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Displaying results 631 - 660 of 856 in total
Conference Session
Instrumentation Poster Session
2002 Annual Conference
Charles Bittle
converted to three 1’s and one 0. This code can be viewed as a thermometer thatis filled up to the topmost ONE in the column and hence the name thermometer code1. Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Page 7.1263.3 Copyright  2002, American Society for Engineering Education Binary Thermometer A B C T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Conference Session
Assessment and Its Implications in IE
2002 Annual Conference
Jack McGourty
Session # 2557 Web-Enhanced Course Evaluation: A Whole New Look Jack McGourty Columbia UniversityAbstractThis paper describes the history, development, and implementation of a web-based courseevaluation system at a major university. The reasons for creating a flexible process that allowsfor survey customization at the course level are discussed. The benefits and challenges ofimplementing the system are presented.I. IntroductionCourse evaluation processes have been in existence since the 1920’s, with some of the
Conference Session
Curriculum Development in Graphics
2002 Annual Conference
Eric Wiebe; Theodore Branoff; Nathan Hartman
designers still need surface modelling? Birmingham, England: Delcam.(Access date January 12, 2002). URL Christman, A. & Naysmith, J. (2001, September). Trends in CAD/CAM for mold makers.MMS Online. (Accessdate January 12, 2002). URL PTC. (2000). White Paper: Behavioral modeling: The next generation of mechanical design automation.14. Luby, S. (2001). Why a CAD model must deliver more than geometry. CAE/Computer-Aided Engineering, 20 (11),68.15. Greco, J. (2001). Getting smart: Knowledge-based software captures ideas and expertise from your company’sengineers. Computer Graphics World, 24 (11), 38-43.16. Versprille, K
Conference Session
Multi-disciplinary Design
2002 Annual Conference
Kris Dick; Don Petkau; Danny Mann; Myron (Ron) Britton
SystemsEngineering Inc., an engineering consulting company. His research interests are in the area of light-framestructures.DONALD S. PETKAU, MBA, P.Ag., P.Eng., is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Biosystems Engineeringat the University of Manitoba. Apart from his teaching duties in the Department, he is the Manager of Engineeringof MESH Technologies Inc., an engineering consulting company. His research interests are in the area of processengineering and berry harvesting. Page 7.261.9 Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright ã 2002
Conference Session
New Programs and Success Stories
2002 Annual Conference
Brian Dickson
Session 2342 The Role of Masters degrees in Technology & Business to promote CPD for Engineering Professionals B R Dickson Department of Chemical & Process Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.AbstractThere is an increasing realisation that the MBA approach to career development is not the mostrelevant form of education & training for engineers. During the mid 1990’s, the UK’sEngineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC) funded over 20
Conference Session
Interdisciplinary Engineering Education
2002 Annual Conference
William Lockwood-Benet; Rosa Buxeda; Manuel Hormaza; Alejandro Ruiz Acevedo; Jorge Vélez-Arocho; Lueny Morell
development of biotechnology research centers.Strategic plans to implement these are underway with collaboration of all stakeholders. Eventhough major barriers have been addressed, the future presents opportunities to develop thebiotechnology area to position the Island as the preferred site in the world for the biotechnologyindustry and entrepreneurs.Bibliographical information1. Burril G. S.2001. Biotech 2001 Life Sciences, Genom ics, Proteomics and More. The Biotechnology Industry Annual Report.2. Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Association, 2000. Pharmaceutical Industry Profile3. Morell L., Vélez Arrocho J.I., Buxeda R., Johnson W., Irizarry M. and Davis I. 2001. Strategic Alliance with Industry to Enhance Undergraduate
Conference Session
Undergraduate Research and New Directions
2002 Annual Conference
Daphne Chang
of the 1998 Annual ASEE Conference, Jun 28-Jul 1, 1998, Seattle, WA, USA.[6] Tilbury, D., Messner, W., “Controls education on the WWW: Using MATLAB for controldesign, simulation and visualization,” Proceedings of the 1998 ASME International MechanicalEngineering Congress and Exposition, Nov 15-20 1998, Anaheim, CA, USA, pp. 65-70.[7] Villareal, S., Wynn, C., Eastwood, D., Zoghi, B., “Design, development and evolution of Web-based materials featuring computer-animated simulations,”Proceedings of the 1998 28th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE. Part 2 (of 3), Nov 4-7 1998, Tempe, AZ, USA, pp. 588-593.[8] Lim, C. I, Metzger, R.P. Jr., Rodriguez, A. A., “Interactive Modeling, Simulation, Animationand Real-Time Control (MoSART) twin
Conference Session
Instrumentation Poster Session
2002 Annual Conference
Puttiphong Jaroonsrisphan
effectiveness of the web experiments in promotinglearning of key concepts and interest level in the subject materials.(VII) References[1] Chang, T.N., Chang, D., ``Graduate Engineering Student Performance Assessment:How learning pattern affects test scores," Proceedings of the ASEE2000, St. Louis, Mo,June 18-21, 2000.[2] Aktan, B., Bohus, C.A., Crowl, L.A., Shor, M.H, “ Distance learning applied tocontrol engineering laboratories,” IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol. 39, pp 320 –326, Aug. 1996.[3] Shen, H. Xu, Z., Kristiansen, V., Strom, O, and Shur, M, “Conducting LaboratoryExperiments over the Internet,” IEEE Transaction on Education, Vol42, pp. 180-185,August, 1999.[4] Exel, M., Gentil, S., Michau, F., Rey, D., “Simulation workshop and
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2002 Annual Conference
David Livingston; James Squire
Laboratory Experience for Introductory Engineering Students, 2001.4. Freeman R. and Whitaker K., “Mobile Robots as an Instructional Tool for CELTS,” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, 2793, 2000.5. Ramesh S.K., Fujita M., Kumar P., Haas S., Lindsay A., and Raley E.G., “An Interactive Workshop for High School Teachers to Develop and Teach Pre-engineering Curricula,” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, p. 2793, 2001.6. Carley, L.R., and Khosla P., “Experimental Context for Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering,” McGraw-Hill, NY, 1997.7. URL: “A Low Cost Hands-On Laboratory Experience for Introductory Engineering Students”8. Skubic M
Conference Session
Modeling in Materials Education
2002 Annual Conference
Sergey Yarmolenko; Jagannathan Sankar; Juri Filatovs; Devdas Pai
Session 1464 Materials Characterization by Digital Microscopy G. J. Filatovs, S. N. Yarmolenko, D. M. Pai and J. Sankar Department of Mechanical Engineering and NSF Center for Advanced Materials and Smart Structures, NC A&T State University, Greensboro, NC 27411AbstractMaterials characterization and analysis is the central theme of materials science. While computer-based methods greatly extend the scope of characterization techniques, these methods areassociated with their own set of implementation issues in terms of image processing, statistical,and mathematical problems. Classical metallography does not
Conference Session
Collection Issues Forum
2002 Annual Conference
Richard Bernier
according to the size of the library’s journal collection and the amount of timethat can be devoted to the task by staff member(s). Up until this time we did not have ourelectronic journals listed in our OPAC. The desire to make the linking project worth the effortwas just the incentive we needed to finally add these records to the OPAC. I did not have thetime to begin this process until two months after phase two was completed and is still underwayat date of publication. The real power of the linking to the OPAC feature is using the OPAC as acentral point to reach other electronic resources without having to open the OPAC and conductan additional search.Phase 4Phase four is to include our other online commercial databases into the linking chain as
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2002 Annual Conference
Valarie Arms; Aly Valentine; J. Richard Weggel
freshman engineering program and has published numerous articles onengineering education. She was a member of the team that implemented the E 4 Program.J. RICHARD WEGGEL is the Samuel S. Baxter Professor of Civil Engineering and Associate Dean of the Collegeof Engineering. He holds a BS degree in civil engineering from the Drexel Institute of Technology, and MS andPh.D. degrees in civil engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign. He teaches and conductsresearch in the areas of hydraulic and coastal engineering. He was a member of the team that implemented the E 4Program.ALY VALENTINE has a bachelor degree in psychology from Assumption College in Worcester, MA and amaster’s degree in education from Drexel University. She is
Conference Session
Teaching Industrial Engineers Design
2002 Annual Conference
Bopaya Bidanda; Kim Needy
, and aparagraph description of the project. The Student Bio Sheet asks the student to list: · Names of up to three other students with whom they wish to work with; · Name of at most one student with whom they would have a conflict working with; · Technical electives that they have taken or are currently taking; · Work experience (cooperative education and summer internships); and · Statement of which project(s) sounds the most interesting to them and why.Information listed on the Student Bio Sheet is kept in confidence and only viewed by theinstructor. The instructor also obtains each student’s overall grade point average in an effort tobalance the student resources across the projects.Next comes the task of
Conference Session
Tomorrow's Civil Engineering Profession
2002 Annual Conference
KC Mahboub; Anna Phillips; Paul Palazolo; Scott Yost
Session 2615 What does it mean to be an engineer? The 2001 Challenge to Engineering Educators S. Yost, A. Phillips, P. Palazolo, K.C. Mahboub Univ. of Kentucky/Univ. of Memphis/ Univ. of Memphis/ Univ. of KentuckyAbstractDean Kamen’s keynote speech at the 2001 ASEE National Convention in Albuquerque, NewMexico asked some tough questions of engineering educators. Primarily, Kamen questionedwhat we are doing to represent engineering as a viable career choice in comparison to thewidespread appeal of lucrative sports careers, which promise to pay young people extraordinaryamounts of money. His conclusion
Conference Session
Innovations in Freshman Engineering
2002 Annual Conference
Teodora Shuman; Greg Mason
windspeeds are 5 m/s). The wind tunnel is shown in Figure 1.The design task is assigned to teams made up of students from each of the three coursesdiscussed in the previous section. Thus, each design team has electrical and mechanicalengineering students from MEGR181, civil and mechanical engineering students fromMEGR105 and high school students from CKHS091. Students from each course are given Page 7.340.4 Proceedings of the 2002 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2002, American Society for Engineering Educationdifferent responsibilities on the team. These
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2002 Annual Conference
Zhengtao T. Deng; Xiaoqing (Cathy) Qian; Abdul Jalloh; Amir Mobasher; Ruben Rojas-Oviedo
analysisStrength of Materials: In this sophomore level course, students utilize the program(s)developed by their peers in the finite element class to engage in design practices. At thispoint students employ the programs to both become familiar with development of Matlab Page 7.655.4script files as well as utilize the programs to assist them in their design. The problem Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright ã 2002, American Society for Engineering Education Session
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2002 Annual Conference
Ralph Buchal
hands-on experience. CurrentCAD and mechanism simulation software makes it easy to create mechanism simulations, andhopefully in the future multimedia mechanism catalogs will be available to allow students to gainrich experience with many common mechanisms, and to easily find suitable mechanisms forspecific design applications.References 1 Ferguson, Eugene S., Engineering and the Mind’s Eye, MIT Press, Cambridge Mass., 1992. 2 Hiscox, Gardner D., Mechanical Movements: Powers, Devices and Appliances, Norman Henley Publishing, New York, 1904. Page 7.1250.12 3 Chironis, Nicholas P., Mechanisms and Mechanical
Conference Session
Issues in Physics and Engineering
2002 Annual Conference
Harold Evensen
Laboratory Course in Sensors,” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, June 2001.4 J. Singh (1996). Quantum Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications to Technology. Boston: McGraw-Hill.5 J. Fraden (1997) Handbook of Modern Sensors (2nd ed.). New York: Springer-Verlag.6 Beer, F. P., Johnston Jr., E. R. (1996). Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics (6th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill.7 Fowles, G. R., Cassiday, G. L. (1999). Analytical Mechanics (6th ed.). Fort Worth: Saunders.8 Pedrotti, F. L., Petrotti, L. S. (1993). Introduction to Optics (2nd ed.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Page 7.854.8 Proceedings of the 2002 American
Conference Session
K-12 Outreach Initiatives
2002 Annual Conference
Timothy Harrah; Martha Cyr; Brad George
charts are commonly implemented using the Microsoft Project software package.(Fig 1)Large and more complex projects such as public works construction and military projectsoften rely on the more complex network based techniques of CPM and PERT. Thesemethods were developed in the 1950’s specifically for the management of large industrial and military projects where multiple interdependencies are present among tasks and resources are under tight constraint. They are based on the construction of a
Conference Session
Integrating Math and Engineering
2002 Annual Conference
Bogdan Adamczyk; Wendy Reffeor
. It is ordered based on the test scores from Table 2. The second column of the table shows theACT math scores, out of a possible score of 36. In the cases where the scores are missing the stu-dents started elsewhere and transferred to GVSU. The ACT math score is highly variable withrespect to the test score, although there is a general correlation. In particular there are a number of Page 7.839.4higher ACT scores in the 30’s that have very poor math scores. This variability suggests there is Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2002
Conference Session
Teaching Industrial Engineers Design
2002 Annual Conference
Larry Dunn; Jessica Matson; Kenneth Hunter
for Engineering and Technology. (2000) Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs.2. Hunter, Sr., Kenneth W. and Jessica O. Matson. (2001) “Engineering Leadership and Teamwork Development Through Experiential Learning,” Proceedings of the 2001 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, American Society for Engineering Education, Albuquerque, NM.3. Priest, Simon. The Effect of Program Setting and Duration on Corporate Teamwork Development. Study No. 23, Kaagan, Stephen S. (1999) Leadership Games, Sage Publications.Biographical InformationKENNETH W. HUNTER, SR.Kenneth Hunter is currently Director of the Basic Engineering Program at Tennessee Technological University. Hereceived his
Conference Session
Women in Engineering: A Potpourri
2002 Annual Conference
Francis Hopcroft
, S., The Mismeasure of Man, WW Norton, 1996.[3] Gardner, H., The Disciplined Mind, Penguin, 2001.[4] Fernald, D. The Hans Legacy, Lawrence Erlbaum, NJ, 1984.[5] Hersey, P., Blanchard, K. Management of Organizational Behavior, Prentice, 1993.[6] Chomsky, N., Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory, University of Chicago Press,1985. Page 7.830.6[7] Karanian,B., Engineer’s Response to Leadership: Does Gender Make a “Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2002, American Society for Engineering Education” Difference? (unpublished
Conference Session
Computer Based Measurements
2002 Annual Conference
Steven Widmer; Jan Lugowski
troubleshooting flaws to addchallenge to the problem-based learning experience.Bibliography1. Duch, B., Groh, S.E., & Allen, D.E. (Eds.). (2001). The power of problem-based learning: A practical “how-to” for teaching undergraduate courses in any discipline. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.2. Groh, S. and White, H. Problem-based learning: Getting started I. Available: San Diego state University. (1999). Problem Based Learning. Available: La Lopa, J. M. (1999, March). Focus on Problem-Based Learning -- Part I. Network News, p. 4. See also website: T. LUGOWSKIJan T. Lugowski is an
Conference Session
Computers in Education Poster Session
2002 Annual Conference
Beth Kolko; Linda Whang
journals and reference books) with examples of each, and allowing students to Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2002, American Society for Engineering Education compare the different types, might help them determine which type(s) of information they encounter as they do their own research.5. Have students verify technical information found on the Web in a print resource, such as the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Many industrial sites will post technical data, such as specific heat capacity of metals, on their websites, but students must be wary of this data unless they can verify its accuracy in a print resource
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2002 Annual Conference
Steve Thomas; Vinod Lohani; Bevlee Watford
climatic division in Virginia for which analysis is desired.Following this choice, the user is asked a series of questions to determine what type ofanalysis is desired (i.e. short term, long term). Typically (based on the type of analysischosen) the user is asked to choose the weather state/s (1-7) for analysis. For short termanalysis the choice of months is also asked. See table 3 for further details. Once allchoices are made, the data file for the selected climatic division is opened and results ofchosen analysis are presented in tabular form. Following section gives results of analysisof long and short term probabilities for all six climatic divisions in Virginia
Conference Session
Accreditation and Related Issues in ECE
2002 Annual Conference
Jeff Jalkio
standards make the grade”, Educational Leadership, vol 59, No. 1, Sept 2001, pp20-27.3 Hochstein, J.I. and Perry, E. H., “Direct Competency Testing – Is It For You?”, Proceedings of the 1999 ASEEAnnual Conference.4 Angelo, T.A. and Cross, K. P., Classroom Assessment Techniques – A Handbook for College Teachers, 2nd ed.,Jossey-Bass, San Francisco,1993.5 Handley, M. K., “Portfolio Assessment as a Measure of Student and Program Success”, Proceedings of the 1999ASEE Annual Conference.6 Reeves, D. B., “Standards Make a Difference: The Influence of Standards on Classroom Assessment”, NASSPBulletin vol. 85, no. 621 Jan 2001, pp. 2-65.7 Petit, M. and Zawojewski, J. S., “Teachers adn Students Learning Together about Assessing Problem Solving
Conference Session
Educational Opportunities in Engr. Abroad
2002 Annual Conference
Heidi Loshbaugh
. Dennis, a mason,became the foreman of the crew and provided good support and advice for the students. Ratherto their dismay, he finished his sentence for failure to pay taxes 1 week into their project andwent home to his family, leaving them without the technical support they had come to dependon.The prisoners had full access not only to ground-breaking tools, but also to circular and chainsaws, power drills, hammers, nails, and 8 ft lengths of rebar and 2 X 4’s. Although the tools hadto be stored each evening, during the day, much or all of this construction equipment was lyingabout the prison yard. The students, none of whom had any construction experience, wouldwave at a piece of plywood or rebar, say, “Cut that,” or point at the trench and
Conference Session
Engineering Management Curriculum
2002 Annual Conference
Stephanie Adams
Participation, vol. 18 no. 7, pp. 28-31, December 1995.8. S.G. Adams, “An Investigation of the Attributes Contributing to Team Effectiveness of Engineering and Science Faculty”, Texas A&M University, Dissertation Abstracts International, 59, no. 08B, 1998.9. B. B. Morgan, Jr., A.S. Glickman, E. A. Woodard, A. S. Blaiwes and E. Salas, “Measurement of Team Behaviors in a Navy Environment”, (NTSV TR-86-014), November 1996.10. J. W. Creswell, Educational Research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Prentice Hall. Page 7.30.8 “Proceedings of
Conference Session
Techniques for Improving Teaching
2002 Annual Conference
Beth Todd
module surveys (ranking topics on a scale of 1-5)were completed by the evaluators. Additional feedback was collected from the instructor and afaculty observer. This feedback has been used to improve the module.The following sections describe the contents of the module. Later in the paper, the results oftesting are presented.Pre-requisitesThis module assumes that the students have not had any previous instruction in the area oflifelong learning. However, students do not live in a vacuum. Experience with using thismaterial in the classroom has shown that older, non-traditional students approach this materialwith more wisdom than students in their early 20’s. This is particularly important to consider
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2002 Annual Conference
Roger Wallace; David Adams
format, writing and expression of engineering content. The types of interactions of we experienced with students have dealt with writing and engineering issues at a much deeper level than before, which makes the courses more rewarding for everyone.Bibliography1 Youra, S. (Ed.) Special Issue: Communications Across the Engineering Curriculum. Language and LearningAcross the Disciplines. Vol. 3, No. 2. Univ. of Illinois, Illinois Institute of Technology (July 1999).2 For a useful overview of this device, see Tichy, Noel. “The Teachable Point of View: A Primer.” HarvardBusiness Review. P82. (March-April 1999). President and Fellows of Harvard College.3 Bloom, Benjamin et al. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Vol. 1. New