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2019 ASEE PNW Section Conference
David S. Hurwitz, Oregon State University; Shane A. Brown P.E., Oregon State University; Sean Lyle Gestson, Oregon State University
2019 ASEE PNW Section Conference
Samantha Schauer, Boise State University; Krishna Pakala, Boise State University; Kim MB Tucker
communities where students take a commoncourse(s), participate in extracurricular activities with one another, and live in the same residencehall. This literature review examined relevant published work on 1) What impacts do LLCs havefor all students who live in an LLC; 2) What are the impacts on first-year engineering collegestudents living in an LLC, and 3) What theoretical frameworks are used in literature whenexamining the impacts an LLC has on first-year engineering college students.IntroductionTwo of every three students in Singapore, and one out of every two students in China obtaindegrees in science or engineering. In the United States, that statistic is less than one in sevenstudents who earn degrees in science or engineering [1]. Given the
2019 ASEE PNW Section Conference
Eve Klopf, Oregon Institute of Technology; Aaron Scher, Oregon Institute of Technology
centralimportance of electromagnetics, we believe a meaningful, hands-on experience in this area iscrucial for the success of undergraduate electrical engineering students.Introduction: Unless you are reading this on a handwritten scroll in a cave by candlelight, there is agood chance the following equations are directly impacting your life this very moment: ∇ ∙ 𝐃 = 𝜌𝑉 ∇∙𝐁 =0 ∇ × 𝐄 = − ∂𝐁⁄∂𝑡 ∇ × 𝐇 = 𝐉 + ∂𝐃⁄∂𝑡.These are known as Maxwell’s equations, which were described by James Clerk Maxwell in the1860’s and form the foundation of the classical electromagnetics. They describe how
2019 ASEE PNW Section Conference
David Pinkerton, Boise State University; Krishna Pakala, Boise State University
Tagged Topics
,”, 24-Sep-2017.[Accessed December 24, 2018].[7] H. R. Abachi and G. Muhammad, “The impact of m-learning technology on students and educators,” Computersin Human Behavior, vol. 30, Jan. 2014. [Accessed January 9, 2018].[8] S. L. Boatright-Horowitz, “Useful Pedagogies or Financial Hardships? Interactive Response Technology(Clickers) in the Large College Classroom,” International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education,vol. 21, no. 3, 2009. [Accessed January 15, 2018]. [9] Y.-T. Chuang, “SSCLS: A Smartphone-Supported Collaborative Learning System,” Telematics and Informatics,vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 463–474, Aug. 2015. [Accessed December 20, 2018].[10] B. Kerr, “The flipped classroom in engineering education: A survey of the research
2019 ASEE PNW Section Conference
Cara J Poor P.E., University of Portland; Abigail Chase, Stantec; Mehmet Inan, University of Portland
summarize the case study, and identify which canon(s) in the ASCE Code ofEthics was violated and which ethical theory was the most applicable. Students also discussedwhat could have been done to avoid ethics violations and what they may have done differently.Students were given an opportunity to develop their own discussion questions for the classdiscussion, but the following example discussion questions are provided: 1. What was the main event or action that caused this situation? 2. How do you think a civil engineer was involved? 3. What potentially did the civil engineer fail to do? 4. Does a civil engineer have the responsibly to do something for this situation? Explain. 5. What actions from those involved could have prevented the
2019 ASEE PNW Section Conference
Xichen Jiang, Western Washington University; Austin Bolstad
Review, 2010.[18] S. Jones and S. Clulow, “How to foster a culture of collaboration between universities andindustry.” Higher Education Network, The Guardian, 2012
2019 ASEE PNW Section Conference
Xichen Jiang, Western Washington University; Patrick William Shive, Western Washington University
Utilities," Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Technical Report, July 2018.[5] D. Darling and S. Hoff, "EIA Data Show Average Frequency and Duration of Electric Power Outages," U.S. Energy Information Administration Technical Report, September 2016.[6] Puget Sound Energy, "About Puget Sound Energy," August 2015. ([7] Puget Sound Energy, "Tree Trimming-Tree Maintenance," 2018. ([8] A. Sanstad, "Regional Economic Modeling of Electricity Supply Disruptions: A Review and Recommendations for Research," Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Technical Report, March 2016.[9] P. Balducci et al. "Electrical Power Interruption Cost Estimates for Individual Industries, Sectors, and U.S
2019 ASEE PNW Section Conference
Jen Symons, University of Portland; Heather Dillon, University of Portland; Joseph P Hoffbeck, University of Portland
Tagged Topics
,” in 2016 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 2016, pp. 1–7.[2] M. M. C. S. N. Lykke, “Motivating Students through Positive Learning Experiences: A Comparison of Three Learning Designs for Computer Programming Courses.,” J. Probl. Based Learn. High. Educ., vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 80–108, 2015.[3] A. Bogdanovych and T. Trescak, Teaching Programming Fundamentals to Modern University Students. 2016.[4] Y. Sedelmaier and D. Landes, “Active and Inductive Learning in Software Engineering Education,” in Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Software Engineering - Volume 2, 2015, pp. 418–427.[5] R. Ellis, “Current Issues in the Teaching of Grammar: An SLA Perspective,” TESOL Q., vol
2019 ASEE PNW Section Conference
Michael Lawrence Anderson P.E., United States Air Force; Traci A. Sarmiento, United States Air Force Academy; Cory Cooper, U.S. Air Force Academy; Donald William Rhymer, United States Air Force
Force Academy, Fulcrum Group, Golden, CO, 2018.3. C. Cooper, C. Bruce, M. Anderson, S. Galyon-Dorman, and D. Jensen, “Designettes in Capstone: Initial design experiences to enhance students’ implementation of design methodology”, Proc. Amer. Soc. Eng. Edu. Annu. Conf., Seattle, WA, June 2015.4. K. Fu, J. Murphy, K. Wood, M. Yang, K. Otto, D. Jensen, and K. Wood, “Design-by-Analogy: Experimental evaluation of a functional analogy search methodology for concept generation improvement,” Res. Eng. Des., vol. 26, pp. 77-95, 2005.5. B. Camburn, B. Dunlap, T. Gurjar, C. Hamon, M. Green, D. Jensen, R. Crawford, K. Otto, and K. Wood, K., “A systematic method for design prototyping,” ASME J. Mech. Des., vol.137, no. 8, pp