Engineering Education, 2018 Engagement in Practice: Incorporating Service-Learning in a Mechanical Engineering Measurements Lab – A Case StudyIntroductionThe purpose of service-learning is to provide students with a connection between the classroomand their community with a reflection component involved [1]. However, despite evidencepointing to deeper learning and development of critical thinking skills when enough opportunityfor reflection is included in service-learning [2]-[3], reflection is not widely used in engineering[3]. This study describes the incorporation of service-learning into an existing group project in anundergraduate mechanical engineering measurements lab at the University of Miami in the fallsemester of 2017, and how
; Inclusion. He is investigating university-community engagement as empow- erment settings and working to further the research agenda of the global community of practice within Diversity and Inclusion in Engineering Education. His research laboratory aims to support an inclu- sive, global pipeline of STEM talent and to unify the needs of the engineering education stakeholders in order for engineering education to more accurately reflect societal needs. Diversity and inclusion, univer- sity/community engagement, informal learning, action research, and student led initiatives fall within the scope of his academic endeavors. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 A pilot study
. Student teams also presented their work to thecommunity partner. In addition to the final drawings and presentation, students were graded onan individual reflection paper about the design process and given peer evaluations to grade howthe team worked together. Because drafting classes (e.g., AutoCAD, Revit, Solidworks) arecommon among many engineering disciplines, this approach is seen as a model of how CE maybe incorporated easily into many engineering programs. In addition to explaining the coursedesign, this paper presents summative reflections from the professor, a community partner, andthe Center for Community Engagement coordinator about successes and failures with respect tothese projects. These reflections are provided as learning
-specific knowledge and developing their multidisciplinarycommunication, problem-solving, and research skills.Course design and executionAccording to Bringle and Hatcher [1], service-learning is defined as a “course-based, creditbearing educational experience in which students (a) participate in an organized service activitythat meets identified community needs, and (b) reflect on the service activity in such a way as togain further understanding of course content, a broader appreciation of the discipline, and anenhanced sense of personal values and civic responsibility” (p. 112).” Service-learning has beenproven to benefit students in many ways. More specifically, service learning has been found toenhance students’ collaboration skills [2], civic
elective for allengineering students. The course successfully implements reflection practices to measureattainment of civic learning outcomes, which are essential to true service-learning courses. Arubric measures student achievement of course technical outcomes. Improved team performancedemonstrates effectiveness of the university mentors. The mentoring has a demonstrable effecton youth attitudes toward STEM education and careers. The course and mentoring resulted in85% retention of existing youth team members, plus addition of new youth from 3 additionalhigh schools, expanding the reach of the robotics team in the community. The course has alsoresulted in the university hosting a district competition, increasing STEM visibility to the
program and the Haas Centerfor Public Service to build both an educational program and research agenda that emphasize the value ofreciprocity, partnership, reflection, evaluation, and respect for diversity. In this paper, we present thelessons learned from our pilot year, including: the results from our feasibility evaluation, an assessment ofour partnership model, and our approach to scaling. Assessment of the students and their progress isongoing.Project Background and MotivationUnderrepresentation of women in computer science and engineering fields is a persistent phenomenon. Inthe US, while women earn 53% of undergraduate bachelor’s degrees overall, they represent only 18% ofcomputer science graduates [1], [2]. Underrepresented minority women
c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Bringing Sustainable Development Challenges into the Engineering Classroom: Applying Human Centered Design Protocols to Artisanal and Small-Scale MiningAbstractIn the United States, the growth of programs in the past decade such as HumanitarianEngineering and Engineers Without Borders reflects student interest in understanding thechallenges facing communities in the developing world and applying engineering designprinciples to address these challenges. These programs also provide students with uniqueopportunities to engage with stakeholders, a critical element of any sustainable developmentinitiative. Although there is no substitute for taking students to
School of Nursing,, retirement community, & a lactation-consultant communication app. Westminister VillageeEnvironmental Develop sustainable projects within the community and the Indiana Veterans’Improvement University. Current projects include an energy audit and design of a Home, NorthviewInitiative reflection pool and the design of an outdoor recreation facility. Church Developing alternative energy solutions to provide power to remote University ofGlobal Alternative rural villages and underserved urban communities in Colombia Antioquia, Medellin
on socio-technical student perceptions on socio-technical design activities and projects.project-based learning activities Open-coding and comparison of Post- activity reflection on implementingdescribed in Table 2 and sustainability in design projects.ongoing assessment of student Analysis of pre and post-survey : open- ended questions to students before and
. Further, this form of community-engaged learningoffers an authentic setting to develop many of the integrated student outcomes stated in the newengineering accreditation criteria. We contend that effective transdisciplinary learning is a meansto the oft-stated goal of systemic transformation in engineering education, particularly forsustainability aims. However, this complex, dynamic systems view of engineeringeducation represents a radical departure from education-as-usual and thus requires a similarlyradical departure from research- and assessment- -as-usual. It reflects a shift in the unit ofanalysis: from a singular focus on student learning outcomes to a broader view that captureslearning at the transdisciplinary system level. It also
implementationThe practice run element holds the space in the process where recruited university studentfacilitators receive training in the curriculum(s) for that month so they can be prepared to supportthe in-classroom activities. While student facilitators were not initially included in the NSFITEST proposal, their engagement in the classroom provides extra hands to support the activitieswhile serving as an engineering role model to the 6th grade students and teachers. All of thestudents volunteering for the program are pursuing degrees in engineering or science- andtechnology-related fields. As indicated by Figure 2, there is a loop from observations, reflections,and artifacts back to intervention design indicating a continuous improvement model
wants its graduates to be able to reflect critically on the practices of engineeringto know why, how, when and whether to use engineering in the co-creation of fair and sustainablesolutions [3] or not. In Colombia, the initiative Ingenieros Sin Fronteras at Universidad de LosAndes is focused on educating engineers capable of proposing feasible, profitable, environmentallyresponsible, socially inclusive, innovative, technically possible, high-impact and sustainablesolutions [4].In line with these examples, this paper presents the proposal of the Humanitarian EngineeringEducational Program in Universidad Sergio Arboleda in South America, as an innovative proposalin engineering education who’s aim is for students to become professionals who can
with a CNC router (each of which includes a sensory pad related to the animal’stexture) and 3D printed plates and rotating shapes. Figure 4 included a number of ADL featuresthat required users to buckle, open, tie, insert, button, zip, and latch. Figures 3 and 4: Example therapy boards from Fall 2017Research MethodologyData for this investigation was collected from students’ self-assessments, written reflections, andpost-course interviews (audio recorded and transcribed). These interviews were semi-structuredin nature, following a general outline of questions related to the project’s learning outcomes,format, instructor’s role, and social responsibility; the students were encouraged to provide inputon any topics they found
Reflection in Adulthood: A Guide to Transformative and Emancipatory Learning, J. Mezirow, Ed. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, pp. 177–193, 1990.
order toidentify where these conceptualizations converge with or diverge from imaginaries of“mainstream” engineering; what social order they might promote; what values they might reflect;and what impact they might have on LTS engineers’ work and, by extension, relationship withsociety. In the end, we aim to gain a better understanding about whether the branch of theengineering profession called LTS cultivates imaginaries that echo LTS’s articulated values ofequity, justice, empowerment, and transformation and bring engineers closer to the publics theyaim to serve. Ultimately, we are interested in determining whether LTS aligns itself more closelywith diverse publics’ articulations of their own visions, definitions of their own needs, andvisions
that the insidetemperature was suitable for a puppy (less than 32 C) when the outside structure is “out in thesun” (exposed to a heat lamp) for 30 minutes. Several different types of building materials wereavailable for purchase for the students, including items such as cardboard, foil, foam core board,and other items. If students have completed a science section covering colors and their propertiesof absorbing or reflecting light (as have these middle schoolers), the project should reinforce thatsubject matter. A discussion on the concept of the flow of heat energy was also conducted priorto the project start. After the students tested their dog houses, they were given a chance to makedesign revisions based on their results. Students
of presentations and team interactions, self-assessment of participation activities and direct feedback from students. Student knowledge oftopics presented during the semester was assessed by traditional methods: a midterm, announcedquizzes (in a group setting), a final exam and a scholarly paper. Students were also asked to submitlecture critiques twice during the semester. All students had the opportunity to assess their peers’presentations. Their input was factored into the final grade that each group received for theirpreliminary presentation. Participation was assessed by requesting the students to submit aparticipation log and engage in self-reflection of their contributions to class discussions twiceduring the semester (at the same
course express an intention to continue computer science education at a local community college. We found that many students enjoyed creating programs and were proud of their success in creating these programs. Based on written reflections. Many of our undergraduate student assistants state that they learned a tremendous amount from this experience. We also observe improved teaching and communication skills.1 Program OverviewOur four-week introductory computer programming course follows a university-style schedule:two ninety minute lecture periods per week along with a separate weekly two hour lab session.Lecturers from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly), serve both ascourse designers
of Institutions of HigherEducation [1]. As the 4th largest academic unit on VCU’s campus, the School of Engineering iscomprised of 2,000 students with demographics that reflect the diverse community in which itserves. The development of collaborations such as public-private partnerships and projects withlocal communities has been VCU Engineering’s essential ingredient for talent development, notonly because of well-established relationships with the business community, but also becausethese community partnerships give way to a continuum of college-bound students that translatesinto a sustainable diverse STEM pipeline. The desire to expand the number of public-privatepartnerships within the local community, however, presents both
interdependence.From the previous reflection, the following potential list of social leaders is determined to beinterviewed:DirectMr. Pedro Rincon, president of the Nazareth Community Action Board. He is the person wholooks after the facilities of the University.Mr. Heriberto Bernal, main merchant of the region. He coordinates the entire food service ofthe students.Mrs. Clarita Murcia, cook and merchant of the region. Prepare food for students.Mrs. Aurora, housewife, cook and merchant of the region. Prepare food for students.Mrs. Olga, housewife and cook of the region. Prepare food for students.Ms. Esperanza, inhabitant and tenant of the region. Rent rooms for some of the students andteachers.IndirectOwners of the other houses that students rentTeachers of
; Oakes, W. C., “Learning by doing: reflections of the EPICS program, International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering,” Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship, 1–32, 2014.[12] Cortese, A., “The critical role of higher education in creating a sustainable future,” Planning for Higher Education, 15–22, 2003.[13] “Mines team makes City/School Administration Center more green,” center-more-green/article_5d48f6bc-6754-573f-8653-70ffc3de83b2.html, Feb. 26, 2018.[14] “Hardrocker sustainability team gives presentation on how CSAC building can save money,”
participate in policy making [2], be more inventive and improve economiccompetitiveness [3], and, most importantly, leverage different aspects of engineering to nurturethe interest of the youth, especially girls and underrepresented minorities to pursue engineeringstudies and career [4]. Public outreach is an important component of the national STEM educationecosystem and is reflective of the reality that there are ample opportunities for the public to knowabout science and technology outside of formal classroom settings [5]. In the USA, a majority ofthe public (62%) encounters science at informal science venues [6] such as festivals, fairs,exhibitions, summer camps, hands-on workshops, and online resources developed for STEMoutreach. These programs