– James Rehg received a B. S. and an M. S. in Electrical Engineering from St. Louis Universityand has completed additional graduate work at the University of South Carolina and Clemson University. SinceAugust 1995, Jim has been working as an assistant professor of engineering and as Program Coordinator of the B. S.degree program in Electro-mechanical Engineering Technology at Penn State Altoona. He is the author of five texts,including the following books published by Prentice Hall: Introduction to Robotics in CIM Systems 4th ed. andComputer Integrated Manufacturing 2nd ed. Page 6.898.6 “Proceedings of the 2001 American Society for
toattend graduate school. Each outcome must have similar educational qualitycharacteristics (standards) either into the workforce or into graduate school. Page 6.924.3 Proceedings of the 2001 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2001, American Society for Engineering Education EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum Development Development DevelopmentINPUTS:Parents P S Teachers ELEMEN
.2220-2224, 1995.3. Bhattacharjee, S. S. (San Diego State University), The Expert System for Thermodynamics (TEST), URLhttp://thermal.sdsu.edu/testcenter/home.html.4. Çengel, Y. A. and Boles, M. A., Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, 3rd ed. (New Media Version),WCB/McGraw-Hill, New York, 1998.5. Anderson, E., Interactive Introduction to Thermodynamics Tutorial, WCB/McGraw-Hill, New York, 2000.6. Intellipro, Inc., Interactive Thermodynamics v2.0, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2000.7. Moran, M. J. and Shapiro, H. N., Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, 3rd ed., John Wiley & Sons,Inc., New York, 1999.8. Lindeburg, M. R., EIT Review Manual: Rapid Preparation for the General Fundamentals of Engineering Exam,Professional Publications
D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AI AJ AK AL AM AN AO AP AQ AR AS AT AU AV AW 1 0 0.00102564 0.00205128 0.00307692 0.00410256 0.00512821 0.00615385 0.00717949 0.00820513 0.00923077 0.01025641 0.01128205
, North Carolina, June 1999. 7. S. Mandayam, K. Jahan and D. B. Cleary, "Ultrasound Inspection of Wastewater Concrete Pipelines - Signal Processing and Defect Characterization ", Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation (QNDE), Ames, Iowa, July 16-21, 2000. 8. S. Mandayam, K. Jahan and D. B. Cleary, "Ultrasonic Based Defect Characterization in Wastewater Concrete Pipelines Using Invariance Transformation Techniques", Proceedings of the 2000 Water Environment Federation Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA, Oct. 2000. SHREEKANTH MANADYAM Dr. Mandayam is an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Rowan University. He received his Ph.D. degree from Iowa State
teaching undergraduate fluid mechanics. It was released in Fall, 2000,and is being marketed by Cambridge University Press under the title “Multi-Media FluidMechanics” (MMFM). Its co-authors are: G.M. Homsy, H. Aref, K.S. Breuer, S. Hochgreb, J.R.Koseff, B.R. Munson, K.G. Powell, C.R. Robertson, and S.T. Thoroddsen. A shortdemonstration of MMFM may be viewed on the Cambridge University website:http://www.cup.org/books/homsy/default.htm This paper gives a summary of the backgroundand objectives of the project and some of the features and capabilities of MMFM.I. Introduction and Educational ChallengesGiven its central role in science and technology, it is not surprising that fluid mechanics remainsa core foundational subject within many
Session 2632 A Novel Graphical Technique for Selection of a Robust Design Point José G. Colom*, R.R. Barton**, Lynn Carpenter**, Rafael Rodríguez Solís* *University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez/ **Penn State UniversityI. INTRODUCTIONThe concept of robust design was introduced by Genichi Taguchi, and popularized in the U.S.following his visit to Bell Laboratories in the mid-1980’s. Since this technique has becomeimportant in industry, the topic has been included in many undergraduate engineering statisticscurricula. Unfortunately, the experiment design and data analysis issues are complex
Session 2793 A Project Based Introduction to Mechanical Engineering S. M. Miner, T. N. Tyler United States Naval AcademyI. IntroductionThe Mechanical Engineering Department at the United States Naval Academy has developed andinstituted a new introductory course that all mechanical engineering majors are required to take.The goals of the course are to introduce the midshipmen to the major areas of study in mechanicalengineering, to enhance the visualization skills of the midshipmen, and to introduce the midship-men to the design process. For all three goals hands-on
Page 6.816.2 Proceedings of the 2001 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright 2001, American Society for Engineering Educationbeen recorded in the number of students receiving B.S. degrees in electrical and computerengineering in the same time period (Engineers 4:1, p. 10)The prospects for the future are not optimistic, either, with a large number of baby boomersapproaching their 60’s in the next decade (Cohen, p. 104). At the same time, the nextgeneration of workers entering the labor force is smaller than those retiring. As they retire,where will we find skilled workers to take their place?In addition, the SME Education Foundation has found that among
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 time (s) Filtered ECG Data 1 amplitude (mv) 0.5 0 -0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 time (s) Raw ECG Data PSD Estimate 0 -10
’s. Page 6.839.2 Proceedings of the 2001 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright 2001, American Society for Engineering EducationPast Recruiting EffortsRecruiting students for the Construction Engineering Technology Program has always been atop priority for faculty and administration at MSU. Enrollment data and trends play a criticalrole in the decision making process for a university program. Past recruiting efforts were variedand sincere but often times were more time consuming then effective.Written documents were always included in a recruiting plan. Departmental and
", Proc. IMTC/94, Hamamatsu, pp. 1309 - 1312, May 1994.[4] Chung-Ping Young and M. J. Devaney, "Virtual instrument Based Distributed Power Metering Manifold", IEEE Instrument and Measurement Technology Conference Proceedings Vol. 1, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA May 18 - 21, 1998 pp. 115 - 118.[5] A. Grushow, P. Schuler, H. Tanzini, B. S. Burnham, and J. E. Sheats. "NMR Collaborative Training Partnership", NSF Award #9952369, 1999. http://nsf.gov/cgi-bib/showaward?award=9952369[6] J. E. Pemberton, "An Interactive Web-based Materials Characterization Project for Undergraduate Education in Analytical Chemistry", NSF Award #9753237, 1997. http://nsf.gov/cgi-bib/showaward?award=9753237[7
campus climates should be eliminated. Such improvements willbenefit all faculty members, female and male. Our universities have made too great aninvestment to allow the current trend in retention to continue. The losses in self-esteemand careers potential are too great to be ignored.Bibliography1. Meinholdt, C. and Murray, S., “Why Aren’t There More Women Engineers?” Journal of Women andMinorities in Science and Engineering, Vol. 5 No. 3, October 1999, pp. 239-263.2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "A Study on the Status of Women Faculty in Science at MIT",1999.3. University of Missouri-Rolla, "1999-2000 Fact Book" http://www.umr.edu/~chanc/instres/99-00Factbook/4. Rose, S., "Critical Career Development Program for Women Faculty", January
Consulting Helps -- and When It Hurts -- Your Career.7. URL: http://www.drugstats.org/vision/7.html. Provide on going Professional Development to Support and Maintain Effective and Empowered Faculty and Staff.RAJU S. DANDURaju S. Dandu is an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Technology at Kansas State University-Salina. Heteaches courses in CNC Machine Processes, Material Strength and Testing, Advanced CAD/CAM, IndustrialInstrumentation and Controls, and Automated Manufacturing Systems II. His areas of interest are: CAD/CAM, Page 6.863.5 Proceedings of the 2001 American Society for Engineering Education Annual
Session 2270 Richmond Area Program For Minorities In Engineering Summer Engineering Institute Rosalyn S. Hobson*, Kenneth Burbank** * Virginia Commonwealth University/**Virginia State UniversityAbstractThe Richmond Area Program for Minorities in Engineering (RAPME) is a non-profitorganization whose primary goal is to influence minority middle and high school students toconsider engineering as a profession. RAPME developed two programs to aid in accomplishingits goal: the Summer Engineering Institute and the RAPME Annual Scholarship. This paperprovides an
, D.C.3. Farr, J. V. (1997). “Engineering Education: The Challenge of Reform.” Journal of Management inEngineering, ASCE, 13 (6), 3 – 4.4. Jones, S. A. and Houghtalen, R. (2000). “Using Senior Design Capstone as Model for Graduate Education.”Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, ASCE, 126 (2), 83 – 88.5. Kerkes, D. J. (1995). “Arguments for Recruiting Faculty from Business and Industry.” Journal of ProfessionalIssues in Engineering Education and Practice, ASCE, 12 (4), 242 – 245.6. Koehn, E. (1999). “Professional Design Component for Civil Engineering Curriculums.” Journal ofProfessional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, ASCE, 125 (2), 35 – 39.7. Koehn, E. (1997). “Engineering Perceptions of ABET
Session 3565 Calculus Reform, Differential Equations and Engineering Michael Ruane Electrical & Computer Engineering, Boston UniversityAbstractThrough much of the 1990’s, the National Science Foundation supported the development ofnew pedagogical methods, textbooks, and teaching materials, including software, for calculus.This was done in response to concerns from mathematicians, and from scientists and engineersin client disciplines who believed students were not being well prepared for further study withcalculus applications. The ’calculus reform’ movement has
course, Unit Operations Laboratory, has been required for aBachelor of Science Degree in Chemical Engineering at Michigan Technological Universitysince the early 1940’s. Over the years the experiments have changed and the course requirementshave evolved. A special emphasis on safety was introduced in 1982 (Crowl, Pintar, et al., 1994;Hubbard, Pintar, and Crowl, 1994; Pintar, 1999; Pintar, King, and Crowl, 1998; Pintar, 1998;Pintar, 1985; Pintar, 1983; and Pintar, Hubbard, and Crowl, 1993). In the early 1990’s theProcess Simulation and Control Center (PSCC) was developed and incorporated into the UnitOperations Laboratory course (Pintar, Caspary, et al., 1998).In academic year 2000-01 Michigan Tech officially switched to a semester system. In
BSIM3 SPICE model parameters for deep-sub-micron MOSFET’s and BJT’s. Probesare triax-connected and EMI shielded for low-noise measurements. Measured electricalcharacteristics are used to study device physics and to develop accurate mathematical models forthe device behavior. Recently, a new Cascade Summit Microwave wafer probe station and anHP85122A RF Device Modeling system were added to this lab, for performing on-wafer, S-parameter analysis of high-performance devices up to 20GHz. This equipment is interfaced toan HPUX workstation running IC-CAP device modeling software.The device test facility was created in the Fall of 2000, and is equipped with a brand new$750,000 J995 Memory and ASIC Automated Test System donated to BSU by Teradyne
Session 3238 Cooperative Learning as a Teaching Methodology within Engineering Graphics David S. Kelley Purdue UniversityAbstract Cooperative learning methodologies require that a positive interdependence existbetween members of a group. This paper details a study conducted by the author on theutilization of cooperative learning within an engineering graphics course. Within the study, twosections were compared on computer-aided design (CAD) problem solving. The experimentalsection was taught utilizing
Session 2509 Engineering Methods in Biomechanics: A Contextual Learning Strategy for Biomedical Engineering Pedagogy Partap S. Khalsa, Danny Bluestein, Mark Otter, Michael Hadjiargyrou, Yi-xian Qin, Ken McLeod State University of New York at Stony BrookAbstractUndergraduates studying biomedical engineering can easily become overwhelmed by the sciencewithin their coursework and miss much of the engineering. To address this concern, anundergraduate course in biomechanics was developed consisting of six contextual learningmodules (CLMs). Each CLM emphasized a
theengineer is so supremely empowered, emotionally and professionally, that he/sheparticipates only in the manner that he/she has been trained, that is, by applyingcompetent engineering to resolve the technical issue that has likely to have been thecause of the ethical dilemma?But then what if the administrators of the ethical dilemma are adamant and persists asonly the Manager -in-charge, i.e.: the Boss can? Can the professional engineer simplystand his/her ground, to continue to offer engineering solutions until the perpetrators areforced into some positive action such as the implementation of one of the suggestedremedy(s)? What can be the alternative to taking positive action if the professionalengineer presents a steadfast but professionally
chemistry and physicsbooks.In answer to Question 3, process skills needed to apply engineering principles and design arepresent in some of the laboratory activities and the problems and questions at the ends of thechapters. In some of the texts the presence of process skills is significant. Table 1. Survey of Selected Current Secondary Science Textbooks. Book Publisher Year Grade/s Pages Q1 Q2 Q3 Earth Sci Glencoe 1999 6-8 705 3 2 1 Earth Sci Holt 1998 8-9 663 3 2 1 Earth Sci Holt 2001 6-8 566 3 2 2 Life Sci Glencoe 1999 7-8 755 3
MediumInvolvementSkills/Competencies Finding, locating, analyzing and synthesizing information.Details of the Assignment Students should find, located, read and summarize an article in half a page.The student turns in The citation of the article, and the written summary.The instructor provides The topic(s) of the article, and a resource for the appropriate citation format.The library provides Some instruction on how to do the assignment; resources on how to write the summary.Junior CompetenciesInformation-oriented assignments for students in their junior year should be less structured,with
Engineering Education, Vol. 86, No. 3, 1997, pp. 211-219.8. Bourne, J. R., McMaster, E., Rieger, J. and J. O. Campbell, “Paradigms for On-Line Learning: A Case Study in the Design and Implementation of an Asynchronous Learning Networks Course,” Proceedings of the 1997 Frontiers in Education Conference, ASEE/IEEE, pp. 245-255.9. Latchman, H. A. and S. M. Latchman, “Bringing the Classroom to Students Everywhere,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 89, No. 4, 2000, pp. 429-433.10. Sener, J. and M. Stover, “An AS Engineering Degree Program via ALN,” Proceedings of the 1997 Frontiers in Education Conference, ASEE/IEEE, pp. 227-232.11. Boulet, M.-M., S. Boudreault, “Using Technology to Deliver Distance Education in Computer Science
project completed under supervision.” Proceedings of the 2001 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright ©2001, American Society for Engineering Education Page 6.1071.1The off-campus Civil Engineering program was initiated in the late 1970’s by faculty teaching evening courses inTopeka and Salina. This led to a program in Topeka in the 1980’s, administered jointly by KSU and the Universityof Kansas (KU). Courses were cross listed and students could get graduate credit at either KSU or KU. Since thegreatest demand were Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT
Engineering EducationCompensation for the variation in the speed of sound was accomplished in software.Product Specifications:1) Display Distance: target distance in inches (18.3 for example) targets > 25.5 inches display all 8's, targets < 18.0 inches display all 0's display update time = 0.75 seconds2) Display Temp.: accuracy + 2EF display update time = 0.75 seconds3) Speaker: alert tone if target < 20.0 inches sound level minimum: 6dB above ambient room noise4) Power Supply: supply sonar ranging board and instrument electronics 5 Volt DC current < 100 ma (including LM7805 operating current)5
than at large researchcampuses. The opportunity to integrate very different disciplines centered on a designcompetition in such a way can be of benefit to faculty and students at larger campuses as well. Page 6.737.13Proceedings of the 2001 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright 2001, American Society for Engineering Education Bibliography 1. Batchelder, M. J., D. F. Dolan and S. L. Iyer, Center for Advanced Manufacturing and Production: Enhancing Engineering Education Through Team-based Multidisciplinary Projects. Proceedings of ASEE Annual
and the Koch personnel tointeractIt provides a vehicle for Koch personnel to instruct and educate the students.It provides a discussion place to continually re-direct and re-define the project(s). Page 6.85.2PresentationsOral presentations were given at the end of the sixth week and at the end of the 12th week.Attending the mid summer presentations were several Koch managers from Wichita, theChairman of Civil Engineering, the Chairman of Mechanical Engineering, and theAssociate Dean who is in charge of TED, which funded the student salaries, in additionto the Terre Haute Koch personnel. The presentations were given using Power Point andthe students
Proceedings of the 2001 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2001, American Society for Engineering EducationThis same approach has been worth for the information learnt by the student, or the professional,especially the intimately linked to the scientific-technological area, in what s/he says respect tohis/her formation. The out of date can be inferior to three years of professional exercise for somemodalities, principally in the software area.The proposal for now presented, demands a commitment from the faculty, once this, in theexercise of educator’s priesthood will provide a fomentation atmosphere to the research,motivating the necessary deep as well as valuing the