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Displaying all 9 results
Conference Session
Energy Conversion and Conservation Division Technical Session 4
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert J. Kerestes, University of Pittsburgh; Paul A. Dolloff PE, University of Kentucky; Renee M. Clark, University of Pittsburgh
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
learning.Lastly, discussions between Kerestes and Dolloff have led to the feeling that it is difficult todeliver and assess assignments based on smart grid technology. Many of the technologies arenot yet commercialized nor have even been realized. Therefore, a good component to add tothe course would be in-class discussions based on new and emerging smart grid technologies.Kerestes would assign either readings or videos on new distribution-level smart gridtechnologies and have a discussion on them in class. Based on this discussion, students wouldbe assigned to write reflective papers for assessment. In these reflections, student would haveto consider ethics, sustainability, economics and global impact. This would drive continuousimprovement of the
Conference Session
ECCD Technical Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maher Shehadi, Purdue Polytechnic Institute
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
and air-conditioning systemsof the building [2]. The world equipment demand for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning(HVAC) has increased from 50 billion US dollars in 2004 to more than 90 billion US dollars in2014 and for the US from almost 11 billion to 19 billion US dollars over the same period [3]. Areduction in the HVAC energy consumption load would reflect a significant reduction in the totalenergy consumed.In this paper, the improvement in refrigeration efficiency and COP were analytically investigatedby looking into a shaded condenser as compared to unshaded units. Thermodynamic equilibriumand energy conservation equations were used to estimate changes in the condenser temperatures.MethodologyThe study assumed that the difference
Conference Session
Energy Conversion and Conservation Division Technical Session 2
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeremy C. Ferrell, Appalachian State University; Brent Jason Summerville P.E., Appalachian State University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
low-tech, low-cost, and safe for students to construct with minimal experience. This paper details the development ofthe “Appalachian Street Lamp,” an off-grid renewable electricity kit, provides an evaluation of studentlearning outcomes, and a summary of survey responses. Our objective is to reflect on the value ofincorporating hands-on learning during a study abroad program.Global CompetencyGlobal competency is of increasing importance in our complex and interconnected world. It inspiresstudents to appreciate cultural value differences, learn new language, and better understand a globaleconomic and cultural marketplace. It also fosters working effectively in diverse and multi-culturalenvironments while developing attitudes that cultivate
Conference Session
Energy Conversion and Conservation Division Technical Session 3
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Benjamin Emery Mertz, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
theproject was used, but the 8 outcomes below reflect accurately the consistent goals of the courseand form a basis for what features needed to be included in a project. 1. Students will develop problem statements and design criteria/requirements by evaluating a project scenario using design techniques (such as mind mapping or functional decomposition). 2. As a part of a design team, students will use the engineering design process to design, create, and evaluate a prototype that addresses realistic design constraints and requirements. 3. Students will self-assess, select, pursue, and demonstrate competency with a variety of tools, methods, and software as determined by their program. 4. Students will analyze
Conference Session
ECCD Technical Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Lynn Wade, Northern Arizona University; Karin E. Wadsack, Northern Arizona University School of Earth & Sustainability; Benjamin L. Ruddell, Northern Arizona University; Brent A. Nelson, Northern Arizona University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
their efforts, which can be difficult both for tenure-track faculty who are evaluated based onresearch publications as well as non-tenure-track faculty with high teaching loads.In reflection of these lessons learned, we plan to continue to implement these projects in classeswherever relevant, including both design- and energy-focused courses, in addition toindependent study and research projects. Continuous project refinement is needed to ensure thatprojects are well-defined and tractable for students. All projects will require regular feedback andinteraction with facilities staff to ensure both project relevance and implementation of projectresults. Finally, the continued pursuit of institutional-level resources will be needed to providethe
Conference Session
Energy Conversion and Conservation Division Technical Session 3
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Victoria A. Scala, United States Military Academy; James Ledlie Klosky P.E., United States Military Academy
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
an average of 93% which is an A-. Therefore 77% of the class performed with a B+ orhigher on the project and 44% earned an A on the project. As a whole, student performance onthe group project exceeded performance on exams. As this was a newly developed courseoffered for the first time, student performance proved a positive reflection on the coursedevelopment. Course Performance 10 Quanitty of Students Earning 8 6 4 Grade 2 0 A A- B+ B B- C
Conference Session
Energy Conversion and Conservation Division Technical Session 3
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Xichen Jiang, Western Washington University; Jill Davishahl, Western Washington University; Dana Hickenbottom; Daniel Saunders, Western Washington University; Troy Thornton, Western Washington University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
severaldays, the power generation curve from the solar panels under smoggy conditions remained“smooth”.Table 7 lists the peak and average power output for each converter type, as well as the total dailyenergy generated under smoggy conditions. From the data, it is evident that the smog diddecrease the power generated from the solar panels but not to the same extent as that of shadingthe panels. This is because even with the smog, diffuse and reflected irradiance were able toreach the solar panels. Table 7: Power and energy output with smoggy conditions Converter Weather Avg. temp (°C) Peak power (W) Avg. power (W) Total energy (J) AP Systems Smog 17 2083 1127
Conference Session
Energy Conversion and Conservation Division Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Radian G. Belu, Southern University and A&M College
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
students toencounter the core concepts and principles, while managing a specific project, thereby enablingthe acquired knowledge application. PBL goes beyond the relationships between knowledge andthinking, helping students to both know and do. In fact, it is focuses on doing something andlearning on the way [8, 12-27]. PBL main features from the student learning point of view are:1. In PBL, a student-centered approach, the focus is on the student competencies to design and toreach the solution, around their concerns and skills, the end product being a reflection of them.  2. In PBL the students solve problems, through self-management, project management, andcritical knowledge are enhanced, as they manage the work, offering frequent feedback, self
Conference Session
Energy Conversion and Conservation Division Technical Session 3
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas Vernon Cook, University of Pittsburgh; Robert J. Kerestes, University of Pittsburgh; Brandon M. Grainger, University of Pittsburgh
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
fundamental for a motor-drive system 5. Analysis of DC-DC Converter a. Find the output voltage for a converter topology as a function of duty cycle b. Plot DC-DC converter output waveform over the range of duty cycle c. Analyze converter using MOSFET realization d. Plot diode current for realization in Part C. 6. Transformer Analysis a. Plot flux versus magnetomotive force b. Plot B-H curve for transformer c. Plot core permeability as a function of excitation d. Plot harmonic spectrum and calculate total harmonic distortion 7. Reflection on Eaton’s Power Systems Experience Center Tour a. What makes Eaton’s Power Systems Experience Center unique