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Displaying results 31 - 60 of 438 in total
2000 Annual Conference
Jeffrey L. Newcomer; Eric Kent McKell; David S. Kelley
Session 3538 The Design Process, Ideation, and Computer-Aided Design David S. Kelley, Jeffrey L. Newcomer, and Eric K. McKell Engineering Technology Department Western Washington UniversityAbstractLargely due to engineering design applications such as computer-aided design, most en-gineering graphics curriculums have changed significantly since the middle 1980’s. Thecontent of an engineering graphics course is governed by the needs of students taking thecourse. This paper focuses on the engineering graphics curriculum at Western Washing-ton University
2000 Annual Conference
W. Nicholas Delgass; Phillip C. Wankat; Frank S. Oreovicz
Session 2613 Integrating Soft Criteria into the ChE Curriculum Phillip C. Wankat, Frank S. Oreovicz, and W. Nicholas Delgass Chemical Engineering, Purdue UniversityAbstractIncorporating the soft criteria included in ABET 2000 into the curriculum has proved tobe a challenge for many engineering programs. Our approach has been to prioritize theimportance of the six criteria and proportion effort accordingly. We have been quitesuccessful in integrating communication skills into the ChE curriculum and more thanmeet ABET criteria. We believe that we do a more than adequate job with our secondand third priorities, teamwork
2000 Annual Conference
Maurice F Aburdene; Jaskeerat S. Baweja; Richard J. Kozick
Session 1620 Interactive Signals and Systems Laboratories Using Notebooks Maurice F. Aburdene, Richard J. Kozick, Jaskeerat S. Baweja Bucknell UniversityAbstractThis paper presents three interactive signal processing laboratories that use Matlab programslinked to a Microsoft Word document (a “notebook”). The active filter analysis and design,convolution and concert halls, and spectral analysis labs are designed for third-year students in asignals and systems course. These labs engage the students in the learning process by providingthem with the opportunity to experiment and ask “what if” questions
2000 Annual Conference
Ryan S. Magargle; Rami W. Zarrouk; Maurice F Aburdene
Session 2793 Interactive Tutorial for an Introductory Electrical Engineering Course Maurice F. Aburdene, Rami W. Zarrouk, Ryan S. Magargle Bucknell UniversityAbstractThis paper presents a tutorial and diagnostic tool called, "What You Already Know." The objective of this tutorial isto prepare students for their first electrical engineering course, and it is designed to diagnose what the studentsalready know and aid them in understanding some basic concepts through hands-on experience. The tutorial iscomputer-based
2000 Annual Conference
S. Hiranniah; N. W. Scott; B. J. Stone; M. A. Mannan
Session 3220 Teaching One degree-of-freedom vibration on the WWW N W Scott * , S Hiranniah +, M A Mannan + and B J Stone* + Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering, The National University of Singapore. * Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, The University of Western Australia.AbstractThis paper describes an extensive set of WWW pages that include the transient and forcedvibration of a single degree of freedom system. There are Java applets that allow animation,parameter variation and self-test questions with diagnostic feedback. In addition there are moreconventional
2000 Annual Conference
Zachary R. Kaufmann; Nickolas S. Jovanovic; Lance W. Laettner
Session 2532 Undergraduate Research Participation: Designing and Building a New Generation Beowulf-Class PC Cluster Nickolas S. Jovanovic, Zachary R. Kaufmann, Lance W. Laettner University of Arkansas at Little RockAbstractMassively parallel processors (MPP) are the laboratories for computational science andengineering. It is important for computational scientists and engineers to have a local platformfor developing, testing, and debugging MPP codes, so that computer time on large national-resource MPPs such as those at the national laboratories and NSF supercomputing centers can besecured and used
2000 Annual Conference
Ron Baddock; Catherine S. Bolek; Kenny Fotouhi; Ali Eydgahi
Session 2793 A Collaborative University-Industry Agreement to Establish an Advanced Communication Laboratory Ali Eydgahi , Mohammad Fotouhi, Ronald Baddock, Catherine S. Bolek University of Maryland Eastern Shore/ University of Maryland Eastern Shore/ Amtek Company/University of Maryland Eastern ShoreAbstractThis paper describes the details of a partnership and collaboration that have recently beencreated between University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Lab-Volt systems, and AmtekCompany. This partnership has been envisioned to meet several goals and objectives foreach partner. The individual goals when combined, benefit the
2000 Annual Conference
Jeffery M. Saul; Rhett J. Allain; Duane L. Deardorff; David S. Abbott; Robert J. Beichner
Session 2380 Introduction to SCALE-UP : Student-Centered Activities for Large Enrollment University Physics Robert J. Beichner, Jeffery M. Saul, Rhett J. Allain, Duane L. Deardorff, David S. Abbott North Carolina State UniversityAbstractSCALE-UP is an extension of the highly successful IMPEC project (Integrated Math,Physics, Engineering, and Chemistry), one of NC State’s curricular reform effortsundertaken as part of the SUCCEED coalition. Basically, we are utilizing the interactive,collaboratively based instruction that worked so well in smaller class
2000 Annual Conference
Robert K. Christianson; Jeffrey F. McCauley; Denny Davis; Michael S. Trevisan; Kenneth L. Gentili
Session 1625 Measuring Learning Outcomes for Engineering Design Education Denny C. Davis, Washington State University Kenneth L. Gentili, Tacoma Community College Michael S. Trevisan, Washington State University Robert K. Christianson, Green River Community College Jeffrey F. McCauley, Green River Community CollegeAbstractFoundational to the assessment of engineering degree programs is the definition of learningoutcomes for engineering design. This paper presents a framework within which engineeringdesign learning outcomes can be defined and
2000 Annual Conference
Jeffery M. Saul; Rhett J. Allain; Duane L. Deardorff; David S. Abbott; Robert J. Beichner
Session 1526 Promoting collaborative groups in large enrollment courses Robert J. Beichner, Jeffery M. Saul, Rhett J. Allain, Duane L. Deardorff, David S. Abbott North Carolina State UniversityAbstractSCALE-UP is an extension of the highly successful IMPEC project (Integrated Math,Physics, Engineering, and Chemistry), one of NC State’s curricular reform effortsundertaken as part of the SUCCEED coalition. Basically, we are utilizing the highlyinteractive, collaboratively-based instruction that worked so well in smaller class settingsand finding ways to economically accommodate classes
2000 Annual Conference
Rhett J. Allain; Jeff Saul; Duane L. Deardorff; David S. Abbott; Robert J. Beichner
Session 2380 Evaluating introductory physics classes in light of the ABET criteria: An example from the SCALE-UP Project Jeffery M. Saul, Duane L. Deardorff, David S. Abbott, Rhett J. Allain, and Robert J. Beichner North Carolina State UniversityAbstractThe Student-Centered Activities for Large Enrollment University Physics (SCALE-UP) projectat North Carolina State University (NCSU) is developing a curriculum to promote learningthrough in-class group activities in introductory physics classes up to 100 students. We arecurrently in Phase II of the project using a
2000 Annual Conference
Sergy Lyshevski; Akhouri S. C. Sinha; Maher E. Rizkalla; Charles F. Yokomoto; Mohamed El-sharkawy; Richard Pfile
Session #3432 Using Senior Research, Design, and Development Projects in the Development of a Course in Electric Vehicle Technology Maher E. Rizkalla, Charles F. Yokomoto, Richard Pfile, Akhouri S. C. Sinha, Mohamed El-Sharkawy, Sergy Lyshevski, and Marvin Needler Purdue School of Engineering and Technology at Indianapolis Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis 723W Michigan Street Indianapolis, IN 46202-5137 and
2000 Annual Conference
Frances S. Johnson; Carlos C. Sun; Anthony J. Marchese; Heidi L. Newell; John L. Schmalzel; Roberta Harvey; Ravi Ramachandran; Paris von Lockette; Kevin Dahm
Multi-Media Session 2793 IMPROVING THE ENGINEERING AND WRITING INTERFACE: AN ASSESSMENT OF A TEAM-TAUGHT INTEGRATED COURSERoberta Harvey1, Frances S. Johnson1, Heidi L. Newell2, Kevin Dahm2, Anthony J. Marchese2, Ravi P. Ramachandran2, John L. Schmalzel2, Carlos Sun2, and Paris von Lockette2 1. College of Communication, Rowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey 2. College of Engineering, Rowan University, Glassboro, New JerseyAbstract This paper presents the results of a preliminary investigation into second-yearengineering students’ attitudes towards writing. Our study assesses what effect, if any, thepresence of engineering
2000 Annual Conference
Alex O. Kalu
application ofthe proposed algorithm.II. Formulation of AlgorithmConsider two polynomials in s, N(s) and D(s) over a field, given by: N(s) = ansn + an-1sn-1 + an-2sn-2 + . . . +a , 0 and (1) D(s) = bdsd + bd-1sd-1 + bd-2sd-2 + . . . +d 0Where d > or = n. D(s) = Q(s)N(s) + R(s). (2)It can be shown that the quotient polynomial Q(s) is of the form: Q(s) = bdsd-n/an + {c1sd-n-1 + c2sd-n-2 + ... + cd-n} (3)and the remainder polynomial R(s) is given by: R(s) = r1s n-1 + r2sn-2 + . . . + rn (4)A tableau can be constructed from
2000 Annual Conference
Robert Lynn Mueller
plant transfer function Gp(s) had to be easily isolated for open looptests, and the ability to close the loop had to also be included.Derivation of the CircuitThe basis for the simulator lies in the fact that differential equations can be solved/simulatedusing an analog computer. Using this fact, a circuit for simulating type 0 and type 1 systems canbe derived.For a type 0 system, Gp(s) = k/(s^2 + a s + b)Since Gp(s) represents the output Y(s) divided by the input R(s), Y(s)/R(s) = k/(s^2 + a s +b)or Y(s) (s^2 + a s +b) = k R(s)Taking the inverse Laplace transform, y’’(t) + a y’(t) + b y(t) = k r(t)or y’’(t) = k r(t) – a y’(t) – b y(t)This differential equation is simulated using the analog circuitry shown in
2000 Annual Conference
Mohammad H. Alimi; Howard B. Wilson
one period and areconsumed during a subsequent period. Special cases of this problem include mortgage financingas well as pension saving.Mathematical FormulationInvestment capital Q growing due to a saving rate S (t ) while simultaneously earning acontinuously compounded, after-tax, rate of investment return R satisfies the differentialequationQ’(t ) = RQ (t ) + S (t ), Q(0) = q 0 .The general solution of this equation for constant R is tQ(t ) = e [q0 + ∫ e − Rt S (t )dt ] Rt 0Inflation usually exists in real situations so it is desirable to think in terms of inflation adjustedcapital defined by q (t ) = Q(t )e − Itwhere I is the annual inflation rate. When I is zero, then q simply reduces to Q
2000 Annual Conference
John Chen; Mike Ellis
: Figure 1: Alrea dy Using This Inte rm e dia te /Ex pe rt S k ill
2000 Annual Conference
Jr., Richard T. O'Brien
determine the steering wheel angle. A lateral force on the vehicle (and,hence, a lateral acceleration) is created as the wheels turn. The automated steering controller isdesigned to steer the vehicle from the center of the current lane to the center of an adjacent lane.Measurements of the vehicle’s lateral position during the maneuver will be computed from thelateral acceleration measured by the accelerometer (see Figure 2). D(s) R(s) + U(s) - X(s) K G a (s) G p (s
2000 Annual Conference
O. Kenneth Sergeant; Linda O. Hardymon
vehicle, was in place andoffered an incentive to complete the project. Forming a team to support the ideaof entering a national solar vehicle race was the next step to actuallycommitting to the project. Having a sanctioned event to shoot for addedimpetus to the project as well as a deadline that once committed to, had to bemet by the "we can do this" team.Project planningWhile attending another workshop, the faculty advisor and the student projectleader were even more convinced that the more technical S-Class was the betterchoice to suit the interests and capabilities of an MTSU team. Researching theRayce in order to develop the student project objectives, the four classes ofvehicles allowed in the Rayce were compared, and it was determined the S
2000 Annual Conference
Dick D. Desautel
baseline data, andprocesses for assessment and continuing improvement. Task force members then take these backto share with their department chairs and faculty. Individual programs can use them directly ormodify them to better suit their program objectives and performance criteria.Department chairs and their ATF representatives worked with the department faculty and otherconstituencies to develop the following for programs within each department:• Program educational objectives and performance criteria consistent with program-unique mission, the needs of various constituencies, and the ABET Engineering Criteria 2000’s specifications;• An assessment process that demonstrates educational objectives and their associated learning outcomes are
2000 Annual Conference
Shahram E. Zanganeh; Ahlam I. Shalaby
) of the problem:Continuity Equation:Q v .ASpecific Energy Equation: 2 qE( y ) y 2. g . y 2from which the critical depth of flow equation is derived for a minimum specificenergy: 3 2 qyc gMomentum Equation: d v .dSf So (y) (v) dx g dxfrom which the Manning’s equation is derived to find normal depths of flow: 2 1 1.486. R( y ) . S f .A ( y ) 3 2Q nand from which the dynamic equation of gradually spatially varied flow(i.e., theresistance equation) is derived (this form is used for the
2000 Annual Conference
Sean Walsh; Ismail I. Orabi
the beam, and allowing it to vibratey (1 − r ) + (2ζr ) 2 2 2 ωnfreely, the Beam Data virtual instrument will determine the natural frequency of the beam,logarithmic decrement and damping ratio of the beam. Along with the driving displacement, y,this data can be used to determine the deflection, x, at the end of the beam for a given frequency.The block diagram for the Beam Data VI is shown in Figure 3. Page 5.108.3 T ru e S ign al S ample
2000 Annual Conference
Chiew-Ping Bong; Laura J. Genik; Craig W. Somerton
. MATLAB Property FunctionsUsing the property evaluation stated above a series of MATLAB property functions were writtenas script files for each substance type. Table 1 show the functions available for ideal gases.The parameter IGAS identifies the specific ideal gas as shown below: IGAS = 0: air IGAS = 1: N2 IGAS = 2: O2 IGAS = 3: H2 IGAS = 4: CO IGAS = 5: OH IGAS = 6: NO IGAS = 7: H2O IGAS = 8: CO2The parameter IMS indicates if the properties are on a per mass basis (IMS = 0) or on a per molebasis (IMS = 1).For compressible substance property evaluation there is only one function used,CompSub(ISTM,T,P,v,h,s,u,Q,L,IFLD). To use the
2000 Annual Conference
Bogdan M. Wilamowski
analysis should be always performed in the following order: 1. Biasing point calculation 2. Calculation of small signal parameters 3. Gain, input and output resistance calculationThis paper is also organized in that way. iD D G + + VGS - S VGX RS - X Fig. 1
2000 Annual Conference
Nisreen Ghaddar; Nassir Sabah; Jamal Abed; Fouad T. Mrad
S S S S S S S S S S4.4 Design using Frequency Response (Bode) S S S S S S S S S S4.5 Design using PID rules / Tuning S S S S S
2000 Annual Conference
Winfred K Anakwa; Scott Jones; Scott Garrett; Ron Rio; Li Chen; John Bush; Jixiang Sheng; George Anglin; Dion Thomas; Dale Green
force. r = road disturbance input. xb = displacement of Mb. xw = displacement of Mw.Some standard values taken from9-10 are: Mb = 290kg Mw = 59kg Kp = 16812 N/m Bp = 1000N/(m/sec) Kt = 190000N/mThe objective was to design and construct a laboratory scale quarter-carpneumatic active suspension system with the following specifications. Page 5.211.2 Mb = 22.34kg Mw = 4kg Kp = 11624.85N/m Bp = 500N/(m/s) Kt = 11207.56N/mThe physical system was an assembly of a sprung mass, two linear springs,pneumatic cylinder and valving, along with position and velocity sensors. Athree-phase inverter
2000 Annual Conference
George A. Perdikaris
monitored by an incremental encoder(MPG), which returns change of position (i.e., velocity) per sampling time T; also, the Page 5.449.2controller output is communicated to the analog plant via a DAC.A motor drive plant is often modeled by a double-integrator transfer function Θ( s ) Km Gp(s) = = 2 (1) M ( s) swhere the analog position plant gain Km depends on motor drive parameters. If the DAC andMPG gains Kda and Kdt are taken into consideration, the digital position plant
2000 Annual Conference
Patricia Davies; Leah H Jamieson; Laura A Guedelhoefer; Edward J. Coyle; James D. Jones
displayed on the chart below. Page 5.265.5 5 M a le F e m a le 4 .5 C a u c a s ia n M in o ritie s 4
2000 Annual Conference
Craig W. Somerton
dropping and dragging the needed cells. The pressure drop (DP on thespreadsheet) and the sum of the f-factors (S-Fdevice on the spreadsheet), defined in Eqns. (10)-(12), for each device grouping is calculated separately and provided at the bottom of thegrouping. The overall pressure drop for the system, including any overall elevation changes, isprovided in the pump selection section. Friction factors for piping Page 5.58.3 3 Figure 1. Top of Pump_Pipe.xls Spreadsheet Vflow Density Kin Visc Roughness Elev. (m^3
2000 Annual Conference
Rosa Buxeda; Ramon Vazquez Espinosa; Jorge I. Velez; Lueny M. Morell
/ Ramón Vázquez Lueny Morell included in the student package. ÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃà UurÃrÃsÃQhT8 S ÃvÃÃvqrà vv Ãvvvà vuÃhà Luis Jiménez UNIV 101 Freshman Course. This course v à ÃivyqÃÃurvÃI6 T6 rqÃrrhpuÃhqÃurvÃvpuÃuvÃsÃrqph Robert Acar