessional scenarios (n=20), guest lectures (n=16), in-class debates/role plays (n=10),reflections (n=9), and videos (n=8). The most common assessment method for ethical/societalimpacts knowledge was an individual homework assignment graded with a rubric (n=20),followed by test and/or quiz questions (n=12) and individual reflections (n=10). Thebenchmarking results indicate that a number of different models are used for civil engineeringprofessional issues courses. Figure 1. Topics Taught in
clinical perspectives. The summer program endedwith a final Scholar symposium of projects, reflections of the Scholar experiences and plans foracademic year projects. These selected needs provided the basis to enhance the existingcapstone design course (Engineering Clinic) during the academic year with new design projectsto be developed, discovered through the needs finding and needs specification process during thesummer immersion. This year-long cycle and the specific topics in the summer immersion andacademic semesters are summarized in Figure 1. Figure 1 – Biodesign through Clinical Immersion and Capstone Design course12The authors want to determine over the course of the past two years of the program the effect onScholar attainment of
objective is to formalizea methodical approach to needs assessment based on user-centered research. While in rotation in theclinical departments, student teams are matched with a clinical mentor who provides guidance andoversight. The clinical mentor in each of the hospital clinics oversees the students while in theirrespective rotation, addressing questions and providing clarification on procedures, norms, and generalcommentary regarding process. Mentors promote interaction between students, physicians, clinical staffand patients. The students are required to write twice weekly blog posts during their clinic rotations (readthe blog entries on the CIP website: These posts serve as both a recordand a reflection
the outcomes demonstrated by students viathe evaluative components, grades were assigned ranging from A (attainment of all outcomes ata proficient level) to B- (attainment of 1 outcome at a proficient level).Student ProjectsThroughout the course, students were asked to maintain and continuously update a coursejournal. This journal consisted of entries similar to a diary in which students would reflect uponthe broader impacts topic being discussed and record their level of personal interest andalignment of personal values with the goals and impact of that specific broader impacts (BI)activity. The intent here was for the students to identify an area of BI activity that aligned withtheir interests and motivations right from the beginning
engineering careers.AcknolwedgementsWe appreciate the support of Purdue University’s School of Engineering Education and the FirstYear Engineering Honors Program for their support of this study. The views expressed by theauthors do not necessarily reflect the views of these agencies.References[1] Brophy, S., Klein, S., Portsmore, M., & Rogers, C. (2008). Advancing engineering education in P-12classrooms. Journal of Engineering Education, 97(3), 369-387.[2] Bennedsen, J., & Caspersen, M. (2008). Model-driven programming. In Reflections on the Teaching ofProgramming (pp. 116-129). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.[3]Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt. (1997). The Jasper Project: Lessons in curriculum, instruction,assessment, and
full study includes quantitative and qualitative assessmentsin the form of surveys, focus groups with students, and evaluation of student work (lab reports ororal presentations) for quality and content by two external reviewers. Student learning styles(active/reflective, sensing/intuitive, visual/verbal and sequential/global) were also assessed usingthe Index of Learning Styles Survey (ILSS) by Felder and Solomon. Data was collected at threedifferent institutions: a public, land-grant minority serving institution, a private minority servingliberal arts college for women, and a private, predominantly white liberal arts college. A controlgroup of students experienced a traditional laboratory or seminar and an intervention groupexperienced case
court provided evidence based data tosupport their conclusions and a means to assess conceptual understanding in this PBL scenario.Student reflection and instructor feedback in addition to the three tiered framework rubricfacilitated assessment of the student cognitive learning process. Additionally, it was observedfor a seven contact hour a week course that students were engaged in the project between 10-12hours/week gaining more practical, hands-on experience in engineering materials and theirmethods of deterioration. As a result of this experiential learning, the students involved in PBLprojects (as compared to semesters in which students did not use PBL) produced better qualitywork as demonstrated through increased time on task, improved
(IMSE) Day at The University of Texas at El Paso,with a goal of providing students from El Paso - Cd. Juarez region with opportunities to growand develop engineering and leadership skills. Considering the global use of green engineeringand green manufacturing technologies by industries for minimizing environmental impact andincreased resource utilization, IMSE day 2016 was specifically geared towards introducingstudents to new information age technologies and their application in the fields of greenmanufacturing and engineering. The conducted workshops and seminars are based on the theme“Internet of Things” (IOT) to reflect the interdependent nature of manufacturing processes andthe ability of IOT to improve visibility in manufacturing. The
16If we add the legacies of violence that persist in engineering education and industry, to thepresent-day illusion of neutrality it becomes clear that the disciplines of engineering providelittle opportunity for practitioners to be reflective about their roles in perpetuating violence. Still,reflective research on the intersections of engineering/liberal education andengineering/sustainability appears to be growing.17 18 This research helps to support a vocalminority seeking alternative forms of engineering education that are not rooted in violence. Uponrecognizing the long-standing role of engineers as “hired guns” for the military-industrialcomplex, these educators and researchers use frameworks of peace19 and critical pedagogy20 topropose
Learning. Motivation is a physical or psychological drive to obtain the means tosatisfy one's needs for existence, relatedness, and growth15. People's beliefs about their ability toexercise control over events that affect their lives are major factors in their motivation, affect,and action. People actively influence their motivations based on how they handle their goals andexpectations of achieving them4. Self-efficacy beliefs influence the level of goals they set, thestrength of their commitments to the goals, and their behaviors to achieve the goals. People'sself-efficacy beliefs determine their level of motivation, as reflected in how much effort theyexert in an endeavor and how long they persevere in the face of obstacles. People's beliefs
. Itrecommended courses based on their relevance to the practice of global engineering, but itoffered no context within which students had to reflect seriously on global engineering itself.Consequently, students did not connect their coursework to global engineering and to theiridentity as engineers.Besides suffering a lack of focus, the GEC suffered a severe identity crisis, in that students,faculty, and staff repeatedly confused it with the IEC. There was no obvious difference betweenthe terms “International” and “Global.” The contrast was further blurred with the opening of anew Global Engineering Residential Academic Program, since it highlighted the importance ofworld language acquisition by engineers, rather than professional skills for
structure and home for students while a new program grows to criticalmass and fully develops its courses. Though these early students were officially MDE studentsand met the MDE course requirements (which are slightly different from the current BSEEErequirements), they were taught, advised, and mentored by both EEE and MDE faculty and staff.The first three students entered the MDE/EEE plan of study in Fall 2008, and the first twograduated in December 2010. The program grew significantly to almost 50 students by Fall2012. Early in the planning process, the name of the proposed program was chosen to be“Environmental and Ecological Engineering,” rather than a more traditional “EnvironmentalEngineering.” The name reflects unique aspects of the
, perspective-taking, getting feedback, or prototyping). Category 3: User as Human-centered design is a linear design process where users and other Information Source Input stakeholders are viewed primarily as sources of information, assistance, to Linear Process and/or support, not those whose needs should be reflected in design. Human-centered design is keeping the users’ needs and how design will be used in mind while designing. This approach involves gathering Category 4: Keeping the information about the users primarily from higher level stakeholders or Users’ Needs in Mind experts versus the users directly. Integrating that