stablished eitherusing a Bluetooth wireless or a USB cable.In order to program Aksense the students only have to know the basic commands toactivate various components, such as LED and RGB. For example, using Chrome SerialTerminal if the command “G” is sent to Aksense the RGB will turn Green. Similarly, ifwe press the Push button switch on Aksense, character “S” will be displayed on theterminal. If the user send character “P”, then the current value of the voltage set by thepotentiometer is displayed.Figure 1: Basic communication between Aksense and a PC (or smartphone) usingpre-assigned command lines (e.g., “R” to turn the RGB RED).Figure 2(a) depicts Aksense’s PCB. Should time permits, the device can be used inconjunction with a breadboard and
further suggestions and recommendations.References[1] Borgaonkar, A., Hou, E., Vandermark, S., Kam, M., 2015, “Engineering Math Summer Boot Camp to help Students Succeed in Remedial Courses,” Proceedings 2015 7th First Year Engineering Experience Conference, Roanoke, VA, August 3-4, 2015.[2] Borgaonkar, A., Sodhi J. S., Hou, E.,Baldwin R,, Kam, M., 2017, “Helping First Year Students Start on Track in the Mathematics Sequence,” Proceedings 2017 9th First Year Engineering Experience Conference, Daytona Beach, FL, August 6-8, 2017.[3] Klingbeil, N., Rattan, K., Raymer, M., Reynolds, D., Mercer, R., Kukreti, A. and Randolph, B., 2008, “The WSU Model for Engineering Mathematics Education: A Multiyear Assessment and Expansion to
resultssummarized in Table 1. The lab is primarily designed to ensure that students have a completeunderstanding of the magnetic starter. This item in particular improves by 42% based on the fivequestions given to the students. In addition there is an improvement of 23% in overall PLCknowledge as defined by the combined results. Based on these results the PLC Lab will beadded to the existing course.Bibliography[1] A. Eslami, A. Oxendine and C. Daniels, "A Plc Project In A Control Course Laboratory," in ASEE 2008 Annual Conference & Exposition, Pittsburgh, , 2008.[2] S. Hsieh, "Outcomes and Case Studies of Undergraduate Student Participation," in 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, 2017.[3] S. Pandian, "Intelligent Mechatronic
setting clear expectations, students feel that this assignment is achievableand therefore increases their sense of competence and expectancy.ConclusionOverall, this assignment helped students make a connection between the highly theoretical topicsof the course to real-world applications. The assignment is low-stakes and is not intended to takemore than an hour to complete. The students in the course have achieved the learning objective ofthe assignment. With the presentation component, they are exposed to their own application aswell as the applications selected by their classmates.References[1] S. A. Ambrose, M. W. Bridges, M. DiPietro, M. C. Lovett, and M. K. Norman, How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching.[2
they experiencedin the university context. It provided these students the opportunity to explore their professionaloptions and a safe space to consolidate their personal and professional identities and attain asense of coherence.AcknowledgementsSupport for this research by the NSF Division of Engineering Education and Centers awardnumber 1640553 is gratefully acknowledged.[1] H. Tajfel, Human groups and social categories: Studies in social psychology. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1981.[2] H. Tajfel and J. C. Turner, "The Social Identity Theory of Intergroup Behavior," in The psychology of intergroup relations S. Worchel and W. G. Austin, Eds. Chicago, IL: Nelson-Hall, 1986, pp. 7-24.[3] U
cataloging YouTube problems is appreciated. This material is based uponwork supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DUE 1712186. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of theauthor(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. This workwas completed within the framework of University of Toledo IRB protocol 202214.Bibliography1. Zax, D., Learning in 140-Characters Bities. ASEE PRISM, 2009: p. 1-3.2. Bullard, L.G., The case against the use of solution manuals. Chemical Engineering Education, 2013. 47: p. 73.3. Lang, J.M., Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons from the Science of Learning. 2016: John Wiley & Sons.4
intrapersonal and interpersonal skill development, diversity andinclusion, group dynamics, and group development.The students frequently reported how concepts like the SBI feedback model [38] have supportedthem greatly with the development of their intrapersonal and interpersonal skills. The SBI modelhelps deliver more effective feedback because the students focus their feedback on specificsituations (S) and behaviors (B), and then outline the impact (I) that these behaviors had on them. “I adore the SBI model. Using it forces me to rethink the situation before sharing feedback which gives me an opportunity to evaluate exactly what the impact on me really was. Secondly, I have found that people are more receptive to the feedback
4000 velocity (mm/s) 3000 2000 1000 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 time (sec)Figure 7 (a) Frame from a video of a system modeling exercise in progress, (b) Measured position and
development for STEM graduate students, the Council ofGraduate studies recommended, “Greater alignment among employers and universities to ensurethat the professional development experiences provided to advanced STEM graduate students arerelevant, and where possible tailored, to employer needs.”1 They also recommended greaterpartnerships between STEM graduate programs and employers to better prepare students whowere going into non-academic careers, and that professional development complement thestudents’ academic coursework.1 Professional Science Master’s (PSM) degree programs werestarted in the late 1990’s to meet industry’s demand for STEM graduates who also had businessprofessional skills.2The Master of Science in Professional Science (MSPS
allowing the synthetic transaction to follow the same path that is taken by thestudent's and teacher's sessions when accessing the cloud-based resource.After the solution for the authentication of the web filtering application is verified, the agentdeployment will be expanded to the additional schools, with the final goal of having multipleagents deployed at each school in the school district, the school district’s central office and theirInternet Service Provider.© American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 2018 ASEE National ConferenceReferences[1] S. Stein, J. Ware, J. Laboy, H. E. Schaffer, “Improving K-12 pedagogy via a Cloud designed for education,” International Journal of Information Management
not make good candidates for automaticassembly (thus Part A in Figure 2 is the correct choice).Figure 2. Assessment for Task in Figure 1 Which is the better design for automatic assembly?The result was no difference in performance between the students completing the labs on campuswith traditional equipment and those completing the labs at home. The details of this experimentwere reported in [14].Lean Manufacturing Content. Perhaps the most inspired application of the UbD philosophyconcerns lean manufacturing. This set of manufacturing principles introduced by Toyota in the1970’s [15] has become very important to the industry. Graduates of this program need to bewell versed in it.After thoughtful consideration, it was decided there would be no
Similarity,” accessed February 2, 2018.[3] Kasprowicz, Dominik, Wada, Hilekaan, “Methods for automated detection of plagiarism in integrated-circuit layouts”, Microelectronics Journal, September 2014, Vol.45(9), pp.1212- 1219.[4] Amaya-Bower, L., Kirstukas, S. (2016) “Effect of Video Guided Tutorials in a Standard Curriculum and in a Flipped Classroom for a 3D-CAD Course,” Proceedings of the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, LA, June 26-29, 2016, 10.18260/p.27295, 11 pages.[5] Kirstukas, S. (2016) “Development and Evaluation of a Computer Program to Assess Student CAD Models,” Proceedings of the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, LA
guiding questions: 1)! Is this a fundamental/technical core concept or sub-concept of engineering? Justify through narrative. 2)! Is this core concept or sub-concept appropriate for high school learners? Justify through narrative. 3)! How is this core concept or sub-concept connected to one or more Engineering Skill(s) and/or Engineering Habit(s) of Mind?On day two, participants were given two and a half hours to complete the task for theFundamental Elements. On day three, participants were given two and a half hours to completethe task for the Technical Elements. Figure 3: Taxonometric Structure for Engineering KnowledgeResults from Taxonomy Focus GroupsThere were two major pieces of foundational
encourageindividual student work and self-assessment throughout the process. Outside access to theMELearn ELMS is available on a limited basis through the MELearn web site [6]. Using theMELearn ELMS, a marked improvement in student learning and mastery of the fundamentalconcepts, as measured by exam scores, has been documented for three engineering courses. Mostrecently, a new feature was added to the system that allows students to enter appropriate equationsas answers. The problems were designed to encourage student familiarity with identifyingappropriate equations and using a system of equations to solve for various dependent variables, anexample being, deriving an equation for thermal efficiency of complex systems.References[1] R. J. Roselli, and S. P
] Available:[6] L. D. Feisel, and J. R. Albert. "The role of the laboratory in undergraduate engineering education." Journal of Engineering Education vol. 94, no. 1 pp. 121-130, 2005.[7] J. Wasserstein, “Students in Africa Get Web Link to MIT Labs,” MIT TechTalks, vol 49, no. 22, 30 Mar. 2005. [online] Available:[8] D. Lowe, S. Murray, E. Lindsay, and D. Liu, “Evolving Remote Laboratory Architectures to Leverage Emerging Internet Technologies,” IEEE Trans. Learning Technologies, vol. 2, no. 4, Oct.-Dec. 2009.[9] I. Gustavsson et al., “A Flexible Electronics Laboratory with Local and Remote Workbenches in a Grid,” Int’l J. Online Eng., vol. 4, no. 2
, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References[1] H. Blackmun, Blackmun, H., Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, vol. 509 US. Supreme Court of the United States, 1993, p. 579.[2] F. Wolfe-Simon et al., “A Bacterium That Can Grow by Using Arsenic Instead of Phosphorus,” Science (80-. )., vol. 332, pp. 1163–1166, 2011.[3] R. Redfield, “Arsenic-associated bacteria (NASA’s claims),” 2010. [Online]. Available:[4] F. Wolfe-Simon, “Twitter - We went through a solid peer-review and made responses and revision in response to
interviews with the PI inthe fall and spring. The PI initially places the prospective REU students with a university facultymember. Each student then interviews with the research faculty member selected by the PI.These additional interviews ensure a proper fit within the research lab, advise the studentregarding the project research topic(s) and confirms to both the faculty member and the PI thatthe student has the potential to conduct the assigned research project successfully. The REUofficially begins in late May with a kick-off meeting and concludes in mid-August with a formalposter presentation and program. Student REU student research abstracts for 2016 and 2017 areprovided in Appendix 1. Archived files of the 2016 and 2017 REU Poster
know? A critical literature review. Learning, Media and Technology, 39(1), 6-36. doi:10.1080/17439884.2013.770404Lai, K.-W., & Hong, K.-S. (2015). Technology use and learning characteristics of students in higher education: Do generational differences exist? British Journal of Educational Technology, 46(4), 725-738. doi:10.1111/bjet.12161Ng'ambi, D. (2013). Effective and ineffective uses of emerging technologies: Towards a transformative pedagogical model. British Journal of Educational Technology, 44(4), 652-661. doi:10.1111/bjet.12053Miertschin, S. L., Stewart, B. L., & Goodon, C. E. (2017). Mobile devices and lifelong learning: The students' perspective. Computers in Education, 8(1), 80-93
Ramrattan, S., Multi-mode Learning andFluid Mechanics to Fluid Power: an Undergraduate Curriculum Reform, Proceedings of ASEEAnnual Conference, AC 2008-2770, 2008.6. Choudhury, A. and Rodriguez, J., A New Curriculum in Fluid Mechanics for the MillennialGeneration, IEEE-RITA, vol. 12, No.1, 2017.7. Flexible Process Control Laboratory Kits: Teaching Process Control Synthesis, NSFGrant# 0127231,,2012.8. Kolb, D., 1984, Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning andDevelopment, Prentice-Hall, 1984.9. Moor, S. and Piergiovanni, P., Experiments in the Classroom: Examples of InductiveLearning with Classroom-Friendly Laboratory Kits, Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference
Assessment.. Proceedings of the 2013 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, GA, June 23-26, 2013.[5] Ulrich, K. T., & Eppinger, S. D. (2011). Product Design and Development, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill.[6] ABET, Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs, ABET Inc., 2015-16 Accreditation Cycle, 15.pdf, Retrieved 2/10/2017.[7] ABET, Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Technology Programs, ABET Inc., 2015-16 Accreditation Cycle, Criteria-05-04-15.pdf, Retrieved 2/10/2017.[8] Smith, J. H., & Nichols, S. A. (2004
Paper ID #21050Resistors, Capacitors and Inductors Are Not as They AppearDr. Paul Benjamin Crilly, U.S. Coast Guard Academy Paul Crilly is a Professor of Electrical Engineering at the United States Coast Guard Academy. He re- ceived his Ph.D. from New Mexico State University, his M. S. and B.S. degrees at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, all in Electrical Engineering. He was previously an Associate Professor of Electrical and Com- puter Engineering at the University of Tennessee and was a Development Engineer at the Hewlett Packard Company. His areas of interest include laboratory development, antennas, wireless
would be hands-on, but also have some Labswhere a simulation is used, to expand activities beyond equipment in our Electronics Lab.References[1] Tobe, Frank, “30+2 research reports forecast significant growth for robot industry”, Nov21,2017, The Robot Report retrieved from[2] Kevin M. Lynch and Frank C. Park, "Modern Robotics: Mechanics, Planning, and Control",Cambridge University Press, 2017, ISBN 9781107156302.[3] Richard M. Murray. California Institute of Technology. Zexiang Li. Hong Kong Universityof Science and Technology. S. Shankar Sastry. University of California, Berkeley, “AMathematical Introduction to. Robotic Manipulation”, cс1994, CRC
appears in our classroomDropping the worst homework is a very common practice intended to increase the overall score ofa course section. One assumes that doing so will help increase the grade of each and every studentin the classroom. It is important to define that by score at a given stage we mean the ratio betweenthe number of points attained up to that stage and the maximum number of points attainable up tothat stage. Mathematically this score is # o f points attained by student S(%) = × 100. Maximum # o f points attainableThe maximum number of points attainable depends on the moment in the course that this score iscomputed
Handbook of ManagementLearning, Education and Development, 42-68, 2009.[5] D. Schon, Educating the Reflective Practitioner. John Wiley & Sons, 1987.[6] J. Turns, B. Sattler, K. Yasuhara, J. Borgford-Parnell, and C. Atman, “Integrating reflectioninto engineering education,” Proceedings of American Society of Engineering Education AnnualConference, Indianapolis, IN, USA, June 15-18 June, 2014.[7] S. Ambrose, “Undergraduate engineering curriculum: The ultimate design challenge,” TheBridge, 43(2), 16-23, 2013.[8] R. Adams, J. Turns, and C. Atman, C., “Educating effective engineering designers: The roleof reflective practice,” Design Studies, 24(3), 275-294, 2003.[9] Ö. Lestander, N. Lehto, and Å. Engström, “Nursing students’ perceptions of
in an HVAC duct, and compressed natural gas in a supply line. The equipment available to you is the pipe friction demo (PFD), which you may recall from MC311. A description of the PFD is given in Section 1.4. The equipment will be provided but you must develop the experimental procedure. You will determine whether it is possible to reliably and accurately use the PFD (the model) to predict the pressure drop in real piping systems (the prototypes). First you should determine whether you can achieve full similarity between the model and prototype(s). Then you should assess the accuracy of your experiment by comparing it with the known solution described in Section 1.3. The variable of
energized and the contacts touch shouldbe 90 to 100 milliseconds. As seen in Figure 6 and Figure 7, the time was 170.2 milliseconds. Figure 6. Cursor Values from Close Operation Test Close Velocity of Command Breaker Mechanism [m/s]Closing CoilCurrent [A
) informal and formal reports2) memos3) oral presentations4) technical drawings5) otherThe “other” category is a catch-all for uncommon or less significant forms of TC such as briefpresentations, memos written from a template, lab books, and brochures. These categoriesallowed us to organize the information collected during the interviews into a single figure basedon a plan of study flow chart that has been used in the ME department for many years. Figure 1shows this flow chart in which each of the TC categories is assigned a color. The colored band(s)contained in a course box indicate which types of TC are required within that course. A half bandin a course box indicates that this type of TC is required by some instructors but not others. Aswe move
it is easy for the students toadjust the faucets, as well to have a monitoring tool that allows to spot larger changes to the flowrates. HEAT EXCHANGER #1 Test on 10/18/2017: Cold Flow Flow Hot Cold Hot In Hot Out Cold In Out Hot Cold Diff. Diff. Time, s (°F) (°F) (°F) (°F) (GPH) (GPH) (°F) (°F) 14 73 72 71 70 1 1 1 1 267 77 75 72 75 76 72 2 -3 279 80 77 71 78 76 74 3 -7 308 87 81 71 82
skills, which opens the doors for moreadvanced hardware design.The combination of these skillsets provides increased project possibilities, yielding more excitingand more educational projects, as group members teach each other these new skills as theydevelop their project. We will continue to integrate these recommendations and best practicesinto the two courses this spring and in the future.References[1] C. Fry and S. Potter, “The Design and Development of a Multi-Disciplinary Project inEmbedded Systems Design,” in Proceedings of the ASEE Gulf-Southwestern Section AnnualConference 2018, Austin, TX, April 4-6, 2018.[2] T. Henzinger and J. Sifakis, “The Embedded Systems Design Challenge,” in Misra J.,Nipkow T., Sekerinski E. (eds) FM 2006: Formal
, Plano Clark, VL, Clark, Leslie-Pelecky, D, Lu, Y, Cerda-Lizarraga, P. Examining theCognitive Processes Used by Adolescent Girls and Women Scientists in Identifying Science RoleModels: A Feminist Approach. Science Education, 92 (2008): 688–707. doi:10.1002/sce.20257.Cheryan, S, Siy, JO,, Vichayapai, M, Drury, BJ, Kim, S. Do Female and Male Role Models WhoEmbody STEM Stereotypes Hinder Women’s Anticipated Success in STEM? SocialPsychological and Personality Science, 2 (2011): 656–664. doi:10.1177/1948550611405218.Dasgupta, N, Stout, JG. Girls and Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.Policy Insights from Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1 (2014): 21–29.doi:10.1177/2372732214549471.Driver R. Children’s Ideas and the Learning of