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Conference Session
Aerospace Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kenneth W. Van Treuren, Baylor University
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presenting it to the class. f. The Special Topic handout was sufficient to 3.22 prepare for the exam questions. g. Writing multiple choice questions that would be 3.39 used on the exam was a good approach to identifying key information with our topicCATME was used to pick teams and to provide student peer-to-peer feedback but the students didnot feel that was CATME was effective. Part of the disconnect lies with the author’s inexperiencewith the software and the lack of peer-to-peer comments. The peer-to-peer feature has since beenadded to the current version of CATME and will be used in the future. The introductory lessons assessment, shown in Table 2, did
Conference Session
Aerospace Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tian Tian, University of Central Florida; Ronald F. DeMara P.E., University of Central Florida
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benefits of both unproctored and proctoredassessment depending on the level of Bloom’s taxonomy. First, unproctored preliminaryformative assessments including reading assignments and homework assignments are deliveredvia McGraw-Hill’s LearnSmart and Connect tools, which allows multiple attempts and isweighted to impart 12% of the course grade to encourage knowledge acquisition and offerrudimentary feedback. Next, a semester-long project consisting of biweekly labs is weighted20% of course grade to assess higher orders of learning such as engineering design, technicalreport writing and teamwork ability. Finally, the subsequent assignment for 45% of the coursegrade are conducted in a proctored computer-based testing center in the forms of quizzes
Conference Session
Aerospace Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sidaard Gunasekaran, University of Dayton
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it to provide context for the concepts, especially in a theory-rich,math-heavy classes such as Aerodynamics. In each class, students and the instructor writes several pages1 Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Department, University of Dayton. Page 1 of 44of equations deriving the above-mentioned theories. With the plethora of modern active learning techniquesavailable, the instructor faces another challenge to select an appropriate technique which can be used in thistype of class not only to keep the students engaged but also to convey the significance of the equations andmake relevant connections to foster understanding. Even when active learning
Conference Session
Aerospace Division Technical Session 2
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Masoud Rais-Rohani P.E., University of Maine; David S. Rubenstein, University of Maine; Wilhelm A. Friess, University of Maine
Tagged Divisions
the course, the designproject required the students to design an amphibious light sport aircraft for recreational flying inthe state of Maine. The course serves as preparation for more advanced coursework and foraeronautics related projects in MEE 478 – Capstone I and 488 – Capstone II as well as the AIAADesign-Build-Fly competition.Methods of instructionWeb-basedThe principal courses (MEE 445, 446, 547, and 548) are taught live remotely using AdobeConnect Pro software, although students require only the appropriate web link. The resultingvirtual classroom features electronic whiteboard (controlled via a writing tablet), a full accesschat window, a webcam window (for the instructor primarily), audio access for instructor andstudents as needed