Paper ID #25909Engaged Interdisciplinary Engineering Design in a Minka House for the Ag-ingDr. Brandon S. Field, University of Southern Indiana Brandon Field teaches in the thermal fluids area of mechanical engineering at the University of Southern Indiana, Evansville.Dr. Adam Giles TennantMr. David J. Ellert PE, University of Southern Indiana Dave Ellert teaches freshman engineering problem solving, computer aided drafting and design (CAD) and computer programming. He has a B.S. degree in mechanical engineering from Purdue University. Dave has been on the USI Department of Engineering faculty since 2003. Dave is a
into their careers andlives after graduation. Such approaches are often referred to as high impact pedagogies [1].The American Association of Colleges and Universities classifies service-learning as a “highimpact pedagogy” [2]. While the roots of service-learning, also called community engagedlearning, date back to the 1860’s with the Morrill Act and the 1920’s with the work of JohnDewey, curricular integration took root in the U.S. in the 1970’s. In the 1990’s there was asignificant increase in the adoption of the pedagogy within many disciplines in higher education[3, 4]. Research has shown that service-learning, can have benefits on student persistence [4-12],learning of core disciplinary knowledge and the broader skills needed in today’s
project. The instructors expect the students to achieve their learningoutcomes in an educational interdisciplinary setting and we will work together to ensure that thisexperience is enriching for the FSF clients.AcknowledgementsThis project is supported by the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE)’s Electricaland Computer Engineering Technology Department Heads Association (ECETDHA) Minigrant,WCU Intentional Learning Grant, WCU Faculty Institute of Community Engagement Grant, andthe WCU Academic Project Grant. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in these materials are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe funding agencies.References[1] Cielo, C., Durlak, J., & Dymnicki
experiences contextually for all parties involved.References[1] N. Smith, J. Lucena, J. Smith, O.J. Restrepo Baena, G. Aristizabal, A. Delgado. “A Framework for Research and Education on Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining in Latin America.” Intl Journal of Geosources and Environment, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 99-104, 2018.[2] Downey, G.L., Lucena, J.C. Moskal, B.M., Parkhurst, R., Bigley, L., Hays, C., Jesiek, B.K., Kelly. L., Miller, J., Ruff, S., Lehr, J. and Nicholas-Belo, A.“The Globally Competent Engineer: Working Effectively with People who Define Problems Differently.” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 95, no. 2, pp. 107-122, 2006.[3] J. A. Leydens and J. C. Lucena, Engineering Justice: Transforming Engineering
therefore can make a differencethrough my work.”AcknowledgmentsThis work is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. EEC-1540301. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those ofthe authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References [1] J. R. Herkert, “Continuing and emerging issues in engineering ethics education,” The Bridge, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 8–13, 2002. [2] K. Riley, M. Davis, A. C. Jackson, and J. Maciukenas, “‘Ethics in the Details’: Communicating Engineering Ethics via Micro-Insertion,” IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 95–108, Mar. 2009. [3] S. M. J. Howland, G. M. Warnick, C. B
. Shekar, "Project-based Learning in Engineering Design Education: Sharing Best Practices",, 2014. [Online]. Available: actices. [Accessed: 01- Feb- 2019]. [3] . Haag, N. Hubele, A. Garcia, and K. McBeath, “Engineering undergraduate attrition and S contributing factors,” Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 01-Jan-1970. [Online]. Available: buting-factors. [Accessed: 01-Feb-2019]. [4] P. Howard and P. Wolfs, Balancing project based and lecture centric education in a restructured
semester of 2017, a local inventor (2nd author of this paper) needed some CADmodeling support. We adapted our curriculum and made it a priority to help meet this need. Wewere rewarded for it - students loved these service projects. The S-L project served as a link fromengineering theory to everyday objects people can touch and see. Along the process they learnedwhat they needed to learn - the CAD tools. It was a win-win situation. In the following sections,we will document these activities and share some ABET outcome assessment results.The Wrap Rack ProjectOur university’s motto is "To Seek to Learn is to Seek to Serve."1 Service-Learning (S-L) haslong been recognized as an effective way of achieving multiple student learning outcomes
workshop and future plans with the CodeIT Day model.Project Design and ExecutionThe planning of CodeIT Day 2018 followed a similar structure as previous CodeIT Days. Theplanning committee got together to set a date, create the student applications and create arecruitment plan for students and volunteers. During this process, a team member was alsoworking on the curriculum for students.RecruitmentAlthough students of all backgrounds are welcomed to apply and are accepted to the workshop,due to the lack of underrepresented minorities in the STEM fields, it has always been a mission ofCodeIT Day to intentionally recruit students of color and female students of the targeted gradelevel(s) each year. CodeIT Day 2018 was geared specifically for fifth and
than a nice experience. Not sure what we and thinks through how could do, but there school needs to do better mentioning it to improve attendance. because only four students were there. It was probably a lot Even though s/he did cooler that college kids came to visit to help them with an not see a benefit, there after school activity. is solid evidence of practice in critical thinking and program evaluation.6 I think it was a valuable experience because it put me
. West, "Toy Adaptation Program Workshop: Enriching First-Year Engineers by Teaching the Electronic Toy Adaptation Process," in American Society for Engineering Education, New Orleans, 2016.[8] M. West, R. L. Kajfez and E. Riter, "One Program’s Approach to Creating a Strong Network Paper," in American Society for Engineering Education, Columbus, Ohio, 2017.[9] M. Y. Mollica, H. A. Feldner, S. Israel, A. Caspi, K. M. Steele and D. G. Hendricks, "Toy Adaptation as Engineering Outreach to Diverse High School Students," in American Society for Engineering Education, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2018.[10] Toy Adaptation Program, "Ohio State University Toy Adaptation Program (TAP)," [Online]. Available: https
opportunity in the community for continuing the project.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis work was supported with a grant from MultiCare Health Systems, Spokane, WA, throughtheir Community Partnership Program.REFERENCES[1] J. Mroz, “Hand of a Superhero,” The New York Times, Feb. 16, 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed Dec. 13, 2018].[2][3][4] S. Yagli and S. Hsieh, “MAKER: Designing and Building a Prosthetic Hand for a High School Engineering Design Course,” in American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference Proceedings, Salt Lake
N° 5151 del 26 de marzo de 2014. De Agencia Espacial del Paraguay. (2014, March 27). Retrieved from [2] Nayak A., Sreejith A.G., Safonova M., Murthy J., (2013) High-altitude ballooning programme at the Indian Institute of Astrophysics. Current Science, 104: 708-713 [3] Fuke H., Akita D., Iijima I., Izutsu N., Kato Y., Kawada J., Matsuzaka Y., Mizuta E., Namiki M., Nonaka N., Ohta S., Saito Y., Seo M., Takada A., Tamura K., Toriumi M., Yamada K., Yamagami T. and Yoshida T. (2010) A new balloon base in Japan. Advances in Space Research, 45: 490-497 [4] Smith I.S. (2002) The NASA balloon program: an overview. Advances in Space Research, 30: 1087-1094 [5
energy through sustainable means.The curriculum is also intended to question who is doing engineering, where engineering is done,and whose knowledge is valued. Primarily, the ultimate goal of future research is to use theseframeworks and reconceptualization of engineering to work together with communities and formlong-term relationships to validate and recognize indigenous knowledge in engineering spaces.AcknowledgementsThis work would not have been possible without the financial contributions of the University ofSan Diego International Center and the Mbyá-Guaraní community. Gracias por contribuir a esteproyecto con todos sus conocimientos.References[1] M. Bonomo, R. C. Angrizani, E. Apolinaire, and F. S. Noelli, "A model for the Guaraní
legal representative of the recipient of the human-powered vehicle. • Formalize partnership relationships: Faculty course coordinator performs project management tasks for course project; recipient becomes known as the user; the recipient(s)’ legal representative becomes known as the client; and the first partner is the partner coordinator. • Vet all users and clients through their engagement in the Overcoming Barriers program run by the partner coordinator through the academic year. Users and clients are chosen by prior commitment in the Overcoming Barriers program, and agreement to at least one year of forthcoming commitment during the design-build process of the human-powered vehicle
Education and Outreach Programme.” European Journal of Engineering Education,vol. 42, no. 6, Jan. 2017, pp. 632–643.[3] Spencer, S. J., Steele, C. M., & Quinn, D. M. (1999). Stereotype threat and women's mathperformance. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 35, 4-28.
, Technology, and Research Trust. The authors are gratefulfor this support.References [1] P. J. W. Norris, Fran H., Sandro Galea, Matthew J. friedman, “Methods for Disaster Mental Health Research,” p. 326, 2006. [2] F. H. Norris, S. P. Stevens, B. Pfefferbaum, K. F. Wyche, and R. L. Pfefferbaum, “Community resilience as a metaphor, theory, set of capacities, and strategy for disaster readiness,” Am. J. Community Psychol., vol. 41, no. 1–2, pp. 127–150, 2008. [3] M. Siambabala Bernard, “The concept of resilience revisited,” Disasters, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 434– 450, 2006. [4] D. A. McEntire
Paper ID #25144What Impact Does an Engineering Abroad Program Have on the Motivationand Commitment of Community College Engineering Students?Jo-Ann Panzardi PE, Cabrillo College Jo-Ann Panzardi is a Professor and Chair of the Engineering Department at Cabrillo College, Aptos, California since August 1995. She is also the Program Director of a USDE Title III STEM grant and Project Investigator of a NSF S-STEM grant. She received her BS in Civil Engineering from Polytechnic Institute of New York and her MSCE in Geotechnical Engineering from University of Maryland. She is a registered civil engineer in California. She was
of Different Sizes,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 13, pp. 79-82, 1969.[12] G. Stasser, “Pooling of Unshared Information in Group Decision Making: Biased Information Sampling During Discussion,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 48, pp. 1467-1478, 1985.[13] S. E. Asch, “Studies of Independence and Conformity,” Psychology Monographs, p. 70, 1956.[14] M. Foucault, “Space, Knowledge, Power, Interview with Paul Rabinow” in Rethinking Architecture, N. Leach, Ed. New York, NY: Routledge, 2002, pp. 367-379.[15] UN-Habitat, Housing and Slum Upgrading, Retrieved from, 2012.[16] C. Marighella, “Mini-Manual of Guerrilla