- Conference Session
- Biological & Agricultural Division Technical Session 2
- Collection
- 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Shannon Banner, North Carolina State University; John J. Classen, North Carolina State University
- Tagged Divisions
Biological and Agricultural Engineering
, 250, 1e. 250, 1, 25f. 250, 25, 16. Regarding the main stages of LCA, drag and click the following terms to their appropriateareas.Interpretation, Impact assessment, Inventory analysis, Goal and scope definition7. Regarding the main processes, inputs, and outputs in a product’s life cycle, drag and click thefollowing terms to their appropriate areas.Transportation, Material extraction, Use, Materials and energy, End of Life, Emissions andwaste, Manufacturing8. Characterization is best defined as…Select one:a. The process of converting indicator results of different impact categories by using numericalfactors based on value-choices.b. The process of multiplying all substances by a factor which reflects their relative contributionto the
- Conference Session
- Biological & Agricultural Division Technical Session 1
- Collection
- 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Joel Peterson P.E., University of Wisconsin, River Falls; Matthew Francis Digman, University of Wisconsin, River Falls
- Tagged Divisions
Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Q13); 2) student perception of course format (Q2, Q5, Q8, Q9,and Q11); and 3) prior experience using CADD (Q3 and Q4). Responses were on a five-pointLikert scale. For the RAD section, there were four additional questions regarding the use of rigidassignment deadlines (Q15 – Q18). In the SSP section there were an additional five questions,with the first 4 reworded from the RAD section (Q15 – Q18). The last question solicitedfeedback on the use of suggested deadlines (Q19). Survey questions are presented in theAppendix. Cronbach’s alpha [5] was used to assess the internal consistency of questions groups.During the analysis responses were recoded as necessary to reflect the fact that some questionswere worded in opposite directions to reduce