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Chemical Engineering Education
Enrico Martinez; Shelby Mullen; Brent Rogers; Haley Worman
take off the skinheat and mass transfer coefficients are determined during the and cut the apples into the desired amount and thickness ofconstant-rate drying period. slices. The safety equipment used during this project included10 Chemical Engineering Education TABLE 1 Comparison of experimental and literature values Coefficient Experimental Value Literature Value Range (Reference) Effective Diffusivity (m2/s) 3.3 x
Chemical Engineering Education
Satyen Gautam; Sachin Jangam; Kai Chee Loh
ChE classroom DEVELOPING RESPONSIBLE LEARNERSSatyen Gautam, Sachin Jangam, and Kai Chee LohANational University of Singapore • Singapore 117585 s educators, we believe that education should be anticipate that by giving students an opportunity to be part of geared towards creating learners who take responsi- grading, one can give them ownership. When learners have bility for their learning over and above responding to ownership over their learning, it can lead to greater engage-instructions. While traditional methods (lecture and tutorials) ment and intrinsic motivation for them to take responsibilityand incorporating cutting-edge technology in the classroom for their
Chemical Engineering Education
P.R Naren; N.R. Subathra
studies are conducted to assess mix-ing in process vessels. Mixing time is defined as the time taken toachieve a certain fixed degree of homogeneity (say 99.5%) in thesystem (Figure 1). The experiment involved determination of mixingtime by pH method in a stirred tank (Figure 2 and Table 1). In thisexperiment, 1.5 L of double-distilled water was added to the tankand the initial pH [pH(0) at time = 0] was noted. A known molarityof sodium hydroxide solution was used as the tracer. 10 mL of tracer Figure 1. Typical plot of normalized pH vs. Time.was added and the pH value [pH(t)] was recorded every Figure 15 s using a pH probe. The experiment was conductedat a fixed rpm of 50
Chemical Engineering Education
Jason Ganley
various working pressuresthe initial loading of Working Net N2 N2 t*(s) W0 Wsat Pressure (psig) Purity Recovery (g O2/kg CMS) (g O2/kg CMS)oxygen on the columnpacking is determined 25 98.3% 8.4% 285 2.2 4.2using a material bal- 50 98.3% 16.9% 353 3.9 6.4ance for the air intro
Chemical Engineering Education
motivated a comprehensive study of sili-nail lamp at high student-throughput rates. Students could be con wafer behavior when exposed to microwaves. First theexposed to the concepts of crosslinking and glass transition temperature in the empty microwave was measured before itin a less formal setting than the traditional lecture, allowing was turned on, directly after it had been on for 15 s, and thenstudents to actually experience the concepts instead of solely every minute until the interior of the oven returned to roomhearing them described. temperature. It was found that even though each trial began at Student satisfaction with the demo version of the experi- room temperature
Chemical Engineering Education
Joseph Holles; Lawrence Schmidt
23. Russo Martin, E., New England Collaborative Data Management and Teaching a Two-Credit Data Management Course for Graduate Curriculum. 2017 [cited 2017 March]; Available from: nology Librarianship, 86(Spring) (2017) 24. Ollis, D., “The Research Proposition,” Chem. Eng. Ed., 29(4), 222 7. McLure, M., A.V. Level, C.L. Crabston, B. Oehlerts, and M. Culbertson, (1995) “Data Curation: A Study of Researcher Practices and Needs,” Portal: 25. Burrows, V., and S. Beaudoin, “A Graduate Course in Research Meth- Libraries and the Academy, 14(2),139 (2014) ods,” Chem. Eng. Ed., 35(4), 236 (2001) 8
Chemical Engineering Education
Steven Perri; M. Barclay Satterfield; Leah Burton
✓ Invention disclosuresa multi-year agreement and ✓ Patents ✓ Follow-on internal research ✓ Senior projects sponsoredthrough an engagement mod- ✓ Licenses ✓ Access to facilities, faculty, ✓ Student visits to companyel that involves more than ✓ Breakthrough students site(s)one or two faculty members ✓ Students receive experiential technologies ✓ Potential recruitment of talentwithin a given department. learning