Asee peer logo
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2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Kenneth Van Treuren
, manufacturing, and servicing jet engines.” Fig. 3 Example of a Student Team Logo, Name, and Mission Statement [10] students very familiar with the details surrounding the re- engine project. While writing this position paper, the teams were to pick a team name, a logo, and a mission statement (Fig. 3
2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Aaron T. Hill; Michael C. Campbell
requirement to write a memorandumThus, it is critical for engineering educators to improve the summarizing the results of each Design Review wasstagnant method of traditional teaching and learning. Small eliminated. This cooperative learning technique was usedmistakes in the engineering profession can lead to death or on six of seven homework assignments during the term andmillions of dollars in repair. on seven of nine homework assignments in their pre- For the fall 2018 semester, in the Design of Steel and requisite course. Student feedback was collected from bothWood Structures at the United States Military Academy at Likert Scale questions and open-ended questions. ThisWest Point, Civil
2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Matthew Alexander
challenges in these areas because of (a) languagerequires significant written communication exercises, barrier (English is not their primary language) for someparticularly in the second course which is a writing students; (b) unfamiliarity with professional workingintensive course. The overall performance of those environment and culture; and (c) student maturity andstudents with English as a second language is reasonably experience. The assessment of student performance in eachstrong once the instructor’s grading expectations are of these skill areas described herein are related back torealized and the students avail themselves of outside these challenges.assistance, such as provided by
2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Margo Cousins; Daniel Puperi
measurement developed by Anderson et al. (2016).[3] This section asked the students to rate their security in their Proceedings of the 2018 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Section Annual Conference The University of Texas at Austin April 4-6, 2018ability to accomplish 15 specific scientific-communication significant. Data are presented as mean ± standardrelated tasks on a 5 point scale from Very Insecure to Very deviation.Confident. These tasks included writing a first draft, usingcorrect grammar, giving scientific presentations, and asking 2. Resultsquestions in front of an audience or
2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
John R. Clegg; Kenneth R. Diller
’ development of routine and inherent in the GIM, they would readily transfer it to alternateinnovative knowledge in this course to a traditional content areas. Transfer, a term used to describe students’biotransport course at a peer institution, identified that the ability to access and apply skills or processes attained in onestudents who participated in the challenge-based course domain context to solve problems within another, is widelyobtained a similar level of content expertise and a superior considered a principal goal of education.1,3-10 We argue thatability to apply the knowledge in new or unfamiliar contexts3. parallel to the process of skill transfer is also confidenceIn this study, we