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Conference Session
Assessment of Engineering Leadership Development
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Denise Rutledge Simmons P.E., Virginia Tech; Nicholas Anthony Clegorne; Cassandra J McCall, Virginia Tech
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Engineering Leadership Development
. Scale V3: With 0 meaning not important at all and 100 meaning highest importance, Numeric Rating display the level of importance you believe each competency has in the industry Scale where most of your graduates become employed.As shown in Table 1, survey questions were developed using multiple question types thatprompted respondents to select an answer, identify a rating using a numeric scale, or write-in ashort response. Items requiring a numerically-rated response were used to identify levels of valuefaculty placed on leadership within the undergraduate engineering curriculum. For all items, an“other” option was provided to capture any unanticipated responses. In the event that
Conference Session
Assessment of Engineering Leadership Development
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Werner Zorman, Harvey Mudd College
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Engineering Leadership Development
learning goals and explore potential new learninggoals.Qualitative DataA total of 297 weekly reflection papers and 27 final papers from 27 undergraduate studentsacross two independent cohorts served as the source of data for this qualitative research study.For the weekly reflection papers, the students were asked to reflect on their experiences duringthe weekly T-Group. The students were asked to write a reflection about situations which had asignificant impact on them. The weekly reflection papers enabled the author to perform alongitudinal analysis in regards to the student’s development of their authentic leadership skillsand to conduct triangulation of the data between individuals, peers, and facilitator.For the final papers (min. 3,500 words
Conference Session
Assessment of Engineering Leadership Development
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lawrence Holloway, University of Kentucky; Thomas Ward Lester, University of Kentucky; Joseph Anthony Colella, University of Kentucky College of Engineering
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Engineering Leadership Development
program and undergo an interview process. Factors considered in theselection of participants include academics, work experience, effective communication, andinvolvement in student or civic organizations. Since its inception, the program has always beenled by either the currently acting dean or a former dean of the College.The course is structured with the following elements:Curricular elements: 1. Leadership literature and leadership from history: Students were regularly assigned articles and books on leadership and leaders. Students then were required to write reflections on these and to discuss these within the class. 2. Learning from leadership journeys of alumni before: Successful alumni of the college were invited to