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- 2019 ERC
- Authors
Joan S. Cleveland
The Office of Naval Research - Science and Technology in Support of the US Navy and Marine Corps Dr. Joan S. Cleveland Deputy Chief Scientist joan.cleveland@navy.mil Distribution Statement A: Approved for public releaseThe Naval Research Enterprise ONR HQ ONR Global NRL 4,000+ People 23 Locations $2.1B / year >1,000 Partners Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release 2 Partnering with the S&T Community Government Academia Industry1000 Universities
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- 2019 ERC
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James A. Dodd
Dayton, OH Edwards AFB, CA Arlington, VA Albuquerque, NM AF Office of Scientific Research Santiago, Chile Ft Walton Beach, FL Space Vehicles San Antonio, TXDirected Energy S&E Education
- Collection
- 2019 ERC
- Authors
Gurdip Singh; Carrie Berger
? • Do faculty receive separate orientations for different topics such as teaching and research? • How is the information provided during orientation(s) reinforced during their first year? Second year and on through promotion? • What unique faculty success programs occur at your institution that are specific for pre-tenured faculty?Mid-Career Faculty • What topic/issues are most important to focus on when mentoring mid-career faculty? • What unique PD
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- 2019 ERC
- Authors
Kara T Hall
steve.lanctot - kb_0563cf, CC BY New York Times, Feb 15, 2009 2.0,https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index .php?curid=9486032 Complex societal and scientific challengeshttp://www.shiftn.com/obesity/Full-Map.html Multi-level, multi-factorial, interacting influencesVariations in Team Science Collaboration Is Complex Multi-level Contextual FactorsStokols, D., Misra, S. Moser, R., Hall, K. L., & Taylor, B. (2008). The ecology of team science: Understanding contextual influences on
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- 2019 ERC
- Authors
Dawn Tilbury; Joanne Tornow; Jim Kurose; Anne Kinney
)Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) andSmart & Connected Communities (S&CC)CPS: Core system science for complex S&CC: Scientific/engineering andcyber-physical systems upon which socio-technical knowledge to improvepeople can depend with high confidence. quality of life within communities. Application Sectors Smart & Connected Communities Aeronautics Manufacturing
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- 2019 ERC
- Authors
Ralph A. Anthenien
research, and leverage S&T ≥$80M ARO-managed Total Award Amounts by State $20–$80M • Create and strengthen university, (For grants and contracts active in FY16) $2–$20M industry, and government partnerships
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- 2019 ERC
- Authors
Pamela Norris; Julie Martin; Heather Watson
2.49% 47.62% Business 1.48% 41.45%STEM Engineering 0.38% 20.94% Mathematics, statistics 5.94% 29.76% Physical science and science technologies 3.37% 31.55% Computer science and information 2.34% 20.56% technologiesWomen’s Share of S&E BS DegreesGender Disparities in Engineering Bachelor’s Degrees Earned by Women, 70% Selected Fields, 1970-2013 60% 57% 57% 58% 57% 54% 55
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- 2019 ERC
- Authors
Gurdip Singh; Carrie Berger
Cruz. At UMBC, faculty areencouraged to attend monthly teaching and learning center training. Monthly workshops atteaching and learning center at Alaska.yes. Teaching academy, meets once a month during lunch (at the collegelevel). Typically attended by faculty in the first two years. Summer faculty institute at Baylor.Faculty are encouraged to attend, but not required. With the pressures of the tenure track, theyoften don’t go. For teaching, faculty are encouraged to sit in on other people’s classrooms. 3. How is the information provided during orientation(s) reinforcedduring their first year? Second year and on through promotion?Workshops held on a regular basis to discuss teaching, research, and other topics. Grant writingworkshops are
- Collection
- 2019 ERC
- Authors
Patrick Shiflette
. Two of the most important among these plans include the Mergers & S&T Acquisition Investments13th Five-Year Plan and the Made in China 2025 Plan, both ofwhich help to guide the country’s overall strategic direction.The Made in China 2025 Plan lists 10 domestic Chinese industries from which the government of China seeks toeliminate any foreign-produced technology: •Information technology •Energy-efficient and new-energy automobiles •Computer numerical control machine tools and robotics •Electric power equipment •Aerospace equipment