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Conference Session
Engagement in Practice: Engaging the Community through Educational Outreach
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joan B. Schuman, Missouri University of Science & Technology; Katie Shannon, Missouri S&T
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Community Engagement Division
Paper ID #23209Engagement in Practice: Developing a Sustainable K-12 Outreach STEMProgramDr. Joan B. Schuman, Missouri University of Science & Technology Dr. Joan Schuman is an Associate Teaching Professor in the Engineering Management and Systems Engineering Department at Missouri S&T. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Arkansas and completed her Ph.D. in Polymer Science and Engineering from the University of Southern Mississippi. Schuman is a Project Management Professional (PMP) certified through the Project Management Institute. She worked for several years
Conference Session
Humanitarian Engineering, Social Entrepreneurship and Communitarian Innovation in the Global South
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Martha Janneth Salinas S, Minuto de Dios University Corporation; viviana Garzon, UNIMINUTO; IVÁN DARÍO GARCIA P.E., UNIVERSIDAD MINUTO DE DIOS; Miguel Gonzalez, Universidad Minuto de Dios
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Community Engagement Division
Paper ID #24053Engagement in Practice: Co-creation process in higher education contexts toinnovate in Pre-calculus curriculumDr. Martha Janneth Salinas S, Minuto de Dios University Corporation Martha Salinas is a Professor at Minuto de Dios University Corporation in the master’s program in Social Innovations in Education. Prior joining to research teams at the Education Faculty in UNIMINUTO, she was academic vice-rector of the Cundinamarca Headquarters of the institution. She is currently engaged in research on innovation and technology education and belongs to the STEM team of the Social Innovation Science Park. Her
Conference Session
Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Engineering Engagement with Community
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Noa Bruhis; Micah Lande, Arizona State University
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Community Engagement Division
draw out guide values and assumptions in theanalysis portion of this project [11]. We asked guides to describe details of the experience,including what was solidified for them. Interviews were conducted via Skype video conference,and were audio recorded, transcribed, and coded.The first author of this study is a member of the raft guide community and thus benefited fromeasy access to a pool of participants for recruitment. Multiple coders to ensure analysis was notbiased. The first participant was a 30-year-old male who is a high school social studies teacher inthe off-season. He has been guiding for 9 years and has taught numerous guide schools in whichhe trained others to become guides. The second participant was a female in her early 20’s
Conference Session
Holistic Assessment and Teaching in Service-learning Environments
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Larry L. Howell, Brigham Young University; Spencer P. Magleby, Brigham Young University; Terri Christiansen Bateman, Brigham Young University; David C. Morgan, Brigham Young University; Lynda Palma, Brigham Young University Museum of Art
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Community Engagement Division
acknowledged. The tireless efforts ofBernie Peyton in organizing the Origami Universe exhibit at the Chimei Museum and invitingour participation are also recognized. Thanks to Madison Fujimoto for her work helping toprepare the paper for publication. This work is dedicated to the memory of our friend PaulAnderson, whose curatorial efforts made the exhibit possible.References[1] “NSF GPRA Strategic Plan FY 2001-2006.” Internet:, 2006 [Nov. 7, 2017].[2] “Flip It, Fold It, Figure It Out.” Internet:,2011.[3] S. Van Dyk, curator. “Paper Engineering: Fold, Pull, Pop & Turn,” National Museum ofAmerican History. 2012. The Smithsonian Institution Libraries
Conference Session
Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Engineering Engagement with Community
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Linda Vanasupa, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Carol J. Thurman, Georgia Institute of Technology
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byadaptation.In an ideal setting, participants in a transdisciplinary project would have immediate feedback onthe effects of their actions. They would then adapt through small-scale experimentation and learnfrom the results [33]. For example, in the theoretical project on water catchment, participantsmay have a theory that water features with sustainable gardens would lead to greater sense ofcommunity and less crime. This theory could be tested with a prototype project and inquiry intochanges into the sense of community. The feedback would lead to further adjustments. Assuggested by Waddock et al.’s [9], an adaptive evaluation framework would adhere to theheuristics to “prioritize learning in the context of constant change, with co-evolution
Conference Session
Engagement in Practice: Engaging the Community through Educational Outreach
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sara Jordan-Bloch, Clayman Institute for Gender Research at Stanford University; Shoshanah Cohen, Stanford University
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,” National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics,Arlington, VA, 2015.[2] S. Zweben and B. Bizot, “2014 Taulbee Survey,” Computing Research News, vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 2-51,2015.[3] C. Corbett and C. Hill, “Solving the equation: the variables for women’s success in engineering andcomputing,” American Association of University Women, Washington, DC, 2015.[4] N. A. Fouad, and R. Singh, “Stemming the tide: Why women leave engineering,” University ofWisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, 2011.[5] M. Klawe, T. Whitney, and C.Simard. “Women in Computing, Take 2”, Communications of theACM, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 68-76. 2009.[6] C. Simard, A. D. Henderson, S. K. Gilmartin, L. Schiebinger, and T. Whitney, “Climbing thetechnical
Conference Session
Engagement in Practice: Creating a Robust Infrastructure for Community Engagement
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Raghu Pucha, Georgia Institute of Technology; Carol J Thurman, Georgia Institute of Technology; Ruth Yow, Georgia Institute of Technology; Connor Rylan Meeds; Jennifer Hirsch, Georgia Institute of Technology
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TECHNOLOGYaddress this gap in technological F I G U R E 1 : H O W C A N T E C H N O L OG Y A S S I S T C O M M U N I T I ES I N S U P P O R T I NG S O C I E T Y A N D N AT U R E?education. Drawing on pedagogicalresearch related to sustainable development and social justice, especially regardingengineering education, the framework asks faculty to help students understand how 2technology can assist or empower communities in their efforts to create places in whichpeople and nature flourish, now and in the future (see Figure 1
Conference Session
Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Engineering Engagement with Community
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Aqdas Malik, George Mason University; Aditya Johri, George Mason University; Habib Karbasian, George Mason University; Rajat Handa; Hemant Purohit, George Mason University
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Community Engagement Division
tweets categorization show that most of the tweets were aboutpromoting different events, providing information to a resource through an external link, orportraying engineers. Many companies and educational institutes tweeted and posted photos ofemployees and students participating in different activities held to celebrate and promote theNational Engineers Week. The tweets portraying engineers were mostly from companies in whichthey highlighted the contributions of engineers at their respective companies. Majority of thesetweets also contained a photo of engineer(s) at the workplace. A number of tweets wereinspirational in nature targeting the general public. Many of the inspirational tweets specificallyfocused on students and women. Tweets about
Conference Session
Holistic Assessment and Teaching in Service-learning Environments
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Linjue Wang, The Ohio State University; Turhan Kendall Carroll, The Ohio State University; David A. Delaine, The Ohio State University
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Community Engagement Division
this newly formed department he strives to creatively impact society through investigating the intersections of engineering, education, and social need through research on community engagement and collaborative processes within informal learning. He has obtained a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Drexel University, in Philadelphia, USA and served as a Postdoctoral Fulbright Scholar at the Escola Polit´ecnica da Universidade de S˜ao Paulo. Dr. Delaine is a co-founder and past president of the Student Platform for Engineering Education Development (SPEED) and has served two terms as an executive member of the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES) as a Vice President for Diversity &
Conference Session
Engagement in Practice: Engaging the Community through Educational Outreach
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mariam Manuel, University of Houston; Ricky P. Greer, University of Houston; Jerrod A Henderson, University of Houston (CoE & CoT); Virginia Snodgrass Rangel Rangel, University of Houston
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Conference.Gordon, D. M., Iwamoto, D., Ward, N., Potts, R., & Boyd, E. (2009). Mentoring urban Blackmiddle-school male students: Implications for academic achievement. The Journal of NegroEducation, 78(3), 277.Greer, R. P., Henderson, J. A., Summers, R. G., & Morphew, J. W. (2017, June). Engagement inPractice: Success Gleaned from the St. Elmo Brady STEM Academy. In 2017 ASEE AnnualConference & Exposition. doi:105860/choice.41-1054Haik, Y., Sivaloganathan, S., & Shahin, T. M. (2015). Engineering design process. NelsonEducation.Hazari, Z., Sonnert, G. Sadler, P.M., & Shanahan, M.-C. (2010). Connecting high school physicsexperiences, outcome expectations, physics identity, and physics career choice: A gender study.Journal of Research in
Conference Session
Engagement In Practice: Integrating Community Engagement into Engineering Curricula
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wei Lu, Texas A&M University; Malini Natarajarathinam, Texas A&M University; Mary E. Campbell, Texas A&M University; Mary K. McDougal, Texas A&M University; Lauren Neala Holder, Texas A&M University
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Community Engagement Division
creativity of student project proposals. Because of this addition, andthe added stipulation that pantries identify a problem for students to work on ahead of time, weare expecting to see higher levels of student and agency motivation and engagement. With thismonetary award at stake, we also anticipate an improvement in the quality of this year’s projectproposals.References[1] R. G. Bringle and J. A. Hatcher, “A service-learning curriculum for faculty,” Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, pp. 112-122, 1995.[2] S. J. Peterson and M. J. Schaffer, “Service learning: A strategy to develop group collaboration and research skills,” Journal of Nursing Education, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 208-214, 1999.[3] C. I. Celio, J. Durlak, and A
Conference Session
Holistic Assessment and Teaching in Service-learning Environments
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julia D. Thompson, San Jose State University ; Jinny Rhee, San Jose State University
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C om S tu d Com Con Con CooStudent - TransactionalStudents learn core issues of the community organizations
Conference Session
Engagement In Practice: Integrating Community Engagement into Engineering Curricula
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nathan E Canney P.E.; Elizabeth O'Brien, Seattle University; Teddi Callahan
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Community Engagement Division
findingprojects and also in allowing short term project collaborations between the university and thecommunity partners, while retaining longer term relationships through placement-based service-learning used in other classes. Future work will build on this paper, focusing on studentperceptions of the projects, perceptions of learning and performance on assessments related tolearning the software.Bibliography1 M. Prince, "Does Active Learning Work? A Review of the Research," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 93, no. 3, pp. 223-231, 2004.2 S. Freeman, S. L. Eddy, M. McDonough, M. K. Smith, N. Okoroafor, H. Jordt and M. P. Wenderoth, "Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics," Proceedings of
Conference Session
Engagement In Practice: Integrating Community Engagement into Engineering Curricula
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maria C. Sanchez, University of Maryland College Park; Dylan Anthony Hazelwood, University of Maryland, College Park; Dave K. Anand, University of Maryland, College Park
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Community Engagement Division
and was involved in information technology infrastructure development and management, high performance computing cluster development and implementation as well as establish- ing distance learning and other educational technologies. He also worked with the Energetics Technology Center in Southern Maryland in the areas of informatics and IT management. Since joining CECD he has continued to work on energetics informatics, rare earth materials research and STEM program anal- ysis. He co-authored the 2012 book Rare Earth Materials: Insights and Concerns, the 2013 book S&T Revitalization: A New Look and the 2016 book Engineering for Social Change: Engineering is Not Just Engineering. He has been the course manager
Conference Session
Engagement in Practice: Engaging the Community through Educational Outreach
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Holly Larson Lesko, Department of Engineering Education, Virginia Tech; Jacob R. Grohs, Virginia Tech; Holly M. Matusovich, Virginia Tech; Gary R. Kirk, School of Public & International Affairs, Virginia Tech; Cheryl Carrico P.E., Virginia Tech; Veronica van Montfrans; Andrew L. Gillen, Virginia Tech; Tawni Paradise, Virginia Tech Department of Engineering Education; Sarah Anne Blackowski, Virginia Tech; Liesl M Baum, Virginia Tech
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implementationThe practice run element holds the space in the process where recruited university studentfacilitators receive training in the curriculum(s) for that month so they can be prepared to supportthe in-classroom activities. While student facilitators were not initially included in the NSFITEST proposal, their engagement in the classroom provides extra hands to support the activitieswhile serving as an engineering role model to the 6th grade students and teachers. All of thestudents volunteering for the program are pursuing degrees in engineering or science- andtechnology-related fields. As indicated by Figure 2, there is a loop from observations, reflections,and artifacts back to intervention design indicating a continuous improvement model
Conference Session
Holistic Assessment and Teaching in Service-learning Environments
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicole M. Smith, Colorado School of Mines; Benjamin A Teschner, Colorado School of Mines; Robin Bullock, Colorado School of Mines
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Experiments. MIT,Harvard and Princeton University.Funtowicz S. and J. Ravetz. 1999. Post-normal science: Environmental policy under conditionsof complexity. Ispra: NUSAP. Available at http://www.nusap.netHilson, Gavin, C.J Hilson, and Sandra Pardie. 2007. "Improving awareness of mercury pollutionin small-scale gold mining communities: Challenges and ways forward in rural Ghana."Environmental Research 103 275-287.Hilson, Gavin, and Rickford Vieira. 2007. "Challenges with Minimising Mercury Pollution inthe Small-Scale Gold Mining Sector: Experiences from the Guianas." International Journal ofEnvironmental Health Research 17 429-441.Hilson G. and J. McQuilken. 2014. Four decades of support for artisanal and small-scalemining in sub-Saharan Africa: a
Conference Session
Humanitarian Engineering, Social Entrepreneurship and Communitarian Innovation in the Global South
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Diana Duarte, Distancia Cero; David Leonardo Osorio, Distancia Cero; Carolina González Barahona, Distancia Cero; Sandra Milena Melo Perdomo; Juan C. Lucena, Colorado School of Mines
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Community Engagement Division
communicated through multiple channels: impact memories, digital platforms, amongothers.4. Partial results of the Cluster in the implementation of CBL.As it was mentioned before, the Cluster is born as an idea at the beginning of 2016, but it’s onlyuntil the second semester of 2017 (2017- II) that its value proposal is defined as a model ofsocial business, where universities are consolidated as its clients by a membership payment.Here is some of the statistics of the Cluster´s participants. PERIOD 2016 - II 2017 - I 2017 - II NUMBER OF 2 4 14CHALLENGES
Conference Session
Engagement in Practice: Creating a Robust Infrastructure for Community Engagement
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
William C. Oakes, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Andrew Pierce, Purdue University-Main Campus, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Nusaybah Abu-Mulaweh, Purdue University
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Community Engagement Division
new partners or projects eachyear and it adds significant value to the community partners as they know we will work withthem until a project is delivered and then support that project in use. In the 2017-18 academicyear, EPICS recognized four partners for their work and three of them started with the programin the 1990’s showing the longevity of the partnership model.Support StructureDedicated staff support has been put in place to assist the faculty involved and allow the programto engage more students and community partners. The program is designed to make it easier forfaculty to be engaged. Engagement courses typically require significantly more time thantraditional courses with the model that the faculty manage all aspects of the course
Conference Session
Engagement In Practice: Integrating Community Engagement into Engineering Curricula
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ines Basalo, University of Miami; Jonathon Anthony Toft-Nielsen, University of Miami; Scotney D. Evans, University of Miami
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Community Engagement Division
Paper ID #22142Engagement in Practice: Academic Service in a Sophomore-level MechanicalEngineering Measurements LabDr. Ines Basalo, University of Miami Dr. Basalo is an Assistant Professor in Practice in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the Uni- versity of Miami. Prior to joining the University of Miami in 2014, she worked as an adjunct professor at Columbia University and the Cooper Union in New York City. She received her PhD from Columbia University in 2006, where her research focused on the mechanical and frictional properties of articular cartilage. Dr. Basalo ’s teaching experience includes Thermodynamics
Conference Session
Engagement in Practice: Creating a Robust Infrastructure for Community Engagement
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gregory E. Triplett, Virginia Commonwealth University; Jenilee Stanley-Shanks, Virginia Commonwealth University; Lori A. Floyd-Miller, Virginia Commonwealth University
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Community Engagement Division
. Gonzalez and J. J. Kuenzi, "Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education: A primer," 2012.[3] J. Fairweather, "Linking evidence and promising practices in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) undergraduate education," Board of Science Education, National Research Council, The National Academies, Washington, DC, 2008.[4] S. Fayer, A. Lacey, and A. Watson, "BLS Spotlight on Statistics: STEM Occupations- Past, Present, and Future," 2017.
Conference Session
Engagement in Practice: Creating a Robust Infrastructure for Community Engagement
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Lyn Benning, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology; Andrea E Surovek, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology; Christopher R. Shearer, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
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Community Engagement Division
., & Solecki, W., Using higher education-community partnerships to promote urban sustainability. Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, 53(1), 18–28, 2010.[6] Little, J. C., Hester, E. T., & Carey, C. C., “Assessing and enhancing environmental sustainability: a conceptual review,” Environmental science & technology, 50(13), 6830- 6845, 2016.[7] Minsker, B., Baldwin, L., Crittenden, J., Kabbes, K., Karamouz, M., Lansey, K., ... & Rivera, S., “Progress and recommendations for advancing performance-based sustainable and resilient infrastructure design,” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 141(12), A4015006, 2015.[8] Zoltowski, C. B., Oakes, W. C
Conference Session
Holistic Assessment and Teaching in Service-learning Environments
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Todd France, Ohio Northern University
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-424.[2] I. de Vere, G. Melles, and A. Kapoor. “An ethical stance: Engineering curricula designed for social responsibility,” Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 11), Impacting Society through Engineering Design, Lyngby/Copenhagen, Denmark, 2011.[3] S. Beder. “Beyond Technicalities: Expanding Engineering Thinking,” Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering, 1999, 125 (1), pp 12-18.[4] Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology. Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs, 2016-2017. Available: criteria/criteria-for-accrediting-engineering-programs-2016-2017/[5] NAE, Educating the Engineer of 2020: Adapting Engineering
Conference Session
Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Engineering Engagement with Community
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nathan E. Canney; Yanna Lambrinidou, Virginia Tech
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Community Engagement Division