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- 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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Farzam S. Maleki P.E., Massachusetts Maritime Academy; Gail M Stephens P.E., Massachusetts Maritime Academy
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Paper ID #24610Challenges of Developing a New Academic Minor for Junior Faculty: A CaseStudy of Developing a New Marine Construction Minor without a Civil En-gineering Major ProgramDr. Farzam S. Maleki P.E., Massachusetts Maritime Academy Dr. Farzam S. Maleki is an associate professor of engineering in Massachusetts Maritime Academy. He is a professional engineer and has a Ph.D. in civil engineering - hydraulic engineering from Clemson University.Gail M Stephens P.E., Massachusetts Maritime Academy Gail M. Stephens, PE, is an Associate Professor, and the Energy Systems Engineering Program Coor- dinator in the Engineering
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- 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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Sanjay Tewari, Missouri University of Science & Technology
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Paper ID #25088Problem-based Learning As A Pedagogy For Individual Students - Quanti-fying The Long-term Effects of Land Subsidence and Rising Sea Levels InCoastal Areas For Greater Student EngagementDr. Sanjay Tewari, Missouri University of Science & Technology Dr. Tewari is Assistant Teaching Professor of Civil Engineering at the Missouri University of Science & Technology, Rolla, MO. Prior to joining Missouri S&T, he worked as Assistant Professor at Louisiana Tech University. He earned his Bachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering) and Master of Technology (Chemical Engineering) in India. He later joined Texas
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- 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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Jacob Daniel Belmontes, California State University, Los Angeles; Juan Jose Dominguez, California State University, Los Angeles; Nhat Minh Ly, California State University, Los Angeles; Mathew Rafael Rojas, California State University, Los Angeles; Ivan Juarez, California State University, Los Angeles; Anthony Po-Hong Wong, California State University, Los Angeles
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Temperature Shape Factor for Plane Shape Factor for Pressure 𝐹𝑑 - 𝐹𝑝 - Couette Flow Flow H Channel Depth m k Thermal Conductivity W/m2K Thermal Conductivity of Thermal Conductivity of 𝑘𝑃𝐸𝑇 W/m2K 𝑘𝑆𝑇 W/m2K PET Steel L Length m 𝐿𝑓 Latent Heat of Fusion kJ/kg 𝑚̇ Mass Flow Rate kg/s N Revolution Rate
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- 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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Yoonjeong Lee, Texas A&M University, Galveston; Baukje Bee Kothuis, Delft University of Technology; Antonia Sebastian, Texas A&M University, Galveston; Sam Brody
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presentation: The final presentation is the last official schedule of the Program in the Netherlands.Students are supposed to present for twelve minutes. The presentation includes a problem statement,research question(s), methodology, and analysis if they have done any, research activities and progressmade while they were in the Netherlands, and the plan for research completion for three months beforesubmission. As mentioned earlier, students are required to finish their research work and submit areport and poster by the end of summer, August 31st (the research travel is completed at the end ofMay). In this sense, the final presentation is not for presenting their final results but it can be consideredas a follow-up of the second research progress
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- Ocean and Marine Division Technical Session 1
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- 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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Robert W. Whalin, Jackson State University
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American coastalengineers is to foster a coastal engineering program(s) at an HBCU and that is precisely therationale for support of this PhD Engineering degree with a coastal engineering emphasis area.The number of MS and PhD Engineering graduates (and those projected for the next two years)along with those in the Coastal Engineering emphasis area are shown in Table 1.Academic MS Engineering. MS Engineering PhD Engineering PhD Engr. Year Graduates (Coastal Engr. Graduates (Coastal Engr. Area) Area) Projected Graduates
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Mysore Narayanan, Miami University
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OF STUDENTS = 32 1 2 3 . . . . . . CRITICAL THINKING RUBRIC RUBRIC COURTESY OF W. S. U. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY PULLMAN, WA. 99164. LIKERT SCALE WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION : 1 : Strongly Disagree; 5 : Strongly Agree1 Concept Mapping 3 4 3 . . . . . . 32 Structured Content 3 4 4 . . . . . . 4 Data Collected by Mysore Narayanan.APPENDIX E : Bar chart generated based on EXCEL Spreadsheet data
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- Ocean and Marine Division Technical Session 1
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- 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Byul Hur, Texas A&M University; Rogelio Casas Jr, Texas A&M University; David Anthony Cervantes; Justin Raymond Comer; Brielle Roxanne De Anda; Landon James Ledbetter, Oncor Electric Delivery; Andres Fly; Erika L. Davila, Texas A&M University; Grace E Tsai, Texas A&M University
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-up research fund as well as GraceTsai’s SUT scholarship fund. Thanks to Dr. Joseph A. Morgan and Prof. Mike Willey forteaching this student group through capstone project courses. We would also like to thank NT^2capstone team for the initial floating buoy concept and its prototype.References[1] D. L. Hamilton, “Methods of conserving underwater archaeological material culture,”Conservation Files: ANTH 605. Conservation of Cultural Resources I. Nautical ArchaeologyProgram, p. 9., 1998[2] S. A. Unger, and A. P. Schniewind, and W. Unger, “Conservation of Wood Artifacts. AHandbook,” Natural Science in Archaeology, 2001.[3] N. H. T.ehrani, and et el., “Development, depth control and stability analysis of anunderwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV
- Conference Session
- Ocean and Marine Division Technical Session 2
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- 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Ismael Pagán-Trinidad, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus; Ricardo R Lopez P.E., University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez; Ernesto Luis Diaz MEM, Puerto Rico Climate Change Council
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