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Conference Session
Ocean and Marine Division Technical Session 3
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nathan John Washuta P.E., The Citadel; Jason Howison, The Citadel; Billy L. Clark, The Citadel; Robert Hudson Imhoff IV; Luiz Dos Reis
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
by a team of six senior mechanicalengineering students at The Citadel. At the beginning of the senior capstone course sequence,these students were given project requirements by their faculty client which included thefollowing criteria:  Entire apparatus should be mounted on a board/plate/etc. for easy transport  Entire apparatus should fit within a 3 ft x 3 ft x 2 ft volume or less  Test section should be at least 1 ft long with a cross sectional area 3 in wide and 8 in high (water level will never be higher than 6 inch high, extra 2 inch height to prevent spillage)  Water speed must be variable from 0 m/s up to 0.5 m/s in the test section  A flow straightener should be installed upstream of test section to
Conference Session
Ocean and Marine Division Technical Session 2
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Radian G. Belu, Southern University and A&M College; Richard Chiou, Drexel University; Lucian Ionel Cioca, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
of wind speed; b) daily solar radiation.Information on the wind resources for the designated locations and areas, where the WSN is panned tooperate was required in order to accurate estimate the expected power captured and power output of themicro-wind turbine, and finally to size the wind turbine. The daily, weekly, monthly and multi-annualaverage wind speeds were compiled and analyzed for several locations to accommodate the Gulf region,centered on Louisiana. The annual average wind speed these areas are ranging from 4m/s to 6.0 m/s, asshown in in Figure 3a. This is a good wind regime, with a potential of providing power to the WSN mostof the year. Solar radiation levels typically range from 3700 to 5700 Wh/m2/day. The solar radiation
Conference Session
Ocean and Marine Division Technical Session 3
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wei Yu, Massachusetts Maritime Academy; Gail M. Stephens, Massachusetts Maritime Academy; William Haynes, Massachusetts Maritime Academy
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
] Farzam S. Maleki, Gail M. Stephens, “A case study on gender gap in Massachusetts MaritimeAcademy”, American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition,2017[2][3][4] GourangaBanik, “Employer's Expectations of the Performance of CM Graduates”, AmericanSociety of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, 2008[5] Ngat-Chin Lim, “Towards an integrated academic assessment: closingemployers’expectations”, Education + Training, Vol. 57 Issue: 2, pp.148-169, 2015[6] Troy Harding, Thomas E. Mertz , William E. Genereux, Sue A. Guzek and Timothy Bower,“Reinventing a Computer Technology Curriculum to Meet the Needs of Students and